
Hippie hunters

I thought ole meateater was at the forefront of hipster hunters
IMO this is a neat side effect of the "foodie" movement. I think its good overall for hunting, especially in or near larger metro area maybe moreso around election time...
A bunch of eco-conscience people running around who have respect for the animals they harvest seems pretty good to me. That is a helluva lot better then a bunch of fat-assed, bud-light poundin', road huntin' poachers getting the press.

Positive press, more money going into hunting, and they probably can't find an elk to save their lives. Seems like a win-win situation to me.
I wonder if they will turn their iPod off and take their headphones out while hunting? I need to market some camo skinny-jeans right away!!!!!!!
I think that this movement is a good thing. The city-folk can relate to the 'hipster' image on a more personal level than they can relate to a 'hunter' image. So if the 'hipster' shows valid points on hunting your own food, the city-folk will be more accepting than if the same argument came from me (insert red-neck hunter, according to city-folk).

I know that this is semantics, but for long-term goals and sustainability for hunters - being able to have city-folk have at least a little understanding of our life style is key in social acceptance.

It is great to see that hunter numbers are increasing. I would hate it if my kids weren't able to enjoy the outdoors like I can.

Like it or not, in the social media age - perception carries a very large weight. I travel all over the US for my job - and am always amazed when people want to learn more about the hunting lifestyle. I have had many conversations with folks who don't hunt - but at least they understand my point of view.

None of this will affect my hunting - I doubt that the 'hipster' will want to spend a week or two in the back-country looking for an elk, then spend 2 days packing it out. They'll want an easier path to getting meat.

One stereotype that city-folks/hipsters have of us though is the 'trophy hunter'. No need to explain here, but to assume all of us only hunt for horns kinda makes me mad....

My thoughts anyway.
That's not what the Wide Spread Panic bumper sticker on your Prius tells us.

...just spit Kaffee Mocha all over my Leonovo...the gal in the plaid shirt and earphones was not comes the barista with the organic mop

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