Yeti GOBOX Collection

How Old Is Your Bow?


I shoot at the free outdoor range at Fireman's Park. I'm also a regular at Cabin Fever. Have you been to the outdoor walking range at Three Rivers Park?

I will always keep a back up bow. My Switchback is an incredible bow and performs flawlessly. On a hog hunt earlier this year my rest on the Z7 came out of time and I didn't have time to get it to the bow shop before the hunt, so I used the Switchback and it more than did the job. You just never know what's going to go wrong, and having two bows you can rely and count on gives a bit of piece of mind.

I shoot at the free outdoor range at Fireman's Park. I'm also a regular at Cabin Fever. Have you been to the outdoor walking range at Three Rivers Park?


I shoot at Schimelpfenig which is what I believe you mean by firemans park. Have not been to the 3 rivers range yet, too many bugs, but after the frost last night the bugs might be gone now. Of course with the season starting this sat the last place I will be is the shooting range.
I am currently shooting a Hoyt that my girls bought me for christmas last year, so it is less than a year old. Before this bow I was shooting a High Country Excalibur that I have been shooting since it was new. I never changed just because I figured if it ain't broke don't fix it, and I was taking plenty of game with the High Country.

The benifit of having the new bow is that now I have a permenant bow set up for bow fishing.
Just got a 2010 PSE bow madness as a wedding gift from one of my groomsmen, before that I was shooting a 10 year old Bowtech which I harvested my first buck with and prior to that a 20+ year old martin bow. The martin finally blew up on my at an archery shoot which is why I went to the Bowtech. The Bowtech was getting old so I was looking for a replacement and received the other PSE for the wedding gift. Craigslist is an amazing site if you want a good deal. I had actually told my buddy to buy it for him since he needed a new bow and ended up receiving it myself and he bought a newer Bowtech from a dealer.
I"m shooting a 2007 Bowtech Vital Impact. Its plain jane and slow as hell but its accurate
I am still shooting a Black Widow Recurve that I bought new in 1992, it still shoots great. My skills seem to have eroded a bit and it is harder to get that 72 pounds to full draw some mornings.
I'm shooting a 2011 Hoyt Carbon Element. Before that I had a 2005 Hoyt Ultramag. Still have the Ultramag as a backup bow. Was thinking about selling it, but will probably keep it. Plan on keeping the Carbon Element at least 5 years or so...

I have a second year switchback XT. I can't remember what year it is but it's on its third string. I'm still liking it like the day I bought it.
I have a Total Shooting System (TSS) compound bought in 1985, it's long and heavy but so quiet at 65 #, 30 percent letoff. Harvested many, many whitetail using zwickey black diamond/Eskimo. Also hunt with a Browning Nomad Stalker I, 45# 28" bought in 1974. Have yet to get a deer with the recurve as I purchased my first compound in 1975. Last year I salted away the compound and will use the recurve exclusively now.
I sold my Elite and bought a PSE Stinger X in September to have a backup bow and to get me into the prostaff of the bow shop to get a new bow at a discount :cool: My Bow Madness Epix is almost paid off and I can't wait!
My Elite 32 has been a great bow for me and I plan to keep it for many more years. I don’t try the latest bows to avoid temptation!
I've got an old High Country. I want to say it's a Power Force X1? Bought new circa 2002-2003. I'd like to get something better, but honestly, archery hunting has been hit or miss for me the last few years. I don't seem to have the time, or a place, to shoot much anymore. So until I get back into archery more, I'll still be shooting this old thing. I'm sure it's slow and loud by today's standards, heck it probably even was when it was new! haha
I have been using a 2011 PSE bow madness which I am sure can out shoot me and have had good success with it. I just bought a bowtech reign 7 and I am waiting for the new rest to come in. Can't wait to shoot it! I figure 7 years before an upgrade isn't that bad, definitely bought more rifles in that time period!
I've got a 2016 Halon, but still have and shoot an 03 switchback and don't think I'll get rid of it anytime soon. They both kill deer the same amount of dead, so good to have a backup.
I still use my darton that I bought when I got out of the Marines in 1993. My friends laugh when they see the diameter of the aluminum arrows I use, that are still from 1993.
2017 Hoyt Pro Defiant 70#
2004 Hoyt XTec 60# is my back-up bow
(2) Bighorn Custom Recurves from 1980's- 61# and 65#
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