Hunt recap - first elk

That was a great write up and thanks for taking the time. It's really nice to go along with the ups and down of the hunt, and even better with an outcome like that, so congrats! How did your buddy take the news, haha!
Did you shoot off one of those brow tines? 😉 one of those pictures shows a pretty fresh break, and then in another the brow tine looks fixed.
And congrats by the way!
That was a great write up and thanks for taking the time. It's really nice to go along with the ups and down of the hunt, and even better with an outcome like that, so congrats! How did your buddy take the news, haha!
He was happy but did wish he was there!
Did you shoot off one of those brow tines? 😉 one of those pictures shows a pretty fresh break, and then in another the brow tine looks fixed.
And congrats by the way!
There’s two broken point tips on him. Both look fairly fresh but not so fresh that I think it could have been shot off.
Congratulations and well done. Appreciate you taking the time - you'll have those memories for the rest of your life !!
Glad you all enjoyed it. After having really enjoyed other’s hunt recaps/stories here I thought I should share as well.
Nice going man!! Glad it finished well for you, really glad that tumble didn't hurt you seriously. Thanks for packing us along on your adventure.
Nice going man!! Glad it finished well for you, really glad that tumble didn't hurt you seriously. Thanks for packing us along on your adventure.
Thanks - it was definitely a good reminder to take my time and move carefully! (I knew there was ice in this spot too, but it just took me down so fast).
I did recover one bullet (I think the first shot) in between the chest lower and front left leg/shoulder - it had shed all its petals. I also recovered one petal in the inner portion of the front shoulder.

I have been hunting exclusively with monolithic cooper since I started (small kids and concerns of lead being the reason) and this was the first season using Hammer bullets. They do seem to do a better job of dumping their energy - in the past other monolithics have been pass throughs.

Here you can see three entries (no exit wounds) 4th was a graze/miss on the front right behind the front quarter.

I don’t know for sure but I think the forward entry is the first shot and was pretty ideal given the bedded position and angle and I believe the bullet recovered.

Since he then had moved forward slightly in the opening I think the next two that are further back are the 2nd and 3rd shots (not ideal placement but for follow ups okay?) and then the graze is probably from trying to send it through some brush and deflecting the round. There was some backstrap lose from those two further back rounds. 72176064785__044101DA-2652-4E0D-ACE1-C43A071269D8.jpeg


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