Hippo pee and chimp barf


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Here is a funny story to brighten your day. A little long in the details.

I can finally talk about it………………

Opening weekend of Colorado archery season I camped at a place I’ve camped at a couple times this summer. It seems like it must be a pretty big camp during gun season. Someone took a pipe and shoved it back into the spring. The water comes out of the pipe, and then they put a trash sack line bucket under it. It makes for an easy place to pump water with your filter. Also makes a decent cooler for a beer if you wish. You could probably drink straight out of it but it does daylight a ways up before it hits the pipe. Opening morning I went down to pump some water in the dark and the bucket was tipped over. I didn’t think anything of it. I tipped the bucket back under the pipe, threw the filter end into the bucket and started pumping.

I barely got 2 liters filled and the pump was getting way stiff. I had pumped from a shady looking puddle the last night I was in Alaska a week before and just thought the filter was toast from that. I tried to fill up another 2 liters to leave in camp but I barely got a ½ liter pumped before I said screw it.

Now for what ever reason I was excited it was opening day. I sat on a saddle between the feed and cover all morning without eating or drinking. After that I dropped off the saddle and took a nap. I was laying on elk beds from the summer. You could still easily smell them.

I wake up and get a snack and then take a sip of my water out of the hose to the Platypus. What the hell? I gag and spit it out. It taste like a mixture of chimp barf, hippo piss, sloth diarrhea, Coors, landfill runoff, rotten cadaver……………..you get the idea.

I figure the mouth piece must have been laying in elk pee while I was napping. I kind of wash off the mouth piece then try again. I still nearly heave at the taste, it is horrible. Great, I think, my filter grew some kind of funky fungus from Alaska tundra puddles.

About that time some elk started screwing around and making noise so I dropped down a ways. I was sitting there watching the elk and having a snack. The 2 liters is nearly full so I decide I’m not going to carry 2 liters of Hippo piss back up the hill to camp, so I dump out the Platypus. Just sitting there next to where I dumped the water I can actually smell the water on the ground. It is as bad as it gets.

I had left the filter in camp so I decided I look for a spring to fill up the platypus from. I was plenty thirsty by then. I find a small spring and fill up and dump the Platypus 4 or 5 times. The nasty had stuck so bad to the Platypus I could still hardly drink out the tube. I got a little bit down but then I felt like throwing up.

None of the bulls I could see were worth a damn so I climbed out of there back to camp. I knew I was going to drink straight from the pipe this time because of the Tundra Fungus in my water filter.

It was dark as went to the pipe to fill up. Since the bucket was in the way I tipped it back over to the side. I filled up my water pot to boil water and one other 1 liter Platypus I had left in camp. I had tried to sip out of the partially filled one I had pumped into that morning and it was also Chimp barf.

I drank all of the water out of the 1 liter and went back to fill it up again. The spring is about 40 yards from my tent. The bucket was tipped towards me as I walked up to the spring pipe. It was then I could see………………..

……………………the dead bloated, somewhat hairless drowned mouse that was in the bottom of the bucket.

The bucket had next to no water in it as I pumped that morning. The filter sucked it all up very nicely.

Anyone want to buy a used water filter and a couple Platypus bags?
I was so disgusted I didn't take a picture..........................and now I am disgusted I didn’t take a picture.

You should have seen my wife's face when I opened up the filter and bottles in the garage at home, she ran out of the garage from the smell.

She shrieked "it smells like the time you left that dead deer head in a bucket of water for 2 weeks". And she was right, I was pissed I didn't recognize the smell earlier.

Surprisingly, I didn't get sick. It does make my mouth barf water a little when I think about it even now.
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Had a similar couple experiences. One of them I was bellying up to a spring right out of the hillside, got my fill and then raised my eyes, great big pile of moose droppings about 6 inches away. I did take a picture to show the Doc if I got sick later, didn't thou.
I'd take poo over dead mouse. I ate these after the picture............

I think I just dry heaved a little. Feel bad for you. I had a similar experience in the dark and wondered what was going on with the nasty water. In the morning I found that the grouse were using it as a bird bath/ crapper. The spring was chock full of soggy grouse shnee. :eek:
Man, I really didn't think you could type that much. Impressed.

Sorry to hear about the bloated rodent in your water. That will ruin your day in a quick hurry.

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