How much do elk wander in December


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
I've been hunting in a wintering area, not really glass able, so you have to still hunt it. Snowed Thanksgiving and last Monday the elk where there. I tracked 3 down but they were bulls. Tracks, beds and droppings everywhere and fresh monday.

Been dead since, very few to no human tracks outside mine.

Do elk wander and cycle back every few days?
They'll have drainages where they want to be and stay there. Weather and pressure will push them but that's about it.
My experience is cows and younger bulls wander a lot more than older age class bulls. They’ll go miles whereas older bulls will often stick within a half mile or smaller the entire winter if they have what they need.
Sort of depends on where you're at. I live in a Wintering grounds and when the backcountry gets deeper snows and cold, the Elk come down and bed down about a mile away at most. Then, I see them comed down at dusk and graze in an irrigated meadow. Around 7am, they file back to their bedding areas for the day. I think they get sort of in a pattern if nor disturbed.
As the snow comes it naturally will drive all the elk to lower ground where grass is available and unfrozen water, if available. And once the rut is over all the big boys just want to rest and eat. My observations have been the bulls will do what ever is necessary to gain strength for the upcoming winter. Not traveling too far if the grass and water is available. I've seen the bigger bulls year in and year out in the same general area as cows, calves and younger bulls, they just don't mix much. Once more snow falls and water sources are frozen, all the elk will migrate to a lower altitude where better grass is available. This may be the location that all of them will remain the winter. I have observed this cycle many times in NW Colorado and the Gunnison Basin.
You didn't mention what state you are hunting in. Here in Idaho, once the first big snowstorm sets in, the elk are driven down into the private farm fields. Bull elk will join them during the night and head back up into the foothills before first light. The cows will stay close to private land. I've seen cow elk grazing in people's backyards! Once in awhile, a moose will wonder into one of the rural towns. Elk and deer graze along the asphalt highways at night because the asphalt retains good moisture and grass in the ditches. Elk and deer also take advantage of the farmers fields and hay stored for their livestock. They have learned these are safe areas to graze.

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