Hunt Talk popularity ratio

What would likes given / likes received tell us?

It could establish how much people appreciate your messaging and thereby provide a baseline to judge your value, worth and meaning in life and either
a. Your electability in a local democratic election, or
b. Your number in line to receive food in case of a post apocalyptic zombie scenario, or
c. be perceived as a form of social currency that would impress upon people how much they should consider your online opinions in changing their minds to agree with you.

That is if you were a shallow, ungrounded individual without independent beliefs, ideals or direction in life. Otherwise it’s probably just an excuse to post puppy pictures.
If y'all really want to make it interesting . . .


Assuming "Like" "Love" and "Haha" are positive and "Wow" "Sad" and "Angry" are negative, what is your negative response percentage ((wow + sad + angry)/all)? I suspect this will really allow some their moment to shine LOL

I'm at 1.51%.

Also, I'm not nearly as funny as I'd like to think apparently.
Well this post was a clear manipulation to drive up someone’s score… My problem is that I think I’m hilarious and intelligent, while others just don’t get me.

I think we need a more effective stat to look at. Sports has gone nuts with new stats. I’m not a baseball guy, but I am intrigued by statistics. I know I’m damn weird. Back in the day fans looked at batting average as a gold standard to measure a hitter. Now there are all sorts of crazy ways of measuring players performance more accurately; WAR, WHIP, OPS, and Slugging Percentage. I won’t pain you with an explantation of each, but for example OPS is On Base Slugging Percentage. It takes into account more than just getting on base, but values getting to first less than hitting a triple. I think I could have used this with my buddies back in high school…

I call for new more detailed statistics to measure the quality of a post. Do all the emoji’s have the same value? Does the length and quality of responses matter? Do we begin the debate around size mattering once again. I know my posts are small, but I really give them the ol’ college try. Should I be penalized for using a performance enhancing supplement? Do I need an asterisk? Does the quality of respondent matter? I mean come on… we all know who the popular kids and who the village idiots are!
If y'all really want to make it interesting . . .

View attachment 280144

Assuming "Like" "Love" and "Haha" are positive and "Wow" "Sad" and "Angry" are negative, what is your negative response percentage ((wow + sad + angry)/all)? I suspect this will really allow some their moment to shine LOL

I'm at 1.51%.

Also, I'm not nearly as funny as I'd like to think apparently.
Not sure I'd call wow negative tho... at least not how I use it....🤔
If y'all really want to make it interesting . . .

View attachment 280144

Assuming "Like" "Love" and "Haha" are positive and "Wow" "Sad" and "Angry" are negative, what is your negative response percentage ((wow + sad + angry)/all)? I suspect this will really allow some their moment to shine LOL

I'm at 1.51%.

Also, I'm not nearly as funny as I'd like to think apparently.
We need more detail. Each could have a value. Wow could be positive or negative. Also, doesn’t intent matter. If I’m angry at some new moronic bill about losing public land wouldn’t an angry emoji be viewed positively to the group? Wouldn’t a laughing or loving emoji be viewed negatively by the group.

We’re headed into pee soup fog to glass with this one…. Murky to say the least.

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