Caribou Gear Tarp

How often do you eat wild game?

Three to Five times a week until the freezer is empty, and we are running low on moose and elk roasts now. Hope to have enough burger to make it till Sept
Well since we can take 3 deer each we normally fill a freezer every year. So we usually have venison at least twice a week.

My smoker gets a workout thru most of the year, cept when I fry backstrap and make bisquits and gravy.

We'er running a liitle low now, but usally about 3 to 4 times a week.
I usualy have wild pork 2 or 3 times a week. When I start to get low it means it is time to seriosly go after them. I only did 1 afternoon of deer hunting this past season and have no venision to show for it. My brothers father in law dropped a few steakss off at my house though.

Most of the meat we eat is wild game.(except breakfast) For example: I'am at work tonight and have elk twice. Two different elk, taken by two different hunters.Pretty much an average days meal in Wyo.-memtb :D
I eat deer meat 2 to 3 times a week. All the steaks, chops and roasts are gone from last fall (killed 2 deer). I still have about 10lb of jerky left and about 15lbs of burger. I make meatballs from the burger (mostly). According to the game laws in PA (where I live) all wild game has to be consumed by the last day of June. I have never had a game warden come to my house and ask if I had any wild game past July 1st, but it is the law.

We eat deer one day and elk one day during the week so i guess thats twice a week this year. Its usually only once a week cause i usually only get 1 deer or 1 elk a year. this last year i scored on each.
Well we eat elk about 4 times a week and when that is gone then we start on other, but usually make sausage out of deer and antelope, so that takes a lot of that meat. Then hope to have enough to get us through the year which usually does pretty close.
only one time I can remember almost running out.
We were lucky this past year to get 1 deer and 1 cow elk. We have a good lot of elk left and small amount of deer left. We usually eat deer or elk 3 to 4 times a week. Kids love the hamburger meat. So we eat alot of tacos and hamburgers with the occasional steak thrown in. Hope everyone have has a successful hunt this year and everyone can enjoy the taste of wild game.
;) ;) ;)
Well we havent been eating it as much this year as in the past since I got skunked big time last year.But we have been eating some elk meat from my dads cow that he got last year.
me and mine eat it every day if it isnot moose then bou or eather black or griz or some type of small game life is great in the land of the last front tire LOL LOL you all have a good weekend: Slayer
Usually once a week as I have Moose, Deer, a little bit of duck and a fresh assortment of Snow geese picked up on a spring hunt this year.

My wife hates all of it...

I don't eat as much as I use to. When I was in college and up to a couple of years ago, the only meat I bought was hot dogs. Everything else I caught or killed. Now I am trying to shed a few pounds and most of my game recipes aren't exactly low cal. I still eat it once or twice a week though.
we eat game about twice a week, i used to eat alot more when i was a kid, ya see my parents are into consuming organs liver,heart, etc...... and this kid just dont rumage through gut piles for organs so anytime Mom was fixin inards, she would fix me squirrels, rabbits and whatever else id brought home!!!! we use ground venison and canned venison, and since i suck at elk hunting thats a real treat!!!!
If I have any company at all on the weekend, it's every weekend. Otherwise, 4 to 6 times a month. Mostly wild hog sausage, if my freezer gets low, I go out and get another. No season and no limit! The one deer I got last year didn't last long. Quail, turkey, dove and pigeon when they are in season. :cool: