History of hunt talk?

Big O

Aug 9, 2009
Spokane Washington
Still a relative newbie here so forgive my ignorance. Just curious, how did this forum start? Sounds like Moosie started it, right? What year was that and what was it called? Randy took over at some point? I was reading Buschy's post and it got me to thinking about all this. Looks like some of the guy's have been around a long time. I think the longevity of this is pretty cool.

Love the site.
I will let Moosie talk about the beginning. Here is how I got involved.

I followed over here from a different site that I think we all hung out on back around Y2K. The original guys on Hunt Talk were something of the cyber hunting version of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. That other site where we hung out is now defunct (I think), and with good reason.

I can't remember when I started posting regularly, but it was under my second registration that I finally posted a few pics and stories. Not sure what happened to my first registration and was too lazy to ask Moosie to find it, so I just re-registered.

Moosie contacted me in late 2008 and asked if I had any interest in taking it over. Neither he, or anyone else, knew I had started the TV show. I knew this was the best group of serious western big game hunters to be found anywhere on the web. Still is, and if anything, the group of Hunt Talkers is getting bigger and better every month.

I figured it would be cool if we could keep Hunt Talk alive, and hoped that with the TV show, we could grow it even further and improve on some things. Hopefully we accomplished that. Given what I see posted on here every fall, I think we have.

I see no other place where so many great trophies get posted and cool stories told. There are many guys on here that would be the real Pro Hunters, if they ever took an inkling to be professional writers or TV show hosts. This year is no exception. The quality of the elk and pronghorn taken are beyond any other site, and most of those trophies are taken self-guided.

That takes us up to this point. Hopefully Moosie will chime in about the history of the first seven or eight years.

Hope the next ten years is as good as the last ten years.
I have always been curious myself, Big O.

Ditto your sentiment and of course a great thanks to Moosie and all those who developed the great foundation I am able to enjoy now... Thanks for the info B-Fin. It holds real value for an "avg joe" hunter - such as myself to mingle, debate, deffinately LEARN A TON, and see some jaw dropping monsters!
This place fosters a strong - honest and occasionally "no holds bard" reality. Thanks to all you gurus that ventured from the start, those who joined from the mid and those joining who keep this place rolling in the direction defined by HT's history.
I was kinda curious myself. I have to say that I feel a little out of place on this site being from NC and only hunt the east coast but I love looking at pics and vidoes of you guys, your trophies, and the terrain and only dream of coming out west some day. So, from an easterner, whoever started this (assuming Moosie), Thanks! :D
My part of the history came around 9 yrs ago when a Forum a group of us deviants belonged to, decided that the marketing folks were going to take Nazi control of what we lifetime members could & could not express about the restrictions and censorship the were trying to impose. Thay actually shut down the site for a week because the members were getting too Hot for them to control !

Anybody remeber 'Paws' ? He was there fighting right with the rest of us. Threatened to file a Lawsuit, but I don't know if he ever did.

Anyway, he was the the one to send me over and check out Moosies Lie, Cry, Brag, Lie, Swap lies, and generally just become a home for dispondant degenetaes who would rather lose sleep, freeze, sweat, starve, and sleep on rocks to chase 'Lopes, Elk, Bear, Goats, or ground hogs than chase Miss Suzy Rottencrotch.

We've shamed each other, taesed, Blessed, Conjoled, and cussed ............But we've remained our own disfunctional family.
My question is: when did Oscar learn to spell? He seems to be doing better.
Moosie's spelling used to be Cognitive Dexterity 101. Quiet One's was post grad level.
I used to love the ongoing arguements that Bobcat seemed to have with everybody. I found it very entertaining.

I have enjoyed this site for years, not an original poster. I mostly lurk and read all the posts.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for the many hard working hunters who do it right. Also, envious of the many great trophies shot by these hunters!
Hell, I remember when Moosie couldn't Dance! I hooked up in 2002 after lurking for awhile. I even have a Membership card with my name Mis-spelled on it! LOL John
I joined 12/26/2009 after watching an OYOA show at my in-laws while suffering through a long afternoon of Christmas celebration...;)

:) Been addicted since... and very appreciative of the long time members and true hero's of the sport that post their experiences here !!
Who remembers "Wild Elk," the burlap elk decoy, Chicken Little (The Sky is falling!) and Dandy the Bear? :) Not to mention "The Coalition?" Now I am glad I missed "The Gathering." It did end up like a bad soap opera plot.

Let's not talk about B'cat....
Calif hunter, the Coalition. LOL I was one of the original member from the Coalition days registered under Coydog. After the B'cat days I slipped away for several years but came back. Yeah lets not talk ab out B'cat and the gathering. I left B'cats ranch after I tagged out a few days before the "Gathering" and was glad I did LOL.
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Nothing against B'cat. though guys. He liked to stir things up but in person was a great guy and put on a good hunt for me anyhow. I still talk with him from time to time.

Rember "Coalition Stong" lol. Those were the days.

Hunt talk has always been a great forum, but I think being back for a little while now it is better in many ways. Thanks "Big Fin" for what you have done here and my family loves your show. Now I have to change from cable to Dish so I cabn keep getting the show. Don't want to miss an episode
Terry - I have nothing against B'cat myself, and missed the Gathering. Next time you talk to Doug, tell him I said Hi. He did become a royal pain in the butt onhere, though, and the escapades and feuds that developed were funny to watch - from a a comfortable distance. ;)

And how can we forget Raving Beauty?

The drama is less but the info is much better now.
And man was there drama. That is the reason I left here for the time I did because i just want to talk about hunting. Got enough drama at the office lol
I guess I been around here longer than I thought. Moosie used to go to a site Huntamericia and was, well, Moosie. The guys a HA had a tendincy to take things a bit too serious and Moosie was always there trying to have fun. Finally one day I just thought I'd take a look at Moosie's site. It was certainly different than the anal regulated sites I was used too. There were some nuts here for sure, but having fun and hunting were what I always enjoyed so this place always had intrest to me. I don't miss the totally unregulated days one bit though.
That's funnier than hell...I remember when we'd bounce over to that Huntamericia site and jerk their chain. Moosie was like the leader from the evil empire to those guys....classic chit there.

Wasn't the dude that used to head that place up called swamp or something like that?
Good times.... :p
Man I had about forgotten about Huntamerica. I got banned from there back in the old days can't remeber why. Think i was just trying to fun them or something. It may have been a "Coaltion" thing or over one of Moosies posts over there. It was some funny stuff though
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