Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

Ok... I ran (waddled?) a 30:42 5k and weigh 204. For the next month I'll do a timed 5k every Sunday or Monday and weigh in, and report it here. For now the goal is just to complete 3x a week runs (in addition to my 2x hockey).

I'll formalize some longer term weight and fitness goals in a month (May 8) after I see what happens by just getting into more regular fitness routine and eating better.
Ok... I ran (waddled?) a 30:42 5k and weigh 204. For the next month I'll do a timed 5k every Sunday or Monday and weigh in, and report it here. For now the goal is just to complete 3x a week runs (in addition to my 2x hockey).

I'll formalize some longer term weight and fitness goals in a month (May 8) after I see what happens by just getting into more regular fitness routine and eating better.
Ok... I ran (waddled?) a 30:42 5k and weigh 204. For the next month I'll do a timed 5k every Sunday or Monday and weigh in, and report it here. For now the goal is just to complete 3x a week runs (in addition to my 2x hockey).

I'll formalize some longer term weight and fitness goals in a month (May 8) after I see what happens by just getting into more regular fitness routine and eating better.

You be careful what you call waddling there. That would be a pretty good time for me, and I would feel pretty good. ;)

Post them here and be heard!

I am joining one of those “weight loss challenges” at work which I see as a good motivator to burn off some of that leftover turkey, ham, and cheesecake from the holidays and start getting ready for next season. I thought it would be doubly motivating to put this goal out there on the forum and come back periodically to update (or to be mocked in my failure, 🤣).

So currently I am at 210 lbs, a little soft in the middle lately, and am targeting a fighting weight of 185-189 in 3 months.

After that, I’ll probably want to maintain weight and set a different fitness goal and then after that maintain weight and fitness and add a strengthening goal. Nothing fancy, just basic good stuff which gets me ready for September.

So please post your own goals as reference point, and return now and then to update progress so we can all support one another in meeting them.

Happy New Year!
I'm going to join one of those challenges and then get liposuction done. Garunteed win.
The time wasn't waddling. I WAS! If you'd have seen it you'd probably agree!

But I hear ya. We've each got our own goals based on our own age/ability/etc. I've got a ways to go!
You made about 10min per mile pace. Here in NM the State LEA standards have been reassessed to about 9:20/mile pace. And that’s for everyone, even 21yo kids. People half our age, bro. You’re doing just fine!
Beautiful day by the coast today doing my weekly park run, 26:59 for the 5k (best time so far this year), down another pound this week.
Since my stent I bought a Garmin 45 forerunner, monitors my pulse and pace etc.
What I forgot about was the 'alert', because the guy in front of me stopped at the finish I crashed into him, the watch detected a 'fall' and it tried to send a emergency text to my wife, thankfully my phone wasn't switched on!
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Is anyone else brave enough to post their strava?
I was the local legend at 2 different mtb parks last week.

I have considered it, but I’ve also been getting into heart rate zone training and trying to work on aerobic base. My ego would make it very difficult choosing between the “right” kind of training and the embarrassment of my groupies knowing I was out there running 11 minute miles when it’s hot out.

Just did a 6 mile trail run at the local state park, best trail conditions for April I can ever remember. It felt awesome, especially considering I just got home from a few days down in Miami Beach last night (you can imagine how that went).

Slow but fun… spring is here.
I started playing squash again recently which makes a person fit real fast. Thankfully there's a group of folks here in Missoula that play pretty regularly. I'd guess my main fitness goal is to get good at the game again and keep getting better.
Got my ass thoroughly whipped at the Montana state squash tournament in Whitefish this weekend. Not nearly as fit and good at the game as I’d like to be after playing multiple times a week since my January post. Got to see some talented players though!
Durango beer league hockey tourney this weekend - Went 4-0! There's no trophy just bragging rights. And I notice that I play well through the first two games but become trash for the last two because there's just nothing left in the tank. My hands and legs turn to stone and just can't handle the puck anymore. I gotta find a way to get more energy on that back end, it definitely translates to hunting as well. My first two days in the field are far different than my last two days
Wt= 204.2, Did my 3 runs this week, todays 5k = 29:41 which was helped along because it was 30 degrees cooler than last one. And most importantly went 1-1 in the beer league. Sniped one in from the point, too 💪
I really need to follow this thread. I went for a 4 mile hike with my shotgun this weekend and felt so bad at the end because of how burned out I was..

Is anyone following any sort of “plan” or just kind of winging it? I think if I had a plan I’d be better committed to it.
I really need to follow this thread. I went for a 4 mile hike with my shotgun this weekend and felt so bad at the end because of how burned out I was..

Is anyone following any sort of “plan” or just kind of winging it? I think if I had a plan I’d be better committed to it.
I just started up last week. There are all sorts of plans and I'm sure you can find one you'd like. But I already play sportball 2x a week and decided to add 3 runs a week for a month. For now, just forming the habit of building in the time in my routine. Then I'll probably get on some sort of plan that pushes me for improvement once I'm in the swing of things. I find I do much better if I find activities I like (for me sports, or running a bit once its nice out) rather than something I dread.
I really need to follow this thread. I went for a 4 mile hike with my shotgun this weekend and felt so bad at the end because of how burned out I was..

Is anyone following any sort of “plan” or just kind of winging it? I think if I had a plan I’d be better committed to it.
I’ve been following this guys stuff and been pleasantly surprised with the results.
My goal was to lift weights to put on muscle... which I have failed miserably at so far this year.

But I increased my V02 Max today to a new personal high, so I'm still improving on my trail running so I feel good about that 😀

I am so grateful for health and the ability to be active. It's something that I sometimes take for granted and really shouldn't 🙏

Good luck to everybody else this year
I really need to follow this thread. I went for a 4 mile hike with my shotgun this weekend and felt so bad at the end because of how burned out I was..

Is anyone following any sort of “plan” or just kind of winging it? I think if I had a plan I’d be better committed to it.
I loosely follow the plan and concepts outlined in the book "Training for the New Alpinism," which I think is about as good of a manual as you could get for mountain hunting. The book emphasizes building a strong cardio base to enable all-day performance with minimal energy expenditure while carrying a light pack. The updated version of the book, "Training for the Uphill Athlete," is also a good reference material, but it focuses more on running and skimo. The authors of both books offer coaching and written training plans as well...

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