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Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

Good on everybody for improving your fitness.

I've continued with weight lifting three days a week. After getting past a false red flag for kidney function, I decided to try creatine phosphate as a supplement. There is a distinct effect.

As you get older and start having annual physicals when on medicare, if you are a serious weightlifter, be aware of the blood marker used to estimate kidney function. The creatinine reading is used for the calculation. If you have a good amount of muscle, exert heavily in an anaerobic manner and perhaps taller than average, your kidney function will be estimated to be low. I mention height, because the formula used to estimate kidney function assumes a height of ~5' 8". That value is squared. So in my case, being a shade over 6'1" it underestimates the kidney function.

I was referred to a kidney specialist and put thru the paces. When I did a 24 hour creatinine clearance test, my results showed normal kidney function. So that was good to confirm.

My 72nd birthday came and went last month. Weight training has kept me fit enough to do everything I want to do, including big game hunting and horseback riding.

Last Friday was an upper body day. Normally, I start with overhead pressing, but the power racks were spoken for. So I decided to just bench press and do weighted pull ups. I usually do sets in the 7-9 range, but decided to do a few extra sets of bench presses with heavier weight with fewer reps. I had a friend spot for me and finished doing a single rep @240#. It came up easier than expected, so there is a little wiggle room above that.

Again kudos to everyone...keep on keeping on.
I spent a little time last night watching Mountain Tough videos. They had a couple of pretty informative clips on things to focus on for folks over 40, as well as some clips on squats and lunges, and some adaptations and considerations.

I haven’t paid for access and don’t know if I ever will, but I’m impressed with what I’ve seen of their programming.
My goal this year is to be able to hunt the rough I have been the last couple years without going 30 yards and 100 feet elevation without being dead for 5 minutes.

Started going to gym with the wife and was doing really good. Than we moved 15 miles from the gym and it all stopped. Need to figure out how to get out of bed before work.
Today is a good one for leg strength for hiking and power in the legs , you guys doing work at home can build a wooden box , on its side it’s 20 inches tall , the other way is 24 inches on it end it’s 32 I believe

Today is run 800m then do as many box step ups as u can with a heavy DB , we doing three 5 min rounds

There is a right way to tell this story and you failed. Two thumbs down, run an extra mile tomorrow.
What you mean, extra? :ROFLMAO: I think I did enough cardio for a while. Hard to tell a good story when you're out of breath! I ran, it ran. It zigged, I zigged. I made like a cutting horse wearing cowboy boots. Time for a nap.
Ran 7 min pace for almost 7 miles... but it was in flattass indy so it hardly counts. And have been sick all week after the plane ride. I'm sure this next couple weeks will suck again.
12hr mtb endurance race at Kinsey park in Peoria, Il tomorrow.
If you can make Champaign by a descent time tonight, I can drive the rest of the way.
I’ve got an Airbnb, and a Kona process 134 you can borrow if you want to come rep your city, mountain man.
Got a campsite on the Il river I haven’t cancelled the reservation for yet if you really want to show us how tough you are, Wenatchee wonder.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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