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Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

PM sent to jryoung for google group.

Looks like my antelope hunt may be falling through, if so would love to come out for a shot at a bear! Also wouldn't mind hunting nearby and stopping in to camp for a visit if it is getting too crowded..

Pretty low to average snow levels in the mountains so far this winter. If it stays this way, the access should be great in early May.
I'm assuming the roads in to where will we camp aren't going to be the greatest...? I'm thinking about skipping the camper idea and bringing my teepee tent instead since it's durable and stands up to the elements pretty well.
You should be fine if we are still on track for the same area discussed.
Done a lot of float tube fishing in a few lakes for some nice trout and boating for bass / pike. Bass are tough to find though the pike can be pretty decent I have not fished any streams in the area... I suppose I could trailer a 15hp jon for some pike playing as well... It's nothing fancy though gets the job done. All depends on how people feel about this hunt. I don't want to discount / wizz on the intent of the gathering. I'll leave it as an option for the leading gurus organizing this trip.
There are some great streams, rivers and lakes in the area we are looking at. If you guys are interested, I can bring a canoe and or some sit on top kayaks.
Tack another canoe and a couple float tubes. Only one set of waders to keep dry though. Sounds like a bit of r&r offering various opportunities.
I just found out there's a brewery in Missoula..Big Sky Brewery. Tell me about this moose drool beer :D It looks like they brew a bunch of different beers...are most of them seasonal?
Cushman, several breweries in Missoula, most pretty good. I really like Moose Drool, and I'm not a dark beer drinker. Pretty tasty stuff though. I just might have to drive up just to meet some of you guys. mtmuley

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