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Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

Word, I did the pickup bball for a few weeks in the mornings. then pulled my groin and decided "I'm getting too old for this shit"

The last time I was playing a few years ago I ruptured my achilles. No issues up to that point. But still decided to get back into it this year. Trying to move a bit slower and limit jumping.
So in late April I woke up with a pinched nerve that crippled my right arm (I'm right handed) it hurt so bad I had to drink coffee and use a fork with my left hand.
After 3 weeks of pain shooting up and down my arm and in my neck that felt like getting beat with a hammer 24/7, it finally subsided.
Today a finally got enough courage to pick up my bow and I couldn't draw it back even a little bit.
Turned it down 3 full revolutions to where I can draw it back.
So I guess just being able to shoot now is my goal.
Two months until it's go time.
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Hit a goal this morning. A while ago I set a goal of getting to the point where I could bench my body weight, squat 1.5x body weight, and dead lift 2x body weight. So this morning I was feeling frisky so I decided to build up to, then hit a one rep max.

Managed to just barely squeak out 330 on the squat rack, and 445 went up pretty easy using a dead lift hex bar. My shoulder is still trash, so not doing a ton of weight work with my upper body, but the last strength phase I did I was repping out 195 4x, so I can't imagine a one rep max of 225 would be totally out of the question.

Next stop, same weight goals for 5 reps.
Hit a goal this morning. A while ago I set a goal of getting to the point where I could bench my body weight, squat 1.5x body weight, and dead lift 2x body weight. So this morning I was feeling frisky so I decided to build up to, then hit a one rep max.

Managed to just barely squeak out 330 on the squat rack, and 445 went up pretty easy using a dead lift hex bar. My shoulder is still trash, so not doing a ton of weight work with my upper body, but the last strength phase I did I was repping out 195 4x, so I can't imagine a one rep max of 225 would be totally out of the question.

Next stop, same weight goals for 5 reps.
Congrats, that is good work for sure. Sounds like you're in the 1,000lb club (combined bench, squat, deadlift max). Best I ever got up to was something like 1,070lb. I'd like to get back there again but have to take it slow since getting hurt last year. Plus my wife and kids aren't exactly a fan of me lifting heavy again.
Congrats, that is good work for sure. Sounds like you're in the 1,000lb club (combined bench, squat, deadlift max). Best I ever got up to was something like 1,070lb. I'd like to get back there again but have to take it slow since getting hurt last year. Plus my wife and kids aren't exactly a fan of me lifting heavy again.
Thanks man. Haven't really lifted much since I was in my 20's, so it feels really good to see the needle go up constantly.
Beer league championship game is in a week from Wednesday - hitting the gym and keeping the legs primed. I'm also teaching some which has added a lot of ice time and I feel smoother out there. Couple that with a bit more cardio and some off ice stick handling exercise, this should be a cup year! Then I have to captain next season so I'll have to practice some leadership with these guys. Fitness comes in many forms
Strained my damn tricep, what the hell! Can barely even touch my face , this better heal quick
Down to 182 from 194 when I first started. At about 20 percent body fat right now, my goal is to get to 15.

Going back to the track on Sunday my goal is to run a sub 7:30 mile.

My goal this summer is to be able to score at least a 90 in each category of the Army physical fitness test, which is max reps for 2 mins of push ups, 2 mins of sit ups, and a timed 2 mile run. Reps/time needed for my age to get a 90 in each below. Never would I ever have thought I'd be giving myself a pt test but here we are.
65 push ups
68 sit ups
14:24- 2 mile run
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Well this ride started off with karma getting into my ass for being a hateful pos on the internet and about 1/4 mile from my house the rear tire on my ignorant new mountain bike that I forgot to strap down hopped out of the holder and I drug her down the road for about a hundred yards.
I don’t think it messed anything up besides scratching the top tube where the bars spun around so now it’s a Bridger bowl edition epic.
Still rides pretty good tho.
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