Hunters need a new public image

The other common thread in these stories is the phrase "posted pictures on the internet". Maybe stop doing that? Certainly they have the right to post whatever they want on their internet accounts, but you don't get to chose the response you receive. And I guarantee that there will be vile and vitriolic responses, because it is the internet. Not right at all, but it is going to happen. It is the world we have created.
The most vilified are the good looking women doing this. They are not going to stop doing this, nor am I convinced they should. I bet they often pick up enough followers (ie $$) after something like this to make the juice worth the squeeze.
I watched her video on FB shooting the giraffe (suppressed 30.06); she's pretty adamant about hunting being the only way to preserve African wildlife and clearly doesn't care who she offends. I'm pretty tired of apologizing too; it seems it's never enough. Maybe the way is to just be "out". Worked for gay and lesbian folks. Maybe we should try it. I'm a "hunter" and proud of it. Wear antlers, or depictions of hearts or backstraps on our heads. March on Washington. Or San Francisco. Or PETA headquarters.
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I watched her video on FB shooting the giraffe (suppressed 30.06); she's pretty adamant about hunting being the only way to preserve African wildlife and clearly doesn't care who she offends. I'm pretty tired of apologizing too; it seems it's never enough. Maybe the way is to just be "out". Worked for gay and lesbian folks. Maybe we should try it. I'm a "hunter" and proud of it. Wear antlers, or depictions of hearts or backstraps on our heads. March on Washington. Or San Francisco. Or PETA headquarters.
Heh, heh. I think I can "come out" without dancing in the streets with a bloody heart strapped to my head (careful, let's not give that goofy QAnon prophet any new ideas for attire). I also worked for a few gay folks during my career in the Park Service. By far the best supervisors. Great people.
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Heh, heh. I think I can "come out" without dancing in the streets with a bloody heart strapped to my head (careful, let's not give that goofy QAnon prophet any new ideas for attire). I also worked for a few gay folks during my career in the Park Service. By far the best supervisors. Great people.
There is just no way you can construe any of my post to be anti-gay. Just saying that they finally got tired of the slurs and were bold about it, and good for them.
There is just no way you can construe any of my post to be anti-gay. Just saying that they finally got tired of the slurs and were bold about it, and good for them.
Well no, I didn't construe that at all! Exactly the opposite. Sorry if you misunderstood. We're both clearly 21st century people on that issue.
There is just no way you can construe any of my post to be anti-gay. Just saying that they finally got tired of the slurs and were bold about it, and good for them.
I get the idea your trying to communicate. That is a terrible comparison on a bunch of different levels, I'd drop that rhetorical strategy. Most simplistically your comparing a powerless minority to a extremely powerful one watching it's power decline.

But to your idea. In part I agree with it, though I think the tack hunters often take is stupid.

One of the best and most effective arguments we have is that we pay for conservation. Stop bitching about it, own it, be proud of it. There are proposed tag increases all the time, #1 comment... always "Hunters pay for conservation and public lands, it’s not fair, why should we have to, make xyz pay"

If there is one theme in America currently is people don't want to pay shit for public goods, and want to complain about what they pay we do pay for a public good.

"Yeah, I support the tag increase, it hurts the pocket book, but no other user group is going to do it so we step up"

on the national scale....

"Hunters time after time vote to increase taxes and fees on themselves for a resource they use in order to improve it, this benefits everyone. Can any other group say the same, do hikers ask for a tax on back packs to improve the trail systems? No they fight it. Hunters are the kind of people who take responsibility for their impacts and have done so for over 100 years.

A while back there was that stupid post making fun of PETA where people were posting with dead animals. It was purely antagonistic and divisive, honestly PETA won hard. "Man look at all these A-holes"

I would loved to have had everyone instead, calculated how much they spent on unfilled tags/raffle tickets they didn't win etc for the last couple years. Then post a pic of them in camo saying...

"I paid $4897 for conservation and to look at animals"

Our single greatest arguments are; Food, and Sustaining a public good.
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My post was tongue in cheek, which I realize is hard to convey on the internet, lest anything think I was actually going to give up my next yummy elk heart to piss off PETA.
I get the idea your trying to communicate. That is a terrible comparison on a bunch of different levels, I'd drop that rhetorical strategy. Most simplistically your comparing a powerless minority to a extremely powerful one watching it's power decline.

But to your idea. In part I agree with it, though I think the tack hunters often take is stupid.

One of the best and most effective arguments we have is that we pay for conservation. Stop bitching about it, own it, be proud of it. There are proposed tag increases all the time, #1 comment... always "Hunters pay for conservation and public lands, it’s not fair, why should we have to, make xyz pay"

If there is one theme in America currently is people don't want to pay shit for public goods, and want to complain about what they pay we do pay for a public good.

"Yeah, I support the tag increase, it hurts the pocket book, but no other user group is going to do it so we step up"

on the national scale....

"Hunters time after time vote to increase taxes and fees on themselves for a resource they use in order to improve it, this benefits everyone. Can any other group say the same, do hikers ask for a tax on back packs to improve the trail systems? No they fight it. Hunters are the kind of people who take responsibility for their impacts and have done so for over 100 years.

A while back there was that stupid post making fun of PETA where people were posting with dead animals. It was purely antagonistic and divisive, honestly PETA won hard. "Man look at all these A-holes"

I would loved to have had everyone instead, calculated how much they spent on unfilled tags/raffle tickets they didn't win etc for the last couple years. Then post a pic of them in camo saying...

"I paid $4897 for conservation and to look at animals"

Our single greatest arguments are; Food, and Sustaining a public good.
but then we couldn’t play the victim. :rolleyes:
My post was tongue in cheek, which I realize is hard to convey on the internet, lest anything think I was actually going to give up my next yummy elk heart to piss off PETA.
Sir don’t rebuke my bloviating
Now, if they were gay and Iraqi, we'd have a real generalization dilemma on our hands.
I thought we decided letting folks wear “hunter pink” solved all the non-cis-white-male hunting issues?
This past August, ATV hunters at Eagle Summit and 12-mile summit off the Steese Highway
did thousands of dollars of damage to alpine tundra despite
snow fences and signs clearly posted ATVs not allowed.

There is a negative feedback when vegetation is compressed and water tracks
form over thawing permafrost leading to wetter surfaces and ponding that
takes many decades of natural vegetation succession to restore to alpine tundra vegetation.
The Fairbanks newspaper picked up the story with a front page article....
I have some thoughts on the original post.

African trophy kills. Very little different from other trophy kills. Yes they draw the heat. To the African Safari hunters, thanks for keeping the antis' focus off of me.

Smoke a pack a day. Been hearing this crap all my life. Before it was wolves it was coyotes. It gives the guys that don't actually hunt something to talk about. You can count the hunters that kill 3 or more wolves in MT per year on 1 hand.

Poaching. I think there is less of it today than when I was young. My experience in my area. I don't know about everywhere else.

Camp litter. Clean it up. I have been doing it my whole life and so have a lot of other hunters. I have noticed that if I don't clean it up the first time I see it, often someone else does.
It sucks, it is bullshit, it is in no way confined to hunters, and it is no worse per capita than it was in 1970 in my opinion.

Deer heads on truck grills. Goobers. They are amongst us.

Anti science. Over the last year or so I have come to the conclusion that about 90% of people just believe what they want to believe. I arrived finally at my conclusion when Big Fin asked someone right here "what would it take to convince you?" the answer made it obvious that it couldn't be done. No good reason, it just couldn't be done.
That will not change. I can't explain my reasoning without pissing off the world, so I will leave it at that. It is not new, it is not more than it used to be.

I often hear "follow the science" but I find that there is conflicting science concerning most subjects. This phrase is often used to silence the opposition. Science is continually changing and evolving and often interpreted with bias. I actually believe in science, and it burns my ass when someone uses their cheap "follow the science" to shut someone up.
In many cases there still is no science to follow, or at least none that is in context to the current situation. "Best science" is arrived at by discussing all available science, and it might just change a few years down the road. When "best science" is arrived at, there will likely be a few scientists that don't agree with the conclusion. They are still thinking people and not someone to be shushed with a cute one liner,
or they might be idiots. The end.
“Follow the science” simply means follow what hand selected scientists that are saying what corporations and governments tell them to say.
There is nothing more un scientific than refusing to have ideas challenged or hearing opposing viewpoints, especially ones backed up by evidence from well qualified and credentialed individuals.
“Follow the science” simply means follow what hand selected scientists that are saying what corporations and governments tell them to say.
There is nothing more un scientific than refusing to have ideas challenged or hearing opposing viewpoints, especially ones backed up by evidence from well qualified and credentialed individuals.

There is something called a scientific consensus, and peer reviewed science.

If there is a single, novel study 'suggesting' why an outcome was observed it's often premature to let that research act as guidance.
Multiple studies, years of studies, and decades of studies which share the same observations and results, and are peer reviewed, are different.

It's reasonable to be skeptical if you are being fair to the scientific process and analyzing their theory, methods, and data...and weighing that against data which supports your theory.
It's unreasonable to be skeptical simply because you don't like the result of the study.

Look no further than health care. I would wager all of the 'woke' anti science hunters who happen to know research is 'bought and paid for', would be the first in line for modern, minimally invasive medical procedures - a product of peer reviewed science. OR, to applaud the recent Mars landing - another product of science. This is cognitive dissonance. You believe the scientific process works when it benefits you, but you believe the scientific process is corrupt when it doesn't confirm your own bias.

Making the assumption that some examples of corrupt science equates to the whole field of science being corrupt is not a position I would ever take, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Blind Man Sees for the First Time in 38 Years - YouTube
Always follow the science and math that you can’t understand and let it tell you how to feel!
Never come to your own conclusions or beliefs on life based on your own experience’s
Listen to the math and the smart people.
Let them tell you how to feel.
It’s the only way.
I feel like I win over the non-hunting neutral middle one person at a time by sharing about my love of spending time outdoors and through venison diplomacy. I share kill pics with people who will celebrate with me. I’ve met a handful of antis who’ve told me how despicable they think hunting is. That’s a tiny minority and I’m not going to win over that group. Trophy hunting is deeply unpopular - while big headgear gets me excited, I choose to refrain from broadcasting that loudly to an audience who will find it distasteful. That’s not really a sacrifice IMO.