Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

I think I can make it, can you guys put up with a real old guy? Never hunted bears but will work hard trying. How would an RV work for camping, at the spot your thinking?

You can get an rv in to the spot we have in mind, but it's kind of tight and will just depend on how many people we have coming. There will be campgrounds in the area that you could use though, and we won't be too far from a town with motels.
being a resident of western MT I would like to throw out the idea of going to a place that has a bunk house. I believe bend guard station would be a good one, sleeps 15-20 has large acreage for camping, close fishing, huge number of acres to "spread out on" for hunting, and literally hunting out the back door. No sure if it is anyones "hunting spot". Know that the forest service only charges like 40 a night for it also.

I checked in to Bend and for whatever reason they have it closed down in May only. Thanks for the lead though.

I feel pretty good about the area we're looking at, it'll just be a matter of where the snowpack and amount of guys let us camp.
Yeah those odds are correct. A good majority of those tags are sold to residents though in sportsmans packages, and the hunter never even tries to use them.
This fits my case. I am not a real big hunter for bears. One occasion I helped a buddy with his bear, later we came across another that was a beautiful cinnamon! - and I had not bought a bear tag... I got a ton of crap over that one. Thus since then, my "Sportsmen" package includes a bear tag. I have no intent to specifically hunt bear, more a target of opportunity tag purchase.
Even on this trip that I am hoping to make, I fit Cushman's position - going to enjoy the company. I have no intent to hunt.
Matt, you should bring your boys and come. These two future bear hunters would probably enjoy hanging out with them.


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I don't know if I've determined the ring leader of this operation yet.....is it jryoung, randy11??? LOL.....Who's bear spot are we going to crash:)LMAO I'll keep checking back for the location and dates....
Critter, I'm sort of the ring leader with local assistance from Randy11 and Theat. Shoot me a PM with your email and I will add you to the google group where we will keep the specifics.

As for now we are looking at the weekend of May 8-11 somewhere in the Missoula vicinity. Randy11 and Theat seem to think there is plenty of room for us to spread out and hunt, but as Sytes and Cushman noted, this is primarily about getting out and meeting some new friends and having a good time with the added bonus we may get a couple of bears down.
I don't know if I've determined the ring leader of this operation yet.....is it jryoung, randy11??? LOL.....Who's bear spot are we going to crash:)LMAO I'll keep checking back for the location and dates....

I'm pretty sure part of keeping a grizzly attractant free camp involves Matt's tent being a couple hundred yards away from the rest of ours.
Who do I need to PM in order to get on the list.? This looks like a great time and I would probably just go as an extra set of eyes and not shoot.
I finish school on the 2nd, my birthday is on the 5th, and my old lady WANTS me to go on the hunt and bring home a nice hide and meat, so I don't see anything stopping me from coming. I looked up directions to Missoula and it's about a 15 hour drive for me...ugh
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I finish school on the 2nd, and my old lady WANTS me to go on the hunt and bring home a nice hide and meat, so I don't see anything stopping me from coming. I looked up directions to Missoula and it's about a 15 hour drive for me...ugh

Might I recommend what I call an OTC speedball.

I finish school on the 2nd, my birthday is on the 5th, and my old lady WANTS me to go on the hunt and bring home a nice hide and meat, so I don't see anything stopping me from coming. I looked up directions to Missoula and it's about a 15 hour drive for me...ugh

See you there...
For you guys that are serious about getting a bear, I would recommend you plan on spending more than a weekend up here. The weather can be just a little fickle that time of year and so can the bears!

Here are a few pics of my buddies 2012 bear taken in the area we are thinking of hunting.

