Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

How much water do you drink everyday?

I dont know how much water I drink, but I'm sure I'm getting enough most days.

I drink a little coffee every morning, then I drink water pretty constantly throughout the day. I also drink at least one glass of milk a day too.

I almost never drink alcohol anymore, but I am known to crush a Mt. Dew or three per week, so that's not great, but I think I keep myself hydrated all the same.
Not enough. I drink a 16oz caffeinated seltzer in the morning, get a nalgene in at work, then a few glasses of water at home. Not sure I'd break a 100oz. should try for a gallon. Elk hunting in Sept I easily go through 3L and am usually out by the end of the day wanting more.

Saturday I went to a sausage making party with some hunting friends, I drank a 1/4 Nalgene of water and the rest beer/whisky, that didn't feel good the next day 😬
About 100 oz filtered tap water/day, then 12 oz of sparkling water after dinner. Walmart/Sams pineapple-coconut sparkling water is my latest indulgence. About the same when hiking or working outside. Coffee gave me up long ago.
About 1 1/2 to 2 cups of coffee. Take it in 1/2 cup quantities...don't really crave the taste and don't like it at all unless steaming hot.
Ya learn to drink it cold & strong in the Navy too. LOL
Never drank sodas & have not drank booze in 35 years.
I don't drink enough water and it's not healthy. I drank lots of water up until my 50s and 60s then drank mostly soda. Got kidney stones too because of it. And as a former platoon sergeant in the Marine Corps I used to be a fanatic about making people drink before we went out in the field. Now I drink Propel which is better than I was but not as good as water. Thanks to food manufacturers and that we got away from drinking simple water and drink flavored sweet stuff and avoid the bland taste of water.
Same boat, w/o the stones... yet. 50 y/o. This thread has my nalgene filled. going to shoot for a filler today. Coffee included, of course.
Those stones WILL get your attention, been lucky(?) as have yet to have had one fished out but the passing? ...ouch!

Wife says my coffee and occasional barley pops don't count in the total, I think I should be getting "some" credit though :sneaky: I still have to go through the drinking motion...
Wife says my coffee and occasional barley pops don't count in the total, I think I should be getting "some" credit though :sneaky: I still have to go through the drinking motion...
I get the same response as well. Do they not need water to make it?
Not sure the exact amount, but I try to drink enough so my piss stays clear throughout the day. I probably drink 50+ oz before I start hiking in the morning when hunting so I’m we’ll hydrated to start and don’t have to carry as much water.
I do the same. Big yeti of coffee and I fill 2 milk jugs with water for the day. I’m not consistent in intake though. Some days I’ll drink 1 1/2 jugs by noon other days I’ll still have some left in the evening.
My wife is terribly embarrassed that I carry a gallon milk jug filled with water around. She has bought me like three fancy insulated water bottles, but I always go back to the gallon jug.
My wife is terribly embarrassed that I carry a gallon milk jug filled with water around. She has bought me like three fancy insulated water bottles, but I always go back to the gallon jug.
My wife has bigger reasons to be embarrassed of me. After almost 10 years together she’s realized I’m an 8 year old kid and the more she gets embarrassed the harder I try to do it.
I used to lug around a gallon jug and try to hammer down the full gallon daily. This worked great in an air conditioned office setting but I was noticing a big shock to the system every hunting season. I'd get really dehydrated in a very short amount of time even though I was chugging through my 3L bladder and refilling it at least once if there was water nearby. Massive headaches, cramps, just feeling awful after every hunt. I really feel like my body gets conditioned to expect water at certain times, gets used to the excess and I just end up pissing it out without retaining it. Then it's a massive shock to the system when I'm in the hills and either don't have access to water or am sweating it out faster than I can replenish it. Something that's helped with avoiding dehydration is spacing out my water drinking window. Instead of sipping on a gallon all day, I'll dry fast till noon somedays or just drink large amounts of water intermittently like I would meals (usually 2-3 times per day). I'll also put some sodium and potassium chloride in my water bladder when I'm hunting. Helps a lot to have some electrolytes on board. It just makes logical sense to me to drink water how I would when I'm out hunting. Hell, the critters I'm hunting water once per day so why am I sipping on water every waking second?
I used to drink a lot of sweet tea and lemonade every day. Way too much. Doc said my A1C was in the diabetic range so about three months ago I switch to nothing but water with lemon squeezed into it. One liter of ice water and half a lemon for flavor. Go through 3 or 4 of these a day. Have lost 10 pounds with just this change only.
I used to drink sweet tea by the gallons and I’ve had three kidney stones so I went from almost none…unless you count what’s in mtn dew and tea….to around 15 20oz bottles a day. I don’t drink anything else but coffee and water. That’s been the norm for the last five years and no more damn kidney stones! They will make you change!
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