Pardon me if I am a little skeptical of the Federal land agencies' ability or desire to protect wildife interests in the face of pressure from extractive industries
The following is a map of BLM lands where I work (yellow), overlayed with "mule deer critical winter range" (purple) as mapped by the CDOW for the purposes of development planning. The red dots indicate natural gas wells.
Here is the same aerial with the layers removed:
Is that what you want your mule deer critical winter range to look like? BTW, there are several WSAs within 20 miles of here.
The following is a map of BLM lands where I work (yellow), overlayed with "mule deer critical winter range" (purple) as mapped by the CDOW for the purposes of development planning. The red dots indicate natural gas wells.

Here is the same aerial with the layers removed:

Is that what you want your mule deer critical winter range to look like? BTW, there are several WSAs within 20 miles of here.