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For the longest time, I couldn't really understand why I was only listed as "active member" after the site got moved to the new platform. I got salty comparing people with less posts than me and less years as a member with their flashy "Well-Known Member" status.

Then, I started to see it as a badge of honor for the lurker, hiding in the shadows, only posting on the random "what cooler do I need to travel from the east coast" and "first timer from the midwest, how do I xxxx" posts so as not to raise any suspicion.

I started to put together in my head this almost "challenge" for myself on how long I could go with the "active status" before I got moved to full-fledged well known member. My goal was 10 years and 1,000 posts. After multiple comparisons with new members, I seem to have found that the criteria was/is likely once you hit '250' as a reaction score you get moved to "well-known member" I'm only 2 thumbs ups away.

So what better thread to come out of the shadows and declare full fledged Well-Known Member status than this one?!?!?!?! (that's assuming I get 2 reactions to this post ;) )
Official score for the thread = .342 Anyone have a lower score? Feels kinda like winning the prize for the smallest fish in a fishing tournament.
Ask and you shall receive. I'm part of the club now!!! Only took 9 years and 700 posts...🤷‍♂️