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House bill moving forward to allow bikes in Wilderness

I pretty much have abandoned riding my horse in any areas other than wilderness for this reason. The latest victim is Corbly. It's turned into a raceway of bikers. Kinda sucks but I'm old school.

I didn’t realize horsemen were getting displaced. That’s pretty significant. Here’s Gianforte’s DC number. Put him on speed dial!


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While I love mountain biking there is no need to allow them in wilderness areas, there are plenty of trails to ride. Further while I think people with disabilities should be able to experience the wilderness I think allowing anyone with a handicap tag the ability to essentially drive a ATV into the wilderness is a terrible idea. I think non-motorized wheelchairs, wheelbarrows, survey wheels, measuring wheels, and game carts should be allowed, I can't see them having a material impact on wilderness areas.

I know most are focusing on mountain bikem, but allowing motorized wheelchairs is the worst thing I can see with this bill. If you have spent any time at Disneyland or any other theme park you get an idea how far people are willing to sink if they are lazy. I can see this getting abused to no end.
I know most are focusing on mountain bikem, but allowing motorized wheelchairs is the worst thing I can see with this bill. If you have spent any time at Disneyland or any other theme park you get an idea how far people are willing to sink if they are lazy. I can see this getting abused to no end.


Before MT FWP reigned in the Permit to Hunt From a Vehicle law and regs, we had dudes who could magically climb a peak and shoot a goat but who also "needed" the permit. This provision will lead to the same thing.
I know most are focusing on mountain bikem, but allowing motorized wheelchairs is the worst thing I can see with this bill. If you have spent any time at Disneyland or any other theme park you get an idea how far people are willing to sink if they are lazy. I can see this getting abused to no end.

I'm no fan of motorized anything.
But really? Some dude getting a motorized wheelchair into a wilderness area because he's lazy??
I wanna see it, especially in this kinda wilderness - I for one will be impressed....
Humans are pretty good at building better and better mouse traps... and while you might not be getting a ATV or bike into that particular spot onpoint that doesn't mean you couldn't use it to get 15 - 20 miles in on a mellow horse trail to shoot an elk. Haven't seen too many critters running around up in the talus.
Vet in Chair.png

Is this one of those lazy fat slops your wilderness purists hate?

I'll help buy the motorized chair if this man who sacrificed for all of us wants to experience the wilderness.
Touchy, I would allow motorized wheelchairs if the person was medically certified to need a wheel chair. Have to have the permit. Show up on trail; hell no!

Bikes are not allowed, period.
Mountain bikes, etc do. Especially when you look at the spread of noxious weeds and trail erosion.

Ben: Not sure that I have ever been to a "Wilderness area" (none in Iowa). If you make the above statement then what about horses and foot traffic causing trail erosion? I have been to Colorado elk hunting and some of the trails caused by people and horses are quite harmful (and these are in a place where NO bike would ever go). Secondly, (and this is serious) they better ban me from the "wilderness areas" because my clothes always have cockleburs or some other plant seed stuck to me. Ever see a horses tail and the junk that they carry?

As far a bikes..... well I'm just "too damn old" to think about riding those things :)

good luck to all
the dog
If you're going to oppose bikes, you'd better oppose horses. For me, it's either both or neither.

I couldn't disagree more. Livestock has been used by mankind for thousands of years to traverse wild areas. Mountain bikes are the pinnacle of modern engineering. No comparison.

Just another example of people wanting what they enjoy included, much like people who want to allow four wheelers and completely do away with wilderness designation. Very much the same.
Horses have problems, but their hoof prints are divots that hold water. They also step over runoff diverters. Bikes, on the other hand, make channels down the trail that funnel water and eventually break through runoff diverters. A bike can cover a lot more distance too so more miles are damaged.

It is really amazing how just a few small rocks knocked off to the side by a bike tire can clog the drainage of a small spring crossing the trail.
Is this one of those lazy fat slops your wilderness purists hate?

Certainly those that are disabled should be allowed to experience wilderness, but Wilderness Areas are "those areas those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.”

Currently you can use motor vehicles to access millions of acres of public land, many of which are just as much "wilderness" as those protected by the legal designation. Further because horses are allowed, people who cannot hike are still able to access these areas.

For the record if I was faced with the choice of no Wilderness Areas or having them but never being able to visit them myself I would chose the latter any day of the week.
Horses have problems, but their hoof prints are divots that hold water. They also step over runoff diverters. Bikes, on the other hand, make channels down the trail that funnel water and eventually break through runoff diverters. A bike can cover a lot more distance too so more miles are damaged.

It is really amazing how just a few small rocks knocked off to the side by a bike tire can clog the drainage of a small spring crossing the trail.

I think the argument that a bike causes more damage than a horse is weak at best, what I think is the better argument is that there are 1000 times more bikers than horseback riders. Allowing horses in Wilderness Areas might bring 20 people in to an area during hunting season that might not be there and maybe 100 during the rest of the year combined. Allowing bikes into an area might bring 100 people into a wilderness area from one trail-head in a single morning.
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I think the argument that a bike causes more damage than a horse is week at best, what I think is the better argument is that there are 1000 times more bikers than horseback riders. Allowing horses in Wilderness Areas might bring 20 people in to an area during hunting season that might not be there and maybe 100 during the rest of the year combined. Allowing bikes into an area might bring 100 people into a wilderness area from one trail-head in a single morning.
it is a real difference, but I agree that the bigger problem is that the increased use magnifies the impacts, and the problem will grow exponentially as population and technology grows.

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