Caribou Gear

How many of you have lost interest ?!?!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Not in hunting... I'm not looking to ask too stupid of a question :)

But in work... Going to work, Doing what you're doing ... yaddy yaddy... Am I in a mid life crisis at 36 ?!?!

I love what I'm doing for a job, The dudes I work with are better then great and the potential for making money is there with a few deals but there are walls I keep slamming my head up against. Banks jsut suck A$$ rght now, borrowers are riding fences, most borrowers have Crap for Credit and the list goes on.... Stuff that makes me drop the F-bomb and Deflates my gusto for the day or week.... Some days I roll in at 11:30 jsut to go to lunch then leave at 2.... If I'm dinking off that much I should be at least out hunting.. right !?!! :) I realize there are crap days in any job but This year I haven't been motivated at all.... and the last few months I'm pushing 8% efficiency at best...... I should be at least working out but thats been 0 times since the Triathlon also.

I'm contributing it to all the other Crap (Money wise) that's going on in my life but I can't find the UMMMFF that I had for many , many years. Unlike Schmalts that doesn't have his Umff in the bedroom, I'm still fortunate there *smile* I've even thought about flipping burgers for a few months or so just to be doing something different.

As far as Life, it's great. Happy family, healthy kids and wife, great love life, Awesome friends.... I Just have a Grey "BLAH" cloud over me lately and I'm not used to that.... ever. In the 13 years I've posted here I'm guessing you've seen my down less then you can count on one hand.....

Am I the only one that has felt that way ? What have you guys done if you got to this "place?" I feel like I should be writing "DEAR ABBY" or something....

I could sit around and not work for a few months and help out but what little I have would eventually run out.... Dang work and money :p

Hopefully skipping this Thursday and Friday and killing a Elk those days might bring me back to motivation again but I'm guessing not.... I wish I was a Woman and I could just buy a new pair of pants and eat a hagen-das and everything would be alright ...*sigh* .... MAybe I'd feel better if I went to and stired crap over there... that usually helps... :W:
Your not too your for a MLC. I too am one to get easily bored with stuff, and even though I have a dream job to me, i still find myself many days not wanting to go to work and can't wait until retirement if it ever comes.
Try a new work out regiment, maybe a new hobby of some sort. I don't know, I have been there myself and maybe it is just time that makes the cloud go away.
As a young man I was told by an Uncle to try 3 different things as a Career in my life. I have been in the Concrete Business, Insurance Business and of course what I started as and always came back to which is OIl and Gas Drafting. My problem alway has been when I achieve the goal I have worked for I become bored and I have a Kick azz Business. I still get the "awe chit" feeling on Sunday nights thinking of all the work that needs to be done for me to take this or that day or week off and I own the dang thing! I think you may be thinking in the back of your mind that what you are doing is a great opportunity, but is it the right opportunity for you? The feelings you have could be a form of contempt for your Job. You are still a young man that could apply yourself to a career in the Medical field or anything else you would wish to do. Thinking about what you should be doing for 4 or 5 more years is the time frame to enter a new career with a degree in that field. Hope that helps, John
At 60 I look back on the mid-life shifts and how things are today. I have been through some terror and some great times. I finally figured out it is not about me. My job is to provide a good situation for my family and if I get bored or kick the bucket in the process it is no big deal. If your kids don't have cancer or your wife isn't a drunk then you could be a lot more stressed than you are. I always had something to look forward to ahead of me. A trip to Alaska or Mexico to fish, a hunt or even a weekend scouting with my buddies. I know a couple very similar to me but he had a pension and good retirement plan. I paid out a $million for a business that is now barely making it and he bought a home in a golf course community and retired early. I get up and fight every day to survive and keep people working and he plays golf 5 days a week with a bunch of other old farts. He and the old lady drink at least a bottle of wine every night plus hit the clubhouse. I have no desire to be an old drunk sitting around with a bunch of other old drunks pretending that life is good. Life is good when you are cheating death and working your ass off. You just need to work harder so you don't get bored.
I deal with this almost constantly.
I am perpetually dissatisfied with my carrer. I have ascended to the top with no where but down to go.
My most recent solution is that I am trying a couple of plans to become self employed.
Just to increase my money streams(dribbles).
I am also always planning the next big trip to Alaska, as well as taking orders on our next vacation.
Nothing wrong with having a little drive, that's what makes us successful- it just also makes us bored with what might make others happy.
I think a lot of it has been the absolute grind that every working man has been giong through the past 2 years. I have owned a construction company for ten years. We have been extremely blessed in every aspect of it but for me what makes the industry fun is making the deals and landing the tough projects....that is what is not happening. I have always been able to pull a rabbit out of my hat when needed and right now, there flat isnt any rabbits.
It takes a lot of discpline, which I dont have many times, to buckle down, suck it up and be the example that we should be. There are always more people watching you than you realize and they need to see constant, optimistic, hard working men. Sorry that your a little in a funk, so am I but its all mental and speaking for me, I just need to sack up and do my job.

Sorry for the little rant.
Thanks for the posts and PM's.... It's good to hear what others are thinking :p

For starters, get off your ass and start hitting the gym again.

Rub some dirt on it, get up & get back in the game.

but its all mental and speaking for me, I just need to sack up and do my job

Life is good when you are cheating death and working your ass off. You just need to work harder so you don't get bored.
I am still waiting for my MLC at 55... isn't that when I get some young girl and a Corvette?...:hump::)

I retired at 40 and everyday is different... I just do whatever comes up... also help take care of my 84 yr. old parents... simple things shop for them /feed pets/ etc..... But if I get bored I hit the road Vegas
Payson drive around... take a trip etc... If I was you I would start up something New... You have a truck... start a small moving/ hauling biz.... you meet new people get "CASH"... just try some new stuff... Good luck.:).. you can always go back to the boring bank stuff:)
ScreeSlider-me too! Try paying out a million and using every resource you have to make it a go after 30 years in the corporate world. Just when payday is within reach the economy crashes and you wake up afraid of total collapse. Like the lion and the zebra. The lion wakes up knowing he has to outrun the fastest lion to survive and the zebra wakes up knowing he has to outrun the slowest zebra to survive. It is all about running as fast as we can. In this depression we should just be happy that we have food and shelter because many people don't.
Work is somthing i have to do to fish/hunt and will retire as soon as possible. Olefish
hey moosie...I hear ya...and all have posted good ideas and support. Maybe the elk hunt will reset things a bit...Im going down to my farm this weekend to get it ready for deer season and think that will help reset my outlook.
If you have a job right now...hang on to it!!!! this is not a good time to be without and me...Ive been looking for about 5-6 mo's after a company 'deleted' my department as a result of the mortage biz meltdown. Everyone has ups n downs...its natural, and motivation lags sometimes (which can have an alarming effect when you're used to being up and charging). But being without really will get you down...and watching your savings tank hurts even more. I took a temp physical labor position in a corn processing plant to keep me 'active'...ended up losing 30+ lbs and feel better than I have in years...but its time to get back on my sales track.
Ive always been in sales and enjoyed success/money for hard work. I do tend to get bored with some positions especially if the hard work doesnt lead to increasing $$$$ success for my family and me. Dont fear the idea of exploring other opportunities...a person will be more successful, much easier doing some thing they really enjoy/a passion...rather than pushing a boulder uphill at something they just do for a 'job or the money'. With my current situation Ive had to look more closely at myself (waaay down in the dark areas we usually close the door on) for what I really want to do, at what makes me tick and trips my trigger...(unfortunately some guy named Randy got that job!...LOL!).
Im pretty resiliant, but have hit my slump pretty big as of late because its beyond me how a man with great experience, track record, willingness and work ethic can hit sooooooo many road blocks in finding a position.
Sorry about my rant...its an area that hits close to home right now...and Im not in familiar territory not having a job. But just stick it out, reach way down in yourself and keep what you got as you look for something different. Like I keep telling's temporary and it will get better.
Try sitting at home scouring newspapers and online job services for ten freakin months. I'd kill for a decent job. But according to Obamanomics its good to have 5,000 people lining up for ten jobs.

Then the freakin Senate is dragging its feet on extending unemployment benefits. Why not they already have jobs. Billions for the banks, car companies, cash for clunkers, and economic stimulus at the blink of an eye. Meanwhile thousands of jobs disappearing people running out of benefits(By the way once you run out of unemployment you're no longer included in the % of unemployed). And they keep telling us the recession is over. And you're BORED with your JOB well frickin QUIT and LET ME HAVE YOUR JOB!!!! GROW UP!!! Be glad you don't have to worry about how you're gonna pay mortgage, food, property taxes, car payments, utility bills, and etc.
Based upon how unemplyment was tracked before 1986 when the government conveniently changed the formulas the US is at a 17.6% unemployment rate right now and dropping. I feel for you guys looking for a job. Hope you catch one soon.
Go hunting and come home and just watch your kids play. Watch the little girl giggle and crawl around and all else will be fine. Get back in the GAP! Gratitude, Acceptance and Patients... Suck it up big guy we all have to eat a sh$t sandwich once in a while.:D
Oscar...I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, health care reform, unemployment,
the wars, global warming,my retirement account, Social Security.....

I called Lifeline. :(

I got a call center in Pakistan. :rolleyes:

I told them I was suicidal...:eek:

They all got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.....:eek:
This is probably not the place... BUT...How many illegals are holding American JOBS right now...Call your SENATORS! And Tell EVERY American without a JOB to get off their ass and make a phone call!
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