Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Howdy Yall


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I am new to the site. I found it and signed on back in September after catching one of the shows while I was home on leave from Afghanistan. I really enjoyed the couple of shows that were on while I was home.

A bit about me: I live in Alabama and have most of my life. I lived in central Indiana for a few years. I have hunted mostly in Alabama, Mississippi, and Indiana (when I lived there). I have never, but have always wanted to hunt out west. Hopefully next season I will get the chance. I am a twenty year military veteran, currently on my second overseas deployment. I deployed to Iraq in 2003.I am married to a wonderful women who doesn't mind me hunting a lot and even goes with me some.

I really enjoy sites like this were I can go to during our deployment and live this hunting season through you guys. I really enjoy all the stories and pictures from your hunts. I really makes the time pass quicker over here.

Oh yeah and thanks Randy and everyone behind the scenes for making all this happen. Keep it up. You have given hunters like me something we can relate to and enjoy. Not just cookie cutter, high fence, farm raised hunts.

Good luck with the rest of your seasons and God Bless.

Many thanks to you and your fellow soldiers. Hope we can help you guys with some hunting ideas when you get home.

Stay safe and best wishes for a great New Year to you, your comrades, and all of your families.

Thanks so much!
Welcome to the site and thanks for your service to our country. Have a safe and Happy New Year, and good luck on the "hunting" you do over there. :)
I'll 2nd all the above----but how many "women" are you married to???? just kiddin' ya---ya need to be on your toes around here as there's a ton of ribbing that happens---all in good fun though----thanks again for your service and tell all your 'mates thanks also.........chris

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