
Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

Half mile pr shaved nearly 12 minutes of my best time started feeling really sick about mile 9, pushed to try and get a 1:30 half then just survived the second half. Bested my full by 2 minutes. Super fun day handful of Close friends aslo ran, bunch of families and kiddos came out lots of ice cream and sunshine. Happy memorial day weekend thanks to all that served, saw lots of American flags out there today.

And today's collection of PRs for those into the data ...I'll say no more than that based off the recent memes😂Screenshot_20230528_135454_Strava.jpg
Wow, that is a fantastic marathon! Great job man, glad you had an awesome day👍

Im sure you’re not in any condition or mood for a homework assignment from a random guy on the internet after that run, but once you’re recovered I would love to hear a bit about your training plan.
Wow, that is a fantastic marathon! Great job man, glad you had an awesome day👍

Im sure you’re not in any condition or mood for a homework assignment from a random guy on the internet after that run, but once you’re recovered I would love to hear a bit about your training plan.
Yes definitely! I'm taking my summer vacation this coming week should be able to link up at some point for sure
This is funny, but there is no way that bearded, manbun-sporting hipster isn’t posting an ‘artsy’ photo all over social media every time he goes for a run to let everyone know he just ran and it was really a unique experience. Potato, tomato - it’s all the same.

I took all of last week off. Ran last 3 days, only 10 miles combined, and my calf is feeling good. Maybe just needed some rest.
I loathe swimming. I mean, I can swim just fine, but voluntarily swimming 3.9K - not to mention all the training needed to get to that point - sounds like absolute misery.

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If one puts their mind to it, getting to a place where you can do a mile swim isn’t that hard. I suck and can still do a mile in 60 minutes. It’s ok to snicker that time stinks. Point is that getting to 4K is very doable.
Accountability check in #3
1) current weight 173
2) 10 hrs + activity per week
3) 6.8 hrs asleep per night
4) 664/2200 mi/yr 30% miles done @ 42% of year done

roughly 3.5 weeks off in April to recover from vasectomy, which is 7% of the year, so I’m content with the in real effort compared to realistic availability of time to do activities safely.

Better yet spring weather has been excellent afternoon thunderstorms keeping temps in 70s-low 80s and biking has been awesome.

Did my first 60lb 3 mi and 1000’ ruck and left knee was tender for couple days after. I will cut the weight to 30lb for next time and build up rather than keep going too heavy.


Takeaway: having some people to share accountability helps. I need to do it more Often.

Accountability check in #2
1) current weight 175; fit into jeans I bought 15 years ago much better. Stopped tracking food calories; but will probably use the tool to set up my hunting meals when in field.

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2) still 6 of 10 Hours per week exercise (any kind). There is a 4 week pattern here relates to these check ins, where I get close to 10 hours then it starts tapering down by 1 hr per week.
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3) steady at 7 hr sleep per night. Been going to bed earlier but also waking up at 430-500 to train with MTNTOUGH program. Kids not being sick really helps with this.
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4) 268 mi of 2,200 mi for annual distance goal. Now 291 mi behind. Winter lends itself to weights, hiking with snowshoes or when weather good, and skiing. Once biking season begins this should increase. Also been hitting weight training goals with MTNTOUGH.

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Now, if you’ve read this much, thanks for being involved and supporting accountability. I’m going to take a couple week break getting the snip this Friday. 3 kids is enough for us! Will be back and going after tax day


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If one puts their mind to it, getting to a place where you can do a mile swim isn’t that hard. I suck and can still do a mile in 60 minutes. It’s ok to snicker that time stinks. Point is that getting to 4K is very doable.
Sure. But then I’ll have to get wet. And since I don’t have my own pool, that wetness will come with the feeling of being covered head to toe in chemicals from some public pool. Which will require me to get wet again ti get rid of said feeling.

Even if others may find me gross after a run, I don’t feel gross so I can go on living my life feeling not gross.

That’s my reasoning.
If you go for a bike ride without Strava, did it really happen?
I like racing myself and seeing myself get better and messing with my gear to see if I can get better times on strava.
I 100% get motivation from the other dudes posting their stats in here too.
I don’t think that makes me a dork and I don’t think it’s a bad thing.
You say you have a high school wrestling background.
Let me remind you of a phrase I’m sure you’ve heard.
Steel sharpens steel, bro.