
how well do ducks see????


Dec 11, 2000
ive heard alot of conflicting stories on this does anyone know for sure how good there eyesight is?? do they see color????

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
I belive there eye sight is very good. Ive moved my hand befor and I know thats why they flared. I also belive that them being higher its easier to see us hunters. think about it most of us put weeds and other things in front of us but hardley ever above us. People hunting in tree stands can see deer and other critters better being higher.
As far as color my experiances are yes and my reasoning is that when fishing at the lakes I see ducks avoiding aluminum and camo'd boats but yet they fly right over my shinny metal flaked boat.

I believe that ducks can see as well if not better than any other creature including a whitetail. They can definately see color, and faces and hands are big no no's. I also believe that any shape that is inconsistent with the surroundings can clue them in(1.e. a blind sticking up on a levee bank, even if it is camoed with limbs, etc...)Also, I think any straight lines will clue them in, like a upright 2x4 supporting a blind roof. Maybe I give them too much credit, but by the time they get down here to Ar they sure can seem smart

I think they can see very well and when they are above you they have a perfect vantage point to look in on you. We started building a roof for our blind out of 6 " concrete remesh and weaving tree limbs through it and found the ducks were much more willing to fly over the blind than they had been prior to that. This seemed to work better, for us anyway, than building a solid roof and back support.
here the reason i asked the question, last year i was out and every group that came into the decoys would flare at the last minute and were gone gone gone! after wondering what the heck was going on i got out of the boat an noticed my vessle registration sticker which was bright orange wasnt completely covered up and im betting they were seeing this at the last miunte on approach and were flaring away!!! from then on i had a new respect for the eyes of a duck!!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
One of the things I learned along time ago about mallards is that you best take a shot when it presents itself, even if it is less than ideal. The manner in which they'll circle and wheel around the blocks can lull you that they're going to come closer..... but they rarely do. It can get really frusterating.

For that reason, I've always admired bluebills for that manner in which they brave the blocks with reckless abandon. Foolish; but brave.

DU had an excellant article on waterfowl's visual acuity and it mentioned how ducks don't have depth perception like we do. In other words, they can spot those goofy decoys that people sit inside a lot farther away than normal blocks (and that makes sense, obviously). What the ducks will not do is think the gigantic decoy looks out of place as they get closer because they don't adjust for it. This is because they see to the side of their head with each eye, versus forward like we do.

Moral: Bigger is better when it comes to decoys.

And they are VERY adept at detail, color, and especially motion.


VEGETARIAN: Indian word meaning 'Bad Hunter'
Yoop, most of the ducks were ringnecks, do you think it was normal for them to flare? are they like mallards and wont always commit? ive never had this happen thats why i thought they were seeing my reg. sticker.It sounds like maybe it wasnt the sticker and possibly just normal activity to the situation?

thanks for the info. on eye sight ill look for that issue, missed it!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
My experience with Ringnecks (and we have ALOT of them up here) is that like all divers, Ringnecks are pretty dumb.

Having said that, they have a 'Monkey-see, Monkey-do' mentality when it comes to landing in blocks. I've had them drop straight down out of the sky and set in my spread, and once I'd shoot they'd circle once and come right back again. DUMB!

I've also had flock after flock after flock land 200 yds away for no apparant reason.

Who can figure 'em out?


VEGETARIAN: Indian word meaning 'Bad Hunter'

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