Hogs with dogs


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA

The trouble with this type of hunting for me is that you have to go get the hog where ever the dogs get it. Its safest to stab the hog then, if you're going to kill it.

The video shows getting some out alive also, then you can sell them, but with restrictions, or feed them out.

Because I live here where there are hogs and its open season on them 24hrs/day /7 days per week /365 days per year, I get all the hogs I can use with a gun instead of going with dogs into the mud, so I don't do this dog stuff much.

Here's some females doing it.

It shows you need a big long sticker sometimes.

Sure those were girls Tom? Looked more like hogs vs. hogs to me...that blonde was doing her best Lizzy Borden impersonation :rolleyes:
It sure took a lot of poking to get the job done, but they didn't quit. (quote Tom)

...here's a freebie...anyone??:D :D

I'm with you Tom, I choose the rifle...the hell with that up close & personal wet work.
First, I agree with Marv; those weren't girls in any sense of the term.

Second, Poor Mike Vick got 2 years in prison for dog fights and killing a few dogs. I don't think these kind of "hunts" are any better, if not worse than what he did.

Third, even if an animal is feral or considered a nuisance, it still deserves to be dispatched quickly.
Amen Spitz. I have a real hard time with anybody who gets that much of a thrill in the act of killing something. I thought one of our agreed upon objectives as hunters was dispatching animals as quickly and humanely as possible. Doesn't always happen, but chasing a pig down with a dog, that won't separate from the pig, then stabbing it with a knife a bunch of times is not the way to do that.
Where do you draw the line with primitive weapons? How many animals die a lingering death due to misplaced broadheads?
sounds like you approve of this type of hunting NHY,,,figures,,,to bad one of the hogs didn't get a hold of Bubba the "hunter"
How about this one?


Obviously the deer was dispatched quickly, but obviously a high fence "hunt". I don't know too many places a whitetail will let a 7 year old walk to within 15 yards and kill 'em with a stick. I was surprised to see it wasn't Texas. (PA) ;)
Tom, did you type in "fat chicks gangbang a hog" to find that?:D

I call bs on that "hunt" The hog was drugged. It never said a peep while that other hog poked mounted it and poked away.:D :D :D .

Am I in the wrong section again?
Its not bs, that's a common method to get hogs since they are so nocturnal and there are so many of them. The dogs vests protect them some from the tusks of the hogs. To say they are not girls is very prejudiced.

The dogs do the hunt with their sense of smell and the people listen for them getting a hog and then go there. You never know how big the hog will be. The females appear to have had normal size hunting knives that would work on a lot of hogs. One female tried to get a bigger knife in there quickly, the first female, doing the killing switched to the other side quickly to get both lungs, not one, or the heart if it was puched over to that side and the man, who was probably more experienced had a longer knife which he got to them pretty quickly.

You can see a side arm on one of the ladies, but to use that would be worse and more troublesome.

I'm confident that hog died faster than many animals die being shot with rifles. I've heard of an elk being shot 9 times, the hunter thinking it wasn't hit and the taxidermist finding 9 holes, many in vital areas. I think people don't realize how many times an animal has been wouned with a long distance firearm and never found. Its very important to take only good shots because of this possibility.

The trouble with shooting a pissed off hog at close range with dogs holding it is this. The loud noise hurts the dogs ears, so they let go. Then, you're right there with deaf dogs now and a loose pissed off wild hog. The next time you walk up to those dogs holding a hog, they let go, since they don't want their ears hurt by a closely fired gun. The best thing to do is have a long sharp knife that will handle any size hog. That group clearly had that and used it.

I think the hog didn't squeel because the dogs were all over it, probably for several minutes while the people caught up to them. The people were running to get caught up to the dogs with the hog.

There's a description for you, maybe someone who has more experience with that, can add something. Make more sense?
280, Texas Parks and Wildlife people recommend shooting hogs on sight here, all you can. There's millions in the state, they destroy a lot, they are hunted 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with dog, with spotlights, with vehicles, with guns, with bow, with knives and spears, farmers get helicopters with gunmen in them to take them out.

We still have millions of them.
Sorry Tom, I disagree.

True, those people were obviously of the female gender, I just saw nothing feminine about them or their actions. I don't think that's a prejudiced statement, just my honest observation.

As for the hunt, no matter if there are millions of nuisance animals or one, I don't agree with a hunt where a pack of dogs are sent after an animal that cannot escape them via a tree or some other method and must get torn up while waiting for some fat azz person to catch up and stab it a bunch of times with a 4 inch knife before it dies.

I know hunting isn't always pretty, and obviously this is legal and some people enjoy it. To each his own. Doesn't mean I have to like a particular hunt; luckily I can choose not to participate.
Holy 6 fingered banjo pickers. Didn't that crew start in the last Texas Chainsaw Massace movie?

I have to admit that I did that with some native Australians (they were barefoot on the chase) near Darwin about 10 years ago.
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