PEAX Equipment

Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

Is anyone following any sort of “plan” or just kind of winging it? I think if I had a plan I’d be better committed to it.

gotta have a plan, but make the plan simple. as simple as workout every day, or 5 days a week, whatever.

workout 5 days a week for an hour a day. make it 30 minute cardio 30 minutes lifting. i just kinda do total body lifting all the time. i never have leg day or back day, that's for "lifters". I am not a lifter. make it 60 minutes cardio. doesn't matter. just make a plan to workout 5-6 days a week.

i work out 4 days a week right now, ironically because days i'm in the office (4 days) are the easiest days to get a work out out with an infant at home. just take a longer lunch break. i need to start doing early morning runs on the weekend though. but getting back in shape after having a baby 7 months ago just doing 4 days a week has been showing great results.
here's what i think is a good goal for folks who need to work on getting back in cardio shape: work towards climbing 1000 vertical feet on the stair climber in 20 minutes or less. then once you gain that, just keep going longer, and maybe a little faster. listen to your body though. feel you can go faster? go faster. feel like you need to slow down? slow down. or just run a lot, who cares, keep it simple.
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My pace has slowed as well went back to work for the year two weeks ago and was hard to keep my routine easing back in and should be going again starting next week.
gotta have a plan, but make the plan simple. as simple as workout every day, or 5 days a week, whatever.

workout 5 days a week for an hour a day. make it 30 minute cardio 30 minutes lifting. i just kinda do total body lifting all the time. i never have leg day or back day, that's for "lifters". I am not a lifter. make it 60 minutes cardio. doesn't matter. just make a plan to workout 5-6 days a week.

i work out 4 days a week right now, ironically because days i'm in the office (4 days) are the easiest days to get a work out out with an infant at home. just take a longer lunch break. i need to start doing early morning runs on the weekend though. but getting back in shape after having a baby 7 months ago just doing 4 days a week has been showing great results.
here's what i think is a good goal for folks who need to work on getting back in cardio shape: work towards climbing 1000 vertical feet on the stair climber in 20 minutes or less. then once you gain that, just keep going longer, and maybe a little faster. listen to your body though. feel you can go faster? go faster. feel like you need to slow down? slow down. or just run a lot, who cares, keep it simple.

I gave this a shot today and liked it. I had never been on the stair climber, but I'm having a hell of a time overcoming shin splints while running.

Think I'll keep at it.
108 days in to 2023 and I've had two evenings where I had a drink. My wife's birthday and PBR night.

Been working out 5 days a week and running a couple every other week. Have lost a few lbs (10) only but fat % has dropped 8% and lean muscle has increased. Feeling good

Can't wait to start backpacking and building the lungs.
I gave this a shot today and liked it. I had never been on the stair climber, but I'm having a hell of a time overcoming shin splints while running.

Think I'll keep at it.

I love stair climbers. Such a bang for your buck workout. I feel like it’s almost the best hiking/hunting/backpacking workout around when hiking/hunting/backpacking/trailrunning every day is not realistic
Been doing kettlebell workouts for 20-30 minutes 2 or 3 days a week. Alternating days with 1 hour walks on the treadmill, 15% incline at 3mph. Days I can’t get in designated exercise, I still try to get in 10,000+ steps at works. Been trying to eat clean as well. More fruits and veggies, less processed junk.

That being said, tonight I did get down on a couple of mini drumstick ice cream cones. That late night sleepy impulse control is still a work in progress on my end.

Avoiding the scale, still feels a bit too soon to have any real progress. Workouts definitely becoming a bit easier. Currently using a 20kg kettlebell, think come May I’ll switch it up to my 24kg.
So the video chat kinda did not work at neighbors, not enough signal. She called me back and we chatted for half an hour. Pallitive nurse. I told her I will drive to where there is 5g next time. Or we will meet in person next time.
I went to Quemado for better signal and waited for oncologist...and waited.
Finally called clinic and they would get back to me and find out where the Dr is. 2 more calls and 2 trips to the dump road to pee I get the signal and there is the doc. It just works, barely.
He listens to my answers to his ?'s and I hear words he has not spoken, like GOOD, excellent and the 1st word of remission....he is changing meds to one I can get and is common,so only 2 cancer pills now. He will get clinic to smooth logistics.
I am to get another full ct scan to see the cancer and condition in next 3 months.
175 lbs in morning gets another excellent.
He smiles for the 1st time and informs me he is handing me over to a partner at the clinic. He is moving out of state.
I say well I hope it is a good state for a good reason and he smiles and says yes. I can't thank him enough for his help.
I do feel better than yesterday.
Positive , moving forward.

The cherry on the day was waking up to find I drew a 4th local cow tag. 4 for 4.
My 1st, 1st choice draw in NM in 25 years of applying.

So far so good!
Been doing kettlebell workouts for 20-30 minutes 2 or 3 days a week. Alternating days with 1 hour walks on the treadmill, 15% incline at 3mph. Days I can’t get in designated exercise, I still try to get in 10,000+ steps at works. Been trying to eat clean as well. More fruits and veggies, less processed junk.

That being said, tonight I did get down on a couple of mini drumstick ice cream cones. That late night sleepy impulse control is still a work in progress on my end.

Avoiding the scale, still feels a bit too soon to have any real progress. Workouts definitely becoming a bit easier. Currently using a 20kg kettlebell, think come May I’ll switch it up to my 24kg.

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