Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

How often do you change out your bow?

I’m still shooting my Mathews Switchback XT. Can’t even remember when I got it. Looking online, I must’ve bought it 2006ish. Only reason I’m considering getting another one is because I’m thinking about getting into traditional archery. That would just be getting a different bow, though, and not replacing the one I have.
How often do I change out my bow? Hmm, never. I still shoot a 70lb. Redhead bow that I bought used from a friend of mine in 2005.
I can still hit my target consistently out to my self imposed maximum of 60 yards. Why change out something that still does the job?
i learned my lesson years ago when i upgraded to a few new bows in a 2 year span. I had this mathews ovation for awhile that I loved, such an awesome bow but it was "slow" (im an idiot). Sold it, then I got a used Limbsaver Deadzone DZ30, holy smokes was that thing a sweet rig, i shot that for quite awhile. but decided I wanted that new Martin inferno 33 so i sold the Limbsaver and got that. then maybe 5 months later i bought an Elite synergy for who knows what. I got rid of the Martin for a "FAST" bow cause i thought that's what I needed for elk. But I kept my Elite Synergy cause it was frankly the best bow I've ever had. I had decided I will keep that one forever. I wont even mention that fast bow cause it was just not among my favorite, Fast it was but thats where the good stopped. Sold that bow and got a Used Mathews chill so I went back a ways to an older bow. I like that one a lot but i think its just gonna be a backup this year and I'm hunting with the synergy going forward.

Top favorites

Elite Synergy <keeper
Limbsaver Deadzone DZ30 <(wish I still had this, Damn cousin wont sell it back to me)
Mathews Ovation
Mathews Chill< still have.
Martin Inferno 33

Before that whole cluster above i shot this older golden eagle since I was a kid. Got caught up in the whole newest is best thing.

Ill be keeping that Elite until I just cant keep putting it back together. I'm comfortable shooting that bow no matter what, Just works for me.
Still rocking a Hoyt Alphamax 35. I’ve been looking at new bows for the past 5 years, haven’t found “the one.”

The new bows out today all seem really bulky, I like the sleek/narrow look and feel of the one I have better.
Same, it still works great for me. Bought in 2010. Planning to upgrade to another out of production bow Hoyt defiant if I can find one for right price. Just not into buying $1200+ bows every couple years (or ever) like some guys.

Only bows I have had:

Bear something or other, 1979
Bear Flare II, 1986
Hoyt Havok, 2001
Hoyt Alphamax 2010, it was the last year's model and liked how it shot over the new hoyts I tried.
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2006 Hoyt avenger. Used a pse 99-02, Clearwater storm 02 until it committed suicide in 06 and used the 06 Hoyt since. I might buy a budget line bow with the new tech but I don’t bowhunt enough to justify it.
I’m still shooting a Bowtech Old Glory that I have had since 2006. It is still an awesome bow for me after 15 years. I see no reason to change it unless it blows up on me one day, or I drop it out of my stand or something.
Prior to the Bowtech, I had a Matthews Z max which I shot for about 5 years, and before that a custom PSE that I shot for 10 years or so.
Going way back before the PSE, I shot the classic old school Bear whitetail hunter for also about 10 years.
Guess if I take the average, I am at a new bow every 10 years, but I fully expect to use my Bowtech for at least 20.
I shoot a 2009 Bowtech Allegiance. I've killed a lot of animals with that bow and don't see a reason to switch.
Yeah.... I run a 2005 Hoyt Vtec. It shoots just as well as when I purchased it in 2005. If I remember correctly it was around 900 bucks out the door completely set up. Its been all over this country hunting and still keeps putting broadheads through the pumphouses.
I had my first bow for 15 years, a browning coyote. Then I bought a Browning Verado in 2008. Kept it until last year and moved up to an 2018 Mathews Halon X. The technology wasn't comparable between the two. I will probably upgrade one more time in the next year or two to a bow with a shorter axle length but it seems technology is only getting incrementally better at this point and not leaps and bounds year over year.
I'm 28 and have owned 2 bows. The main reason that I changed was that I got a great discount on a new bow. I got that bow back in 2013. I'm going to hold onto it for quite a while. I picked up a crossbow last week for the nephew and fiancé to shoot. I figure that will keep my occupied for quite a few more years before I really want a new bow.
Went in to my local pro shop today to look at what's new in the world of compound bows and I just about fell over with sticker shock looking at the prices for flagship bows. I haven't shot anything new since 2013. I know a lot of guys get the newest bow every year and trade off their old one in the process. Just curious, how often do you change out your bow?

Pretty sure I bought my Matthews Outback in 2004. It's still working fine. lol I probably wouldn't mind a new one. But, I can't justify the cost for them for how much I hunt. And I'm not sure what I'd be gaining.
OK... you guys can laugh. I still shoot my Mathews "OUTBACK". It may not be the newest bow, however, it's the darn best bow that I have ever shot.
Yep, me too. I bought it in 2004 and I've been running it ever since. I have replaced the strings/cables though.
Like i tell my buddy at the bowshop who ribs me about my 2012 Alphamax I'm still shooting, "Hell I basically buy a bow every month it's just a check to my ex-wife"
My first bow was a bear I bought at Kmart. I was 18. I like bears owned 2 of them same with Martin. I bought a brand new Martin in 2004 cougar magnum 3 nitrous x shoot thru system I got on it. Sport hog 7 pin sight I got got many deer with that bow. Working on an elk this year. I'm hoping someday to get a bowtech next year.
I've owned 2. High Country Sniper around 1991. Replaced that with a Mathews Z7 around 2009 or 2010 (whatever year they were released).
From 1996-2007 i would buy one or two new bows a year. From 07 til this spring i have shot the same two Diamond Marques, both of those blew up in the same day. So i was forced to get a new one, bought a new Elite Enkore, will probably have this one till it falls apart
For me it is so cheap to get a new bow every 2 years. I sell my current bow sometime in Spring without accessories. Then spend about $400 to get a new one. I have a problem.

I do wish I still had my Switchback XT. Big mistake selling it.
I went ten years on a bass pro $300 combo setup. It killed animals and shot well. Technically I think it was made by diamond. Last year I finally went in the bow shop to upgrade, shot every hunting bow I could with my draw length, 32” and change. I ended up with a vxr and love it, I also plan on keeping this bow for a long time!
Not to get side tracked, but HOLY APE HANGERS. Are you a descendent of a pterodactyl?

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