HTer Fitness Goals '24 Edition

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How'd that foot taste? jk

If you don't mind sharing - and you can text me if you prefer - what got you to that 228g and what was your rough calories for the day?

I'll be the first to admit I'd rather avoid protein powder as it typically gives my stomach fits, but I also need to be smart about calories.

okay, this is what i actually ate yesterday. updated with the oils and butters. i forgot we roasted up some bone marrow with dinner last night - pretty standard when we do steaks to have marrow with it. and i added my cheese and crackers

that's getting a little more like the calories i would expect.

okay, this is what i actually ate yesterday. updated with the oils and butters. i forgot we roasted up some bone marrow with dinner last night - pretty standard when we do steaks to have marrow with it. and i added my cheese and crackers

that's getting a little more like the calories i would expect.

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yeah its crazy how those little things creep up; and its even worse when you start tracking alcohol calories 🤦🏻‍♂️
yeah its crazy how those little things creep up; and its even worse when you start tracking alcohol calories 🤦🏻‍♂️

yeah but alcohol calories aren't really aren't anything like normal calories it seems when it comes to ATP production. as much as everyone likes to say "alcohol is sugar" it's really not. it's only made from sugar and is chemically distinct from sugar. it's like saying gasoline is the same thing as plankton in my mind.

now, in all the personal research i've done it seems to me that alcohol just majorly ****s with your metabolism and liver in ways that can really induce weight gain. but i wouldn't really think it's because it has a lot of calories. it's because it's a poison that screws with your body super hard.

to paraphrase dr lustig - we measure calories by literally setting food on fire, burning it, but the body doesn't burn food.

more reason i think tracking calories is bunk lol
more reason i think tracking calories is bunk lol
I too think counting calories is overrated. People seem to think 1000 calories of gummy bears is the same for weight loss as 1000 calories of broccoli. "Calories in and calories out, right?" I say, "Wrong."

I don't count calories, I just follow a few simple rules...

1) Limit sugar
2) Flour is sugar
3) Increase protein (especially plant-based)
4) Increase fiber

It took about 4-6 months, but I saw a dramatic improvement in body composition just following those four rules.

They seem to take care of everything else because it forces you to not eat junk food and the food you do eat is clean and healthy and filling.
What are peoples go to protein powders? Preferably that mix well with just water and don’t have a bunch of crap in it.

I’m woefully under proteined for the day and I think I need to supplement some in liquid form
I use Jay Robb for the reasons you mentioned. I liked the BNP products too, don't mix as well but pretty clean and tasty.
Most common workout I’ve got in the year so far is snow shoveling. I actually felt better than I expected to hunting in Arizona a couple weeks ago.
I get the feeling that @MtnElk is built more like me than some of you mountain machines. I easily overeat and put on weight quickly and long hours at a desk job in the winter doesn't help. Just don't have the shut off of feeling full that some people have. Whey protein concentrate has the best amino acid profile and helps get that extra protein to satiate hunger. I have no whey sensitivities so has worked well for me.
This. I can empty the fridge in one setting.

Holiday splurging still on my middle.

Right now my biggest problem is lack of drive and discipline.
Right now my biggest problem is lack of drive and discipline.

you're far from alone right there.

for me the key is always realizing how good i feel when i give something up. alcohol is such a glaring example.

i think the key is to always choose one thing, just one, that you stick to and have someone hold you accountable to. one simple thing, like "no more processed or added sugar." then you realize, wow i feel kinda good when i don't eat processed sugars or food with added processed sugars. then after realizing how good you start to feel you don't want to eat processed sugar anymore. and then it can snowball.

dry january is good for that too, day 20 of no alcohol and i'm like "dang, i actually just don't want it anymore." that along with my other dietary goals it's becoming pretty easy to look at things and just not actually want them at all, because i'm just feeling better than normal, and i know having those drinks at night or eating that junk will bring back the headaches and bad sleep and fatigue.

i'm gonna wreck myself on super bowl sunday though, for sure.
I seem to hang around the same weight no matter what I eat. Only fluctuates a couple pounds. No big deal, I just don't care! I get around fine and don't have any mountains to climb. If I run out of gas doing something I take a break. Excuse me, I just made another batch of chocolate chip cookies! ;)
i know having those drinks at night or eating that junk will bring back the headaches and bad sleep and fatigue.

That's what did it for alcohol on my end. On my last deployment, a few buddies and I had one particularly tough week that involved virtually no sleep for several consecutive days. We ended up in a "would you rather do this again, or" discussion and found that really almost nothing in life is worth crushing yourself like that for. It really screws you up, short and long term. And, the quickest way to keep yourself from entering REM sleep is to slam 7 or 8 beers.

On my end, I'm doing the same training cycle I did last year, with the specific goal of backcountry performance in mind. I start with a kinda power development cycle during the winter, usually lifting 3-4x a week and running 3 times for a total weekly mileage of 8-10. As we get closer to season in summer, I step up my endurance work to be more in the 12-15 miles a week range and start doing more body weight resistance training. Current weights for working sets of my big 3 are squat 225, deadlift 300, bench 200 at 155 body weight. Would be great to add a few more pounds to those, but staying injury free is priority 1-10 these days hah
And, the quickest way to keep yourself from entering REM sleep is to slam 7 or 8 beers.

At least according to some researchers all it takes is one drink in the evening to inhibit proper REM cycles. THC does it too apparently.

I’m very similar, I lift a lot more in the winter, but always 20-30 minutes of medium/high intensity cardio a day. The lifting usually disappears by May and all my minutes go to cardio.
At least according to some researchers all it takes is one drink in the evening to inhibit proper REM cycles. THC does it too apparently.

I’m very similar, I lift a lot more in the winter, but always 20-30 minutes of medium/high intensity cardio a day. The lifting usually disappears by May and all my minutes go to cardio.
Its funny, because even though I barely drank, the more i've looked into how it effects the body, its made me realize I think I might just say goodbye to it. After listening to Andrew Huberman's podcast on Alcohol a second time, it made me realize that 1) it's not doing my out of shape body any favors and 2) even though I haven't been drunk in years, I may be one of those people susceptible to over drinking heavily in cycles.

Going to *try* to go dry through at least April and see how I feel. If I can do that, I'll likely start reinvesting in Athletic Brewing or Untitled Art's NA flavors and stay that way. So many races between 5/11 and 6/15, that if I can roll into that period sober, I should be in a good spot
Its funny, because even though I barely drank, the more i've looked into how it effects the body, its made me realize I think I might just say goodbye to it. After listening to Andrew Huberman's podcast on Alcohol a second time, it made me realize that 1) it's not doing my out of shape body any favors and 2) even though I haven't been drunk in years, I may be one of those people susceptible to over drinking heavily in cycles.

Going to *try* to go dry through at least April and see how I feel. If I can do that, I'll likely start reinvesting in Athletic Brewing or Untitled Art's NA flavors and stay that way. So many races between 5/11 and 6/15, that if I can roll into that period sober, I should be in a good spot
Uh-oh, now you might have a chance if you keep on these trajectories. Your taking advantage of all my secret advantages

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