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How many actual hunters?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
Whitehall, MT
Does anyone know how many nonresidents' actually hunted elk or deer MT last year? Maybe MT FWP has no idea, but I always hear about the number of tags we sell, but not an actual estimate or solid number of NR hunters. I'm not talking about how many tags are sold.... that's not even close to accurate. If I look at the number of tags sold I can easily do some math and figure out that it's not even close to the real number of hunters.

I know it will come up so here is the breakdown from 2021 licenses sold:
Non Res Big Game Combo=11,869
Non Res Big Game Combo Family Sponsor=437
Non Res Deer Combo=11,155
Non Res Deer Combo Family Sponsor=215
Non Res Deer Combo Landowner=917
Non Res Youth Sponsor Big Game=321
Non Res Youth Sponsor Deer Combo=968
Non Res College Student Big Game=100
Non Res College Student Deer Combo=49
Non Res Cooperator Big Game Combo-210
Non Res Native Big Game Combo=926
Non Res Native Deer Combo=355
One Time Outfitter Big Game Combo=1141
One Time Outfitter Deer Combo=321

Total Deer A=28,984
Total Deer B=13,556

For Elk I'm leaving out the combo tags because we already included them with the deer tag. Every time I see an article that states we had 66,000 Non-resident tags sold last year it seems deceiving. People try to equate that to 66,000 hunters and that is false.

Non Res Elk Combo Family Sponsor=60
Non Res Elk Combo General-5030
Non Res Youth Sponsored Elk Combo=40
Non Res College Student Elk=4
Non Res Native Elk Combo=115
One Time Outfitter Elk Combo=264

Total Elk A=20,517 (This includes the Big Game Combo numbers in the deer total)
Total Elk B=3,567
Total Elk=24,084

So we had at least 34,497 hunters (Total hunters that drew A tag).
We may have had up to 51,620 hunters (A tags + B tags) but it seems very unlikely that a bunch of non-residents came out to purchase one B tag and not multiple, or that it wasn't A tag holders grabbing an extra B tag.
This year we won't have any of the outfitter tags so that will get rid of 1,726 tags at minimum.
If we were to get rid of all the setasides we would have only sold 28,054 "A" tags.

I'm having a dull moment, but how many total tags are we supposed to dish out to NR's? I thought it was 17,000 elk? or is that total combo tags?

Also, for perspective we sold 221,671 Deer tags to residents and 163,347 elk tags to residents.

I'm just curious if anyone on here has ever received information/data from MT FWP that might give us an idea how many actual non-resident's we have hunting.
It is mind numbing. Add on the 10% in region 7 that went to all nonresidents for elk. For the “special people”
My wife and I were TWO of the Elk Combo NR license. No elk were harmed during the hunt. We ate Tag Soup and enjoyed every spoonful for the opportunity to camp in MT and go on long hikes with our bows.

We also spent plenty of money in a small town not normally known for hunting. The locals were very happy we were there chasing elk in the mountains and were more than gracious to even point us in the "right direction" to fins them.
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