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Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

Well.... I was one of the lucky ones to make it out of Denver today (sorry Dustin). I just arrived back home in Ohio (sucks to live East, I'm already missing the western mountains). It's 12:38am and need up at 5am to do that stinkin' work thing; and I'm beat. Been some great posts on here, I'll definitely be giving some of my accounts after I gather myself. What an awesome hunt! :hump:
Congrats to all of you that took part in this awesome hunt, it's been fun following along.
I look forward to the rest of the story.

One question though................Did you guys just leave John on the mountain?
Man, what an awesome trip pulled together and you guys did a great job whacking some great bears. Love the pictures, narrative and videos! Congrats again to everyone on Team HuntTalk!
Congrats to all and thanks for sharing the pics/stories!

This just affirms my thoughts, that I really need to burn a week of leave next spring for a bear hunt somewhere...
No t-shirts, but we did get hoodies(thanks to JR.)

No t-shirts, but we did get hoodies(thanks to JR.)

That works! Very nice of you to give it to a homeless man... ;) :D

I'm jealous of the beard. I can grow backhair like no one's bidness, but only have to shave once or twice (at most) a week...
Moosie would be so disappointed no one made T-shirts for the occasion...

I recognize a few of those faces. Miller certainly looks unsure if he wants his photo taken with that group. Is that Blake Shelton on your right pointer? Care to share the members names in that photo?
I'll do my best, but I do not remember all the folks names. A few still post here, maybe they can correct any errors I make or any I don't remember.

Bottom Row L-R:
mtmiller, Casey Richardson (owner/outfitter and used to post here), whelennut (I think)

Top Row L-R:
Camp Helper, poster from TX that I can remember his name or handle but do remember shooting his 416 Rigby, Moosie, not sure of the guy in front of Moosie, Dustin Richardson (guide), WylieC (or something like that, Chris from ID aka Blake Shelton ;) ), Pure Sexiness, and I can't remember the last guys name. IIRC he was from KS and was the friend of a poster who didn't make it due to some passport issues.
I'm never leaving Montana, plane to Denver now has mechanical problems. Hopefully, we can take off soon and I won't miss my connection in Denver.
My bear wasn't the beast the others got, but my stalk was no easy feat. My Dad and I were in a clear cut glassing an opposing ridgeline with the headwaters of the creek to our left. I spotted the bear feeding up out of the creek bottom and she was just about 700 yards away, or a mile/mile and a half following the logging road around the canyon. I told my dad I'm gonna go for it, and if I wasn't on the opposite side in a half hour I would turn around and come back, it took me about 25 minutes of off and on jogging to get there. With hand signals my Dad put me above the bear from where I was on the logging road and I started my descent. It was steep, rocky and slick, no easy task to complete successfully. I kept working my way down, my Dad confirmed that I needed to go straight down. I cleared some trees and spotted the two downed trees she had been around, but there was no sight of here. I was maybe 50 yards away, and nothing. I couldn't see my Dad, I couldn't see the bear. I crept closer trying not to stir any rocks, snap twigs or fall on my arse. Closer yet, maybe 40ish yards to the uprooted trees and she stood straight up on her hind legs our of the hole carved by the roots of the tree.

She had grass sticking out both sides of her mouth, and I had a clear shot of her chest but never got a whole view of her body. I figured it was either bear or no bear, so I decided bear. She dropped easy, and the root hole caught her from tumbling down and I got to work. I'm anxious to get her home as I'm sure she'll eat well. 100% free range grass and grub fed organic bear.

A few more pics off my camera.

The end of light.

My Dad

A few minutes before I spotted my bear.

Story of my life, mine just doesn't measure up compared to others....actually, I'm 8 feet tall.

Obligatory rifle and dead animal pic.

Looking back to where I spotted her from.

The pack out.

Just about home.
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