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Hip issues with pistol carry


Active member
Jul 24, 2013
Pinedale Wy
Anyone else have any issues with their hip from pistol carry? I use to conceal carry on my hip but it gave me issues so I switched to small of back which isn’t great but doesn’t bother my hip. However that position is out of the question when hunting or hiking with my pack. I tried a drop leg and a safariland ubl setup but still had hip issues with those. I don’t want to mount on my pack because I tend put it down during hunts and come back to it and not really wanting to go with chest because of binos, drawing bow etc but I think I might have to go one of those ways. Any one else have any issues like this? Any insight or tips? I have done some physical therapy for the hip but the issue continues especially after hiking with the pistol. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried not carrying one at all? This is a serious discussion I have had with a lot of people over the years...the reality is that very few are proficient enough with a sidearm to actually be able to defend themselves with it and rarely are they light enough to not cause issues with either being in the way of the rest of their gear or causing discomfort as you mentioned having both.

The only real way it won't cause discomfort is to wear it more often for you body to get used to it being there...just like a new pair of boots may not fit quite right on the first walk.
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For carrying while hunting I'd strongly look at the FHF bino harness with Razco holster attached. Or possibly a Hill People Gear chest pack with bino carrier. Both are on my short list.

That said, I've I'm rifle hunting I don't find much of a need for a sidearm.
I'm sure spending $$$ for a holster setup comes with its valuable benefits.

For myself, I hook my pressed paddle holster onto my bino strap and have done for many years.

I fall, tumble, practically knock myself out on occasions hiking off trail, etc. Never dumped my sidearm.



I shoot sidearms frequently so comfort is present.

I also have an IWB holster and use in the exact same fashion. Again, neither have released from the holster.

This is simple strapping associated with the Badlands chest bino case.

Best to ya.
While going hunting, or even going to set up cameras or pick blueberries i usually open carry.
A paddle holster, or one with a clip usually works well.
I got a clip on from Urban Carry.
Clip it onto the pack waist strap while i have that on.
If i set the pack down & leave it, then i unclip and clip to my belt.

There is always appendix carry too.
My Kenai chest rig by GunFighters INC "shingles" nicely under my AGC bino harness.
Doesnt interfere with drawing either my compound bow or recurve.
I carry 36lbs of stuff on my hips, chest, and back every day at work. I eventually developed awful hip and lower back pain on my gun side. Physical therapy to correct my pelvis/misalignment, "anterior pelvic tilt", and near daily exercise and stretching keeps it at bay.

I recently switched from a standard duty belt set up to a plate carrier/chest rig set up and its a lot easier on my hips and back albeit more bulky and awkward.
My Kenai chest rig by GunFighters INC "shingles" nicely under my AGC bino harness.
Doesnt interfere with drawing either my compound bow or recurve.
what size AGC bino arness do you use. I am abt to switch to a chest holster as I am having the same probs as the OP. Also, do you carry a revovler or semi auto
For carrying while hunting I'd strongly look at the FHF bino harness with Razco holster attached. Or possibly a Hill People Gear chest pack with bino carrier. Both are on my short list.

That said, I've I'm rifle hunting I don't find much of a need for a sidearm.
Well let's say your out hunting and run into a bear that attacks. What do you do after you throw down your rifle? :)

On a more serious note, I think more people have this problem than admit it. Reason is I read of guns they carry for defense and they would be better served as, for lack of a better word, assault guns. To big and carry to many rounds equals to heavy. My first carry gun was a Ruger P-89. Heavy gun by itself but add 15 rounds of ammo and even heavier. Very nice gun and I do wear it now and then. Mostly though I've switched to a S&W Shield c9. Much smaller, only carry's 8 rounds and equals much lighter gun that easier to hide! If your going to arm yourself for war expect to carry more weight! You'll feel it in your body till you get good and used to carrying it. Nothing will change after to get used to it but when you get old it will come back to haunt you and you won't know where the new pain came from!
what size AGC bino arness do you use. I am abt to switch to a chest holster as I am having the same probs as the OP. Also, do you carry a revovler or semi auto
Mostly revolvers but I've used the same setup with my semiauto.
Regular bino punch- 10x42 vortex el cheapos.
Took a little fiddling around to get the right combo of strap tension but once its dialed in it's a great setup.
My only complaint is having to remove 2 things fo add or subtract layers.
My rain shell and puffy are baggy enough that they almost-but-not-quite zip up over the bino harness.
We've used the little 3" Mod 60 in .357 mag/Buffalo Bore 180 HC in a Cross Draw holster. Light, powerful, always with you. One of many alternatives friend. Carry a pistol if you want to, life is short, enjoy yourself! :)
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