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How many different states and species do you apply for every year

That’s what people say, but I have been using this system for 5 years for travel and bigger purchases to save money in the long run. My credit score is over 750. I don’t miss a payment. Could my score be better? Sure. Is this system for everyone? No. Am I going to do everything I can to go on more hunts? Yes.

Hey if it helps to get you out there, I just think setting up a separate hunting savings account with whatever amount of cash you need to float your tags is probably a better idea, if you can swing it.
I am new to the western hunting world, and just started getting points last year (2018).
I am going on my first hunt for Elk in either WY or CO this fall.

Points I got last year:
CO: Elk and Mule Deer
WY: Elk and Pronghorn
MT: Deer and Sheep

I bought the deer bonus point in MT with minimal research. Now after buying GoHunt, I don't see much, if any, benefit to that point. What is everyone's thoughts?

In 2019 I think I will get a point for Elk in MT and Deer in WY plus what was above.
APPLY, APPLY, APPLY oh and APPLY. I get my budget set for the year look at my points in each state and go from there. I want to have 2 or 3 hunts a year depending on my schedule. I also add a state every year too. If my plan works out I am hopeful I will be able to rotate thru the western united states. Oh and did I mention APPLY.

Ps APPLY your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend and children.
APPLY, APPLY, APPLY oh and APPLY. I get my budget set for the year look at my points in each state and go from there. I want to have 2 or 3 hunts a year depending on my schedule. I also add a state every year too. If my plan works out I am hopeful I will be able to rotate thru the western united states. Oh and did I mention APPLY.

Ps APPLY your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend and children.

Do you work for HF? Ya it's great advice to get in on the ground floor now in states like Nevada where points are squared and me and thousands of other guys have 22 ahead of you 22 x 22 = 484+1=485 chances in the hat to your 1, yet I still can't draw anything despite picking low to mid tier hunts! Yes APPLY anyway. A sound investment for newbies.

The real question is which of these Ponzi schemes will totally collapse first, and what will happen to all our points. The closest analogy that comes to mind is a YouTube video I watched on the pre-1929 stock market. Except the chant was BUY, BUY, BUY back then.
For those of you applying to more than 3-4 states. How do you afford all the fees? I know some are due at different times and are only due if you draw. What happens if you draw multiple states?

On my spreadsheet I also write down which ones you have to buy a license for and which ones you don't. There are plenty you don't have that big cost to eat each year. I have drawn multiple states in the same year a few times and you make it work. One year I had to give tags back as it just wasn't going to work out hitting four states with the overlap of dates. Some give your money back but most have a catch when you try to do that. Do your research and you will find a system that works for your budget.
I'll be applying for:

PA - Elk
AZ - Elk, Mule Deer
WY - Points only Elk, Mule Deer
IA - Point only

Was going to apply to NM for elk before they added the must buy a license rule.
I’m applying for:

KS - Point only Deer
IA - Point only Deer
PA - Elk
MT - Point only Elk
WY - Point only Elk and Deer and possible Antelope

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