PEAX Equipment

How would you hunt this area???


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Hello, I just got stationed in Texas and I'm looking to bow hunt whitetail in the Alazan Bayou WMA. This is an image of an area a buddy of mine suggested. I won't have time to scout in person so I've been looking at satellite images. What can you tell from this photo??? satimage.jpg
If it was me, with my limited experience and knowledge, I'd skip Alazan Bayou WMA and hunt Angelina National Forest, which is where it looks like those pin drops actually are located. I'd check the banks of Bonaldo Creek to see if there's a crossing. The sat imagines look pretty wooded, some of the area along the creek look like evergreen trees. I'd find a crossing and hunt that. But, I don't know much about deer hunting, so take my $.02 with a grain of salt.
I agree that I would start along the creek. Find crossings if possible and any "edges" where contrasting cover or forest areas meet. For example where a brushy creek bottom meats hardwoods.
Hard to tell by the photo, but if there are oak trees, I'd find a well used trail in an area with lots of acorns.
It's hard to tell from this image but I like to hunt pinch points to funnel traffic my way. When you get boots on the ground look for scrape's and rubs along open areas and trails. Sit where you can see a distance the rut is starting and you may catch one slipping. I hope you knock one down. Good luck.
Kenetrek Boots

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