Hippie hunters

Portland is a hot-bed for this movement.

2013 gear list will include large over-sized black glasses (no lenses necessary), new Sitka fedora hat and a "Keep Portland Weird" merino base layer.

YETI coolers will be replaced with traveling food carts offering a mix of seasonal micros, arugula salads and soy latte's.

Going for the hippie hunter from Into the Wild connection?

I think the following paragraph made a good point. It's hard to get past the perceived stereotype when it is perpetuated by 90% of the hunting shows on television.
There’s another facile belief that the new kids in the duck blind need to jettison: the idea that all hunting is somehow the cultural property of jerky guys with big trucks and a fondness for the country music and Republican candidates. The cartoon of the red-state hunter has held back many people who would enjoy hunting and find in it a good solution to their ethical and environmental concerns. These people felt, somehow, that hunting was not what their “tribe” did. Yes, lots of hunters are conservatives. But many political conservatives are ethical and environmental hunters who deeply respect the animals they hunt. And there have always been plenty of liberal hunters.

We would be much better off with stuff like this on the tube (note Eddie Vedder tie-in):

A bunch of eco-conscience people running around who have respect for the animals they harvest seems pretty good to me. That is a helluva lot better then a bunch of fat-assed, bud-light poundin', road huntin' poachers getting the press.

Positive press, more money going into hunting, and they probably can't find an elk to save their lives. Seems like a win-win situation to me.
Hey I stopped drinking years ago:rolleyes:
The article is a bit over the top with putting new hunters into the hipster box, but it is correct at its core. The omnivores dilemma foodie movement is fuelling the interest in hunting, which is a good thing. Call them what you want, but they're new hunters that can break down old stereotypes and positively represent hunters as a whole.

Another good thing is now all your old, classic wool hunting gear just got valuable so you can run out and buy the latest camo from Sitka, KUIU, or kryptek.

Not to mention they won't own four wheelers.
Article just popped up in my inbox and you beat me to the punch by hours!

Great article, its real and its happening. To some extent the face of hunting is changing. I'd much rather talk to the hipster "omnivore's dilemma" hunter, than the redneck road hunter with a pile of beer cans at his feet.
Met one of these folks in CO this year. He was well into his forties and started hunting last year. He looked like he stepped out of a North face or Patagonia catalog, kinda of an urban neohippie mix. But he killed an elk his first season, was looking forward to second rifle and helped me to zero in on animals. Nice guy it seemed.

Word got out quick in Oregon.

Pulled up to a gate that rarely has traffic for some late season blacktail action this morning and there was a black Kia hatch-back sitting there.

Thought it was odd any hikers were out so early?

Looked in the back seat and saw some game bags and a tarp. At least they came prepared for some bloody transport in that little car.

Made me laugh.
Oak, I am glad you posted this.

Personally myself I took one of these 'Hipster" types hunting this year and he "harvested one of those smallish does."

The Guy and his wife are both grateful and happy to have the meat. It makes sense. I would much rather have these guys in the woods with me than the "stereo typical" t.v. show type.

Honestly, we could use a little more of this thought process around were I hunt. Further more open gun season really seems to bring the nut jobs out in full force with the massive RV's, 4 wheeler's, UTV's and the 1,000 yard plus rifle's they can't even use.

Gee, I could live without all of that in the woods.

As a former "hippie" from the early 70's, I find this offensive! I have hunted from the age of 10, and have always been a country music fan and at one time was also a beer drinker; but, I've never been a liberal in the sense that it applies to today's political leanings. I consider that back in the 70's we were all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but that didn't preclude a lot of us from hunting. I've never owned anything from LL Bean, although I did partake of more than one doobie in my time and 'shroom hunting was also an aspect of the hippie experience. We had long hair and beards, wore sandals and jeans, were pacifists for the main part, but the big thing was that the hippie chicks usually were into sex.............lot's of sex, kinky sex, fun sex, and sex with multiple folks at the same time. Now days, many of us former hippies are bald, still have beards, still wear sandals and jeans, are pacifists to a point, and longingly remember the sex!!!!!!!!

Through all the years, one thing that has never wavered or gone away; however, is the fact that I still live to hunt.......no more 'shrooms, no reefer, and nowadays, no more beer or alcohol of any kind because of all of the anti-stroke medications, diabetic medications, blood pressure medications, heart medications, and kidney medications. Also the only sex since my wife died, is all in my head and what I can watch on Cinemax, occasionally, if I can stay awake past the opening credits!!!!!!!!

I do seem to remember some of the stuff about how all of that dope smoking was going to affect our lives one day......................
No comment.
Ok, this makes me sick. Rather than getting the next generation of kids interested and mentored properly, we have attracted all the 'hippsters' that have been selling this industry on $500 outwear, $3000 glass, crazy trespass fees are good, online mapping for geoelkhuntcaching?, iphone gps apps and the like??

Whiskey tango foxtrot?
"Lon says the motivation for his liberal clan to don hunter orange is “spending time in the woods with friends and family, primarily. Oh, and drinking more than you can get away with at home, eating unhealthy food, and farting. These are bipartisan pursuits.”

I lost my concentration upon readng the above....
I worked with a gal who was a hippie in all senses, she never hunted but could out hike probably 90% of the people on this board. All her hippie friends hunted and she would help pack meat out for some of the meat. The only meat she ate was wild, the whole organic thing.

It was funny at work all the guys sitting around bitching about not seeing an elk. She would say I saw 25 head of elk this weekend, the guys were like where, where? She would say 9 miles up some trail, 3 miles past a mountain lake. She would say I will take you up there, and everybody would say no thanks. lol I gave her a lot of ducks and geese and she thought that was great.
bottom line, the more folks who appreciate the value of available hunting lands, opportunity and wildlife as a resource to be harvested, the better.

There are only so many red necks in the world and they already know possum makes good vittles at the wedding of their cousins. So that is not a viable pool of new hunters to be recruited.

Therefore, It should be expected that the much needed and new crop of hunters that are indoctrinated will have a vastly different background and basis for hunting than most long-time hunters. And that they will seem odd, if no less appreciated for boosting public approval if hunting to a broader audience, as compared to the 'traditional' hunter who hunts for the love of all aspects of the experience, plus meat.

no problem with the article. It is simply a different take on a very important message that is too rare in the media "Hunting is good. Hunting is necessary".
Glad to see these folks getting into hunting. I see a lot of Subarus at the trail heads here in in Montana. I often run into some of these hipsters in places I don't see the many other hunters. They are about hunting for food. They seem concerned about habitat. Seems they expect to work for what they get out there.

I probably don't agree with them on some issues, but if they want to go hunting and do so for these reasons, I am all in favor.

A liberal pot smoking hippie who likes guns and hunting is far better for hunting than most any of the far right legislators we will be battling during the Montana legislative session in the next four months.
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