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Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

This is fantastic! I'm wishing colorado had a spring bear season- it would be a tough trip if or me now. Cushman, I might have to carpool with you some time- my family has lived in the Arkansas valley for generations.
Heading up into the snow to pack out JR's bear. Last few hours in the mountains.

Sounds like a very succssfull trip so far nice work guys, still waiting on some more pics. P.S. Please leave a few bears for Mr.Steve and I will be heading that way on the 23rd wish we could have made it work for this trip.
Unreal! Thrilled with the success you guys are having and can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures. Looks like a beautiful upcoming stretch of weather! P.S. In addition to the 2 bears you leave for Yotkilr and Mr. Steve - if it's not asking too much...please leave another 2 for myself and my hunting partner. 10 day hunt starting May 19th. Can't wait!
Excellent. Can't think of any other word to describe it. Very happy for all you guys. With the local crew that is helping with this hunt, I had no doubt some NW Montana bears would meet their demise, but this is better than I had expected.

Congrats to all!
Thank you JR for organizing, Theat & Gerald for your awesome support and assistance and to everyone who made this the fantastic event this was!

Cheers all! A very enjoyable time!
Sitting at home with a half unloaded truck, drooping eyelids, stinking of woodsmoke and bear grease... after a shower and putting away some more gear, I'll start posting the compromising photos....
Well, just made it out of my first shower in 5 days without falling asleep. Not sure I have the energy left to make the 15 feet to my bed...this couch might be my home for the next 12-24 hours. Not sure how the guys with 15+ hours of drive time and work tomorrow morning are going to do it.

I was too busy hiking, glassing, drinking, and laughing to get many pictures, but here are a few to tide you over until everyone else gets home to their computers.

The infamous post hole hunt.

Ethans last evening old scar face bear