
Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

Two giant dead brown bears>one giant dead brown bear.

Thursday was a bad day to be a bear in Montana.
There is no doubt that I'm wishing that I could be there but, I'm tellin' ya', it's an absolute blast following this saga. My wife thinks that I'm nuts (what's new) when I hustle into the house to get to the 'puter. I'll just have to live vicariously through all the Hunt Talkers who are there. Carry on, gentlemen!!
Alright, time for everybody to roll out and shake off the victory alcohol consumed after last night's successes! We need a full report, lots of pictures, every detail. Those of us not hung over have to go to work today and we obviously need some fodder that will drastically cut into our productivity!

On a more serious note, congrats to the 2 successful hunters. The 1 bear is downright awesome and it sounds like the 2nd is no slouch either. Any chance they were one of the big chocolate phases that 'theat' had located a couple weeks ago?

May success continue to rain down on the HT14 bear camp extravaganza...speaking of rain...
My legs feel like we were watching 9 mountain goats while glassing for bears.

When theat says the hike in is "not bad", that means 2 1/2 half hours up the mountain post holing 2ft deep snow, traversing avalanche debris fields, and post holing thigh deep snow the last 1/4 mile.
Awesome looking choc bear love that color. Congrats can't wait to see the other bear taken. You guys are tearing them up in the Big Sky already!:D
Way to go boys!!!
dustinf : day 2 should be easier. Hydrate, carve up a walking stick & kill a bear!
Awesome! I wish I could have made the trip. Keep the stories and pics coming, I sure don't want to resort to working today!