How many guns is too many? What is considered an "armory"?

Might be I assumed.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure but it's been a while. I've got that and a couple unfired shotguns. A 12 gauge Winchester SXP Black Shadow I believe it's called and a single shot .410 that I can't remember offhand what make it is. Have a spare(?) AR that's never been shot, I bought 2 back in the day. My Savage 110 .270 package rifle has been around for a while and I may as well hang on to it. The only handgun I would care to unload is the one my wife shot herself with, so maybe it's got some bad juju going for it!
I am not aware of a limit per-se.

But think about this (and a constant thought I have about my parents and in-laws for when they pass).

Who is going to take care of all your crap when you die - house, cars, tools, guns, etc.

If you have someone you want to get the guns when you die, give them to those people now.

You obviously have something significant volume wise you are dealing with if you're building a new safe and still plan on taking on new guns as the inevitable happens. Talk to your heirs and people you will inherit stuff from now and see what they want, don't want, etc. If they don't want it now, they are not likely to want it when you die either or will sell it all to the lowest bidder. Maybe talk your stepdad who has 100 guns about selling them now, rather than leaving them for a family member to have to deal with.

Find a way to divest of it, let someone else enjoy it, and take the money and do something you will enjoy with it.

My biggest fear is having my children have to deal with a significant amount of my stuff when I die, which they have no real attachment to, while they are grieving and presumably trying to live their lives at the same time. It's just a recipe for bad decisions to be made, and relationships to get messed up over an inanimate object.
I suppose an even worse scenario is having wildcats or something like it for which ammo is not commercially available and they don't know chit about reloading.
I know somebody who has a firearm collection so big that he had to build a 25'x30' concrete building to hold them all. He's my hero.
How could that NY strangler accumulate close to 300 firearms and seemingly attract no attention?
As far as I know there’s no limit on ownership, but buying and selling might .require a license in some states. However, don’t let the media find out if you have a stash, that’s the kind of story they drool over !
As far as I know there’s no limit on ownership, but buying and selling might .require a license in some states. However, don’t let the media find out if you have a stash, that’s the kind of story they drool over !
The media thinks that anybody with more than one firearm is unstable.

Funny story, back several years we had an escaped convict that the police cornered on on I-4 in Polk county, FL. Are any of you familiar with Sheriff Grady Judd down here? He is great. Florida Sherifs have a lot of power. Anyways, the convict ran in the "woods", really, jungle down here, and a gun fight insued. They killed the guy. Sheriff Judd was giving a press conference and one of the media asks him "Well Sheriff, ya fired 200 rounds at this guy to kill him!" his answer: Yeah, we ran outta bouwetts!. LOLOLOLOL. Classic Grady Judd. Watch his press conferences on Youtube. They should make Sheriff Judd head of the FBI. Throw out that lame ass Christopher Wray.
Well I'm not gonna add anything important. I've got 7 rifles, 6 shotguns and about 7 handguns. Don't shoot my handguns that much so could make do easily with just one handgun! For rifles, my most used for hunting is a toss up right now between my 6.5x55 and my 260 Rem. Actually can hunt anything I might hunt the rest of my life with either. Of course the same could be said for my 6.5x06 and my 30-06 and in a pinch my 243 would work! I am amazed the number of firearms some guy's have. They have so many I'd think most never get shot but, I got'em boy!

You could stick the old three gun theory in here and pretty much hit the nail on the head. But then what fun would that be? In my handguns I have for sure my 9mm Smith I carry every day. A 9mm Ruger just to heavy for a carry gun, a 32 ACP to light and small and the thing throws away MTY's. My 38/44 would be an alright only handgun, versitle bullet weight's for from squirrels to whatever. Love my 32 long but heaviest bullet I have for it is a 124gr cast bullet, comes in on the short end to the 38/44. Have a semi auto 22LR that would be great for squirrels and rabbits as would my 22LR DA handgun.

Now in the world of gun nuts need has nothing to do with anything. I've got a 6.5x55; what do I need with the 260 Rem? And it's the last rifle I came into by re-barreling a 243 I had! Then again I also have a 30-06, what need of anything smaller and no need for anything larger! Then in the world of outdoors people that fish and hunt, I also have 11 level wind fishing reels, each with their own rod and 9 spinning rod and reels, 7 of them ultra light's. This over loading of equipment is not the private world of the shooter. mater of fact I suspect fishermen are worse if only because the equipment is far less expensive. Something I've heard from fishermen buying the most expensive reels and rods they can is that the rod an reel will last a lifetime. So these guy's end up with 40 reels that simply won't wear out and got the last one the day before they died.

Outdoors men are strange animals!
How do I love thee,...let me count the ways. To me, firearms are like works of art. Although my Glock is a great shooter and reliable as hell, it's an ugly pistol. My life doesn't depend on it for reliability, like a friend of mine. I get it. Im more inclined to purchase wood, stainless. I do like blueing. My latest purchases have been revolvers. All Smith & Wessons. I do favor accuracy. I'm also left handed. Rather left-dominant eye. Although I'm right handed (I shoot a bow right handed), Ive learned over 50 years to shoot left handed, including skeet and trap. Am not big on engraving. But, like women, I bang a fat girl here and then just for variety.
There comes a time when you realize that quality rules over quantity and you can start selling some to acquire a few better ones. There really is no limit to how much more you can spend per gun, so don't worry about running out upgrades to spend trade money on.
I get this, but some of the heirlooms in the back of the safe are crap guns. I still can't part with them.
Friendly reminder to everyone to double check their insurance coverage, whether it's under homeowners or additional policy, to make sure total value of firearms are covered.
Mine covers firearms, accessories, reloading equipment and loaded ammunition. No appraisal required on any single item under 10k.. It's a completely seperate policy from our homeowners insurance and VERY affordable
Here's the deal. I THOUGHT I had good coverage for my collection until my Para P14-45 was stolen in Missoula this year.

Got claptrap from the big-name insurance company. "Deductible, blah blah, rates will go up, blah blah....."

Writing this I realize I never checked with the NRA to see if they covered me.
I know somebody who has a firearm collection so big that he had to build a 25'x30' concrete building to hold them all. He's my hero.
Saw a vault room door at a Central Washington Farm and Ranch store for $4k
I knew right then that any new house I build will have to include a walk in gun room.

Here's the deal. I THOUGHT I had good coverage for my collection until my Para P14-45 was stolen in Missoula this year.

Got claptrap from the big-name insurance company. "Deductible, blah blah, rates will go up, blah blah....."

Writing this I realize I never checked with the NRA to see if they covered me.
Yep, except for hail damage and I suppose fire, that's their line on everything.
Technically, an armory is a place to store weapons. Therefore we all have an armory. An ARSENAL is something different. When I hear news stories about some shooting that say they had an "arsenal" of 5 guns plus 5-600 rounds of ammo I laugh and call them an amateur. Even though an arsenal is also considered a storage place it is also considered a collection.
(This turned into a TomT post before I knew it. WTH, just gonna send it. )

FWIW - Sadly this is a word which has succumbed to the pressure of media and colloquial use. American English evolves at an alarming rate for those of us educated back in the day.
I know it does little good to rant about how word meanings are changed by culture. But still...

This is not new to our "culture war" as some believe, but goes back to before Chaucer. (No, I was not educated before Chaucer.)

At one time both Arsenal and Armory meant weapons caches stored by a government or community.

Google now lists "persons" in the definition of who may control an arsenal.
Webster lists the traditional definition of 1(a) a military controlled storehouse. But now adds 1(b) "A collection of weapons"

I wonder if these changes in particular are because LaPierre & Co. spent a lot of energy once upon a time railing against the use of the word "arsenal" in news stories about private collections.

Since the OP asked whether there was a standard, maybe @VikingsGuy can tell us if this change in definition applies in statute and regulation as well.
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