Hunt talk ?


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2012
Newhartford Iowa
When did hunt talk turn into a political forum? Look at the recent activity and thats all you see. I miss the old days when hunt talk was about hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.
Politics come forward in the offseason. Hunting starts and political discussions retreat. This is an election year, so I am probably wrong.

Unfortunately, politics has an enormous impact on hunting now and in the future.

I, too, enjoy the pure hunting forum. But, I do see the importance of following the political maneuvers!
It's definitely a down side to seeing all posts in the activity stream, as opposed to seeing updated threads on the old setup.
It's definitely a down side to seeing all posts in the activity stream, as opposed to seeing updated threads on the old setup.
oh gawd... is that what newcomers to the site see? The most active threads are invariably the most obnoxious and unrelated to hunting. Definitely use the "new posts" or "today's posts."
When did hunt talk turn into a political forum? Look at the recent activity and thats all you see. I miss the old days when hunt talk was about hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.

In the "Old days", Hunt Talk was very political.
Probably this most political, argumenative hunting forum on the net.
Randy got it under control, and keeps it that way.
Many of us old timers enjoyed spouting our opinion on a wide range of subjects, and dishing trash talk by the bucket full.
I will admit, it often got out of hand.
A-con;2519958[B said:
]In the "Old days", Hunt Talk was very political.[/B]
Probably this most political, argumenative hunting forum on the net.
Randy got it under control, and keeps it that way.
Many of us old timers enjoyed spouting our opinion on a wide range of subjects, and dishing trash talk by the bucket full.
I will admit, it often got out of hand.

It was like being in High School....a very cliquish High School
Funny, I was just thinking about this very thing the other day. I think things are so political on here because many of us were drawn to the forum because of Randy's political stance on public lands, not just the hunting aspect of other forums. I agree it gets tiring with the same old folks stirring the same old pot. Maybe things will get better after the election.
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