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Hornady CX 120's (6.5 mm)


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2020
Not sure if anyone else has tried these, but I'm getting the best groups of my life with 120 CX's out of a factory Savage 6.5 CM. Three trips to the range with 5-10 shot groups averaging 0.6"

Anyone else loading this bullet or any other CX's? I'm trying 150's from my .308 now. Working up loads today.

I've seen a couple YouTube videos of guys shooting the new CX's through gel and they appear to expand well down to 2k fps. That's pretty good for a true mono. These might just replace the TTSX's I've been using the past 5 years. I can't get over the accuracy. Cloverleafs each trip.
They are gilding metal, so a little harder than pure copper. But I believe that they have a larger cavity behind the tip than Barnes, which aids in expansion. Overall on-game performance should be similar, although the CX bullet will “mushroom”, whereas the Barnes expands into 4 petals and cuts more than just pushing a large frontal diameter through. Both accomplish very similar things in different ways.

If you have good groups, and you keep them in their velocity range, they will likely do great for hunting. They will likely give you reliable pass throughs and blood trails. They will likely give you less shock and “knock down power” than lead core bullets, if you are used to those.
They are gilding metal, so a little harder than pure copper. But I believe that they have a larger cavity behind the tip than Barnes, which aids in expansion. Overall on-game performance should be similar, although the CX bullet will “mushroom”, whereas the Barnes expands into 4 petals and cuts more than just pushing a large frontal diameter through. Both accomplish very similar things in different ways.

If you have good groups, and you keep them in their velocity range, they will likely do great for hunting. They will likely give you reliable pass throughs and blood trails. They will likely give you less shock and “knock down power” than lead core bullets, if you are used to those.
Understand. I've been using 120 TTSX's for about 5 years now. I don't mind a little blood tracking. Been doing it for over 40 years with a bow. Most TTSX-shot deer I've killed made it between 50-100 yards before dying, similar to many bow-shot deer I've taken. If I want DRT I'll use SST's. They are good for that.
Not sure if anyone else has tried these, but I'm getting the best groups of my life with 120 CX's out of a factory Savage 6.5 CM. Three trips to the range with 5-10 shot groups averaging 0.6"

Anyone else loading this bullet or any other CX's? I'm trying 150's from my .308 now. Working up loads today.

I've seen a couple YouTube videos of guys shooting the new CX's through gel and they appear to expand well down to 2k fps. That's pretty good for a true mono. These might just replace the TTSX's I've been using the past 5 years. I can't get over the accuracy. Cloverleafs each trip.
I bought some in Superformance CX 120gr, but haven't shot them yet. My gun still loves the Federal Trophy Copper (120gr), so other priorities have superseded my range plans to date.

What data did you use to start building your load? Are you reloading with the Hornady brass? What powder? What Primer? No pressure. Just curious.
good questions

Loading with factory Hornady brass, CCI 200's and both H4350 and IMR 4350. Primary load will be 43.5g of H4350 @ 2830 fps. and my backup will be 44 grains of IMR 4350 @ 2840 fps. when I can't source the H4350. Seating the bullet at the bottom of the 1st cannelure. Both shoot into the same ragged hole. The IMR is a compressed load. Hope that helps.
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This is typical of what I'm getting. Three trips to the range and all have been like this. This group was 3 shots with the H4350 and 3 shots with the IMR 4350. 0.6" total for six shot group. ELD-X's out of this gun are nothing special (1"- 1.2") but it sure seems to like these 120 CX's. With a decent BC for a mono (0.43) and 2830 fps from a 21" barrel, these should be good to at least 350 yards on flat land and 450 at my normal 8500' for muleys.

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I bought a box of the 150 grain CX to try in my 280 AI. I did a ladder test with H4831SC and RL23 and hit pressure with both at 2960 fps. The H4831SC was better accuracy. Plan to use them this year and see how they perform on elk.
good questions

Loading with factory Hornady brass, CCI 200's and both H4350 and IMR 4350. Primary load will be 43.5g of H4350 @ 2830 fps. and my backup will be 44 grains of IMR 4350 @ 2840 fps. when I can't source the H4350. Seating the bullet at the bottom of the 1st cannelure. Both shoot into the same ragged hole. The IMR is a compressed load. Hope that helps.
Thanks for generously sharing these details. Much appreciated by an as-yet, non-reloader that is gaining knowledge and interest. I may lay in some supplies for future use. For now, I'll follow along...
I wanted to get the 87AH to shoot in my 6arc, but the groups just were just a little bigger than I was wanting. Ended up finding some good expansion tests with the 80cx and picked up the 90cx too. The BC on the 80 was so bad, the 90 overcame the slightly lower muzzle velocity almost immediately. Ultimately, I got the 90cx going as fast as the 87AH (2900fps with Leverevolution) and grouping better too. Unfortunately, my dad squandered every opportunity I put him in to shoot a pronghorn so I don't have any terminal ballistics to report.
I don't use monolithic bullet's but, seem's I read that Hornady's origional monolithic bullet, GMX?, was also made fromguilding metal. If so what has changed?
good questions

Loading with factory Hornady brass, CCI 200's and both H4350 and IMR 4350. Primary load will be 43.5g of H4350 @ 2830 fps. and my backup will be 44 grains of IMR 4350 @ 2840 fps. when I can't source the H4350. Seating the bullet at the bottom of the 1st cannelure. Both shoot into the same ragged hole. The IMR is a compressed load. Hope that helps.
My son in law and grandson shoot the same load with H4350. Both out of Savage rifles. They found the H much better than IMR.
My Ruger absolutely doesn't like the Hornady or the H 4350. It'll group all day with TTSX and 43gr IMR
Just loaded 20 of the older GMX bullet last night. 270Win, 130gr, see how she does.
I used the CX out of my 06 last year. I was very happy with the performance on deer and pronghorn. Haven’t shot an elk with it yet, but I likely will in October or November and I expect it will perform well based on what I’ve seen with other hunts.
Not sure if anyone else has tried these, but I'm getting the best groups of my life with 120 CX's out of a factory Savage 6.5 CM. Three trips to the range with 5-10 shot groups averaging 0.6"

Anyone else loading this bullet or any other CX's? I'm trying 150's from my .308 now. Working up loads today.

I've seen a couple YouTube videos of guys shooting the new CX's through gel and they appear to expand well down to 2k fps. That's pretty good for a true mono. These might just replace the TTSX's I've been using the past 5 years. I can't get over the accuracy. Cloverleafs each trip.
I have just developed a load for my 7mm Rem Mag (Kimber Mt Ascent) with 150 gr CX's. Had really good success with H4831SC. 3155 fps average over 100+ rounds so far with low max spread and sub 0.5 MOA that I have confirmed out to 300 yds on paper. Last session was 10-round group at 1.42-inch spread at 300 yds. Will try it on elk this fall to see how it performs (hopefully).
I've never really been an adherent to solid copper bullets. I've experimented with TTSX bullets a bit, they generally seem to shoot pretty good, but I've never sent one at an animal.

This year my family and I are going to have permission to hunt a few days on a private ranch, but they don't want any lead ammo. So, I dug through my notes and got some TTSX loads for my wife's .270 and daughters 7mm-08.

My son shoots a .243, but I've never handloaded for it. So I found some Barnes Vor-Tex (something like that), on sale with factory loaded 80gn TTSX bullets. I was very surprised at how terrible the accuracy was, to the point of thinking something was wrong with the scope or rifle itself. That little Rem 600 isn't the most accurate gun in the safe, but it's been a very reliable freezer filler for many years. I've always just grabbed Hornady American Whitetail or Custom for it, it's always shot the standard Interlock very well, so I thought maybe it's just a matter of the rifle not liking the bullets and would like the CX better. I'm sure glad I tried it - groups went from like all over the mountainside to about .8". I've always been kinda a fan of Hornady, especially the Interbond (which they recently discontinued 🤬), but so far kind impressed with the CX in their factory loads. We'll see how it performs on game.
I've never really been an adherent to solid copper bullets. I've experimented with TTSX bullets a bit, they generally seem to shoot pretty good, but I've never sent one at an animal.

This year my family and I are going to have permission to hunt a few days on a private ranch, but they don't want any lead ammo. So, I dug through my notes and got some TTSX loads for my wife's .270 and daughters 7mm-08.

My son shoots a .243, but I've never handloaded for it. So I found some Barnes Vor-Tex (something like that), on sale with factory loaded 80gn TTSX bullets. I was very surprised at how terrible the accuracy was, to the point of thinking something was wrong with the scope or rifle itself. That little Rem 600 isn't the most accurate gun in the safe, but it's been a very reliable freezer filler for many years. I've always just grabbed Hornady American Whitetail or Custom for it, it's always shot the standard Interlock very well, so I thought maybe it's just a matter of the rifle not liking the bullets and would like the CX better. I'm sure glad I tried it - groups went from like all over the mountainside to about .8". I've always been kinda a fan of Hornady, especially the Interbond (which they recently discontinued 🤬), but so far kind impressed with the CX in their factory loads. We'll see how it performs on game.

Did you try the 90 grain CX or the 80 grain? I bought a box of the 90 grain CX for my Savage Axis 243 and haven't gotten it dialed in yet. Had some really odd results that I haven't figured out. The 90 grain ELDX shoots great behind H4831SC. Even though I know better, I tried the same load for the CX. As soon as I shot, I knew it was way too hot. 3400 fps, split case, blown primer and had to take the gun home to get the bolt open. So then I started a ladder test at the low end with both H4350 and H4831SC. The starting load on each was over 3300 fps and blown primer pockets, sticky bolt. So then pulled the bullets and started even lower. Both first shots were over 3200 and the cases had ejector marks. So I'm kinda befuddled by that bullet at the moment.

I posted above my ladder test with the 150 grain CX in my 280AI and I'd initially thought H4831SC would win but the RL23 was better.

I haven't had much luck with the GMX or the CX in my Ruger Hawkeye or Predator. My Son in law and grandson both have nail drivers in their Savages with them.
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