How much water do you drink everyday?

Does LaCroix count? Asking for @wllm1313.

Spent a lifetime not drinking enough. Paying for it now with worn out joints, kidney stones, etc. My goal is min 64 oz / day, but if I get thru 32 then that’s an average day. I just don’t get thirsty. Don’t be me!

I don’t drink much, maybe 100 ounces but that would be abnormal.
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life, stopped drinking soda 10 yrs ago and stopped drinking tea or anything with caffeine 5 yeas ago.
I just don’t get thirsty.
Drink grape juice once in awhile but not regularly, hope it defeats the stones... but so far no pains yet.
I don’t drink much, maybe 100 ounces but that would be abnormal.
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life, stopped drinking soda 10 yrs ago and stopped drinking tea or anything with caffeine 5 yeas ago.
I just don’t get thirsty.
Drink grape juice once in awhile but not regularly, hope it defeats the stones... but so far no pains yet.
Doctor told me that God created kidney stones so men would partially know what childbirth feels like. I have a whole new respect for moms after 3 ER visits last year!
I don't drink soda or coffee but I could drink gallons of sweet tea a day if I let myself. I force myself to drink 3 liters of water (think that's about 100oz) before I drink anything else that day. Normally finish my 3rd liter somewhere between 3-6 then I have my tea and maybe a adult beverage. When I made the change to not drinking sweet tea all day I lost 12 pounds that was the only thing I changed.
I drink about 2 pots of coffee a day and at least a gallon of water. Some days Rio & I will go thru 2 gal. in the field. 1/2 gal jug is a bowl for Rio & a drink for me. Usually have 2 gal in the truck. A canteen & a couple nalgene bottles and a half gallon milk jug full.
I keep a Sierra cup down @ the stock well for drinks. I drink a lot of water.

My neighbor is a retired FS Geologist/Hydrologist and he never drinks. Maybe a cup of coffee in the morning. A sip of water at the table.
He does have a nice jar of kidney stones he has collected in his life...still does not drink water.
I drink 12 oz of coffee in the morning and then I drink 100+ ounces of water through the day. Then I drink a fair amount of an effervescent barley tea in the evenings. If Im working outside during the heat I probably double the water and skip the grain based drinks.

I can usually tell if I haven't had enough water because I get a headache. Like a built in hygrometer.
At least 3-5 yeti 30 oz tumblers per day. A pot of coffee in the am. Usually a couple ice teas for lunch. In general I dont drink much soda , never have I no longer drink much beer on a regular basis.
Currently battling a gout flare up due in part to my liquid intake. Over the last 2 months I've been drinking ~5 cans of soda, 2 bottles of water and add in a glass of sweet tea or beer every couple days.
Since my flare up 4 days ago I have drank about 6 bottles of water a day, throwing in a liquid IV every now and then
I don't pay any attention to what I drink now days but when I was working on hot summer days, 95° to 105°, keeping hydrated was a major battle. I would drink somewhere around 30 to 40 ounces coffee in the morning then down a 20 oz soda on the way to the job site. Pee most of that out when I got to the job site. Then I would pack 1 1/4 gallons of water with me while working and drink it all. When I got back to the truck, I would have two one-quart bottles of water, 1 that I had frozen the night before. I would mix those and drink it all then down a 32 oz Gatorade. When I got back home or to the motel, I would sip Ice water continuously until I went to bed. Sometimes I would weigh myself before and after work. I would always lose from 5 to 7 lbs. each time.
I drink a couple of cups of coffee in the morning and sometimes go all day without a drink. Then a beer or two most nights. The wife is forever trying to get me to drink more water. I once went on a 2-day backpack trip in the mountains in cool weather with 2 twenty oz. water bottles and brought a little bit home. I just don't get thirsty but have learned to feel dehydration coming on, so I force myself to drink while out and about. I realize now that I spent my entire childhood dehydrated. I can feel my lips start to burn when I have gone too long.
Not nearly what I should and the Mrs stays on my ass for it, course it’s easy for her to get her fill at 115#, try slapping another hundo to that!

She has seen me fight a couple of battles with the stones so only myself to blame on that one, just don’t get thirsty🤷🏻‍♂️

On avg polly 2-3 cups of coffee in the morn, 70-80oz of water throughout the day IF hounded or I think about it, maybe an adult bev before dinner.
The only thing I drink is water. I've never drank coffee, I haven't drank beer in almost 20 year and I quit soda about a year ago.

I have a 16 oz. Yeti tumbler that I fill almost 10 times a day at work. I usually have about 32 oz. With dinner and then another 30 throughout the evening. So I am probably getting close to 2 gallons of water a day. I love water and drank it like a fish.

Water is by far my biggest struggle while I'm hiking/hunting. I always have my 3 liter bladder, 2 Nalgenes and a filter.
Anybody add a squirt of vitamin flavor stuff? Using that makes me drink a lot more water, but I'm not sure if that stuff might kill me lol.
I start every day and end it with a glass of water too...Dr's suggestion. Does wonders for the gut too.
I have always drank a lot of water. Dr's told me to drink more. Keeps the BP down.
Some of you have a fair amount of idle time slurping away. :)
I don't drink enough, for sure.
Cup of coffee.
Maybe 40-50 oz water.
1-2 glasses of wine.

What age do kidney stones start showing up?
20oz coffee in the morning and then about 112 oz of water the rest of the day. I use to drink diet coke etc but slowly cut that out years ago.

I will have a few Coors Lights on the weekends which should count as additional water also.
Mrs stays on my ass for it, course it’s easy for her to get her fill at 115#, try slapping another hundo to that!

She has seen me fight a couple of battles with the stones so only myself to blame on that one, just don’t get thirsty🤷🏻‍♂️
Same boat, w/o the stones... yet. 50 y/o. This thread has my nalgene filled. going to shoot for a filler today. Coffee included, of course.

Rule of thumb I always try to abide by is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces. But W.C. Fields had some wisdom about this as well.

Normal day - 140-160 ounces. Usually add some magnesium carbonate to one hydroflask for mineral maintenence. In the field, hunting, fishing, working out doors, add 2-3 extra bottles and some salt shots/broth for mineral replacement. I tend to wash away a lot of minerals through over-consumption of water so it's necessary to replace Electrolytes.