Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Highlake Fishing and Bull Trout

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Nov 28, 2001
Heres some of some scenery pics on a little walk my wife and I were on...

The day was beautiful when we left, almost to where we were going, the fog set in it turned into a white out with heavy snow.

As is happens in the Rockies, 20 minutes later, the fog blew thru the sun came out and the day turned into an absolutely spectacular outing.

This lake was plumb full of 10-12" cutthroats, (Gay Bass as Del would say), I pulled about 50 out in 4 hours of drowning worms.

What a great day... :D





As the heading states, I have to add in the Bull Trout I caught...

This one was 20"


This one was 25"

Hey cheese,

Nice fish...as to those bull trout...I'd read the regs.

By even taking photos of those bull trout out of the water, you're in violation of Montana statuate. Page 19 of the Montana regulations..." All waters are closed to angling for bull trout and all fish must be immediately released

Holding dirt covered bull trout out of the water for a kodak moment is not "immediately releasing"...better hope a fish cop isnt reading this. The MT FWP really frowns on idiots mistreating threatened species.

You really arent too bright are you?

Thanks for the advise about page 19, I just don't know what I would have done with out that bit of sage and wise knowledge. ;)

I have no idea what your fishing for here, nor why you would think it important to state rules to me out of a book that any one can pick up almost every where in this state by the handful???

They were released, I don't keep Bull trout, and most generally rainbows or cuthroats...

I also didn't know there was a way just to catch Bull trout with out catching every thing else at the same time with this high tech bait I use, give me some hints -O- Wise one, that would be a great trick to know...

This lake was plumb full of 10-12" cutthroats, (Gay Bass as Del would say), I pulled about 50 out in 4 hours of drowning worms.

I was fishing for cuthroats and this is what came up... You can really be a dork (or in your very own words "A Dumb Ass") some times digging for things that just aren't there.... :rolleyes:

I do carry fishing regs in my pack though, just because all of the waters out here seem to have different rules in different areas and some times I just don't know where I'll end up at the end of a good day in the outdoors, unlike some that map out every trail they hike, writing a book on what they will do before they go do it... That just seems a little anal... But I suppose you have to do what you have to do inside of your neat little box... :)

Now if you had been paying any attention to what was posted, instead of trying to find dirt, you would have noticed the base of the text...

This lake was plumb full of 10-12" cutthroats

I did look at the rules again and couldn't find any thing about not being able to take a picture of your catch, only that it had to be released immediatly... ;)

:D You feeling guilty about something you did??? :D

I'll take the compliment though, Thanks.... :)

Releasing immediately doesnt mean, releasing after I drag a threatened species up on the bank, roll it in the dirt for a while and snap a few pictures...

It means, releasing the fish IMMEDIATELY. I saw a guy get a ticket for taking a bull trout out of the water for a picture while fishing Lake McDonald. The reason was that the fish was NOT immediately released. The longer a fish of any kind is out of the water, the greater the chance for mortality.

Not only are you clueless, you dont understand the law, or the written English language.

Like I said, these photos are an email away from an appropriate MTFWP Law Enforcement Officer...

People have been ticketed for much less...you can gamble if you want. Just trying to save you a knock on the front door. But, in true cheese fashion, you cant take a hint or find that clue you've been missing. So, maybe you just deserve a fine...perhaps you'll get that hint.
I drag a threatened species up on the bank, roll it in the dirt for a while and snap a few pictures

Simply said... then you should'nt do that... :)

Why ever would you roll a fish in dirt for awhile? What an odd thing to do!

Most people roll them in flour or some such medium, but to each their own I suppose.

Like I said, these photos are an email away from an appropriate MTFWP Law Enforcement Officer...

Send away you goof ball...

People have been ticketed for much less...you can gamble if you want

As I stated before... Send away... :)

Just trying to save you a knock on the front door.

Butz... your not trying to save me from any thing, you just want to be an ass hole, plain and simple... So again I say... Send away...

So, maybe you just deserve a fine...

Just quit jacking your jaw about it, quit sitting here spouting crap, get up off your lazy ass and send the pics... :rolleyes:

"...the world outside, which my brother and I soon discovered, was full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the farther one gets from Missoula, Montana."

And this holds so much truth,

What a putz...

Yep... Butz the Putz.. sure seems to fit.

But I would immagine, this will go as far as any thing else I've challenged you to...

Your all talk and no action... Alway's will be... Well, maybe this time you will show me I'm wrong, but I doubt it... You have a proven track record for stating things and not following thru with them... :p
I love the picks ELKCHSR, and I don't recall any law anywhere that sadi you couldn't take a pic and then release the fish. If there is such a law feel free to send a copy to me via Private Message.

Please try to learn how to properly catch and properly release a fish, especially one that is threatened with extinction.

Buzz was trying to provide you with information and advice. Once again, you showed you don't have the capabilities to learn.
Hey Cheese,

This is in the regs as well...its how to PROPERLY release fish...in particular threatened species. Read these guide lines...I'll highlight all the ones you FAILED to follow.

Catch-and-Release Angling
Waters designated catch-and-release for one or more species of fish require that those fish be immediately released alive. (for cheese please look up the word IMMEDIATELY)

Use of proper handling techniques will improve the chance of survival for any fish released. A fish that is released may still die from: deep hooking injury; internal organ damage from being squeezed; bacterial infections resulting from loss of slime in the handling process; effects of physical stress from being played too long; low dissolved oxygen in live wells; and heat shock from being held in shallow water or live wells.

Releasing Fish
To ensure a released fish has the best chance for survival:
Play the fish as rapidly as possible. Do not play it to total exhaustion.
Keep the fish in water as much as possible when handling and removing the hook.
Remove the hook gently. Do not squeeze the fish or put your fingers in its gills. There are release devices available from most sporting/fishing stores to assist you and, use of barbless hooks makes releasing fish easier.
If the fish is deeply hooked, cut the line. Do not yank the hook out. Most fish survive with hooks left in them.
Release the fish only after it has gained its equilibrium. If necessary, gently hold the fish upright in the current facing upstream and move it slowly back and forth.
Release the fish in quiet water close to the area where it was hooked.

Hey cheese,

You pretty much flunked...you're sqeezing both those bull trout, keeping them out of the water and removing the protective slime from them...not to mention the one covered in dirt that you obviously pulled up on the bank.

Find a clue you loser.
Please try to learn how to properly catch and properly release a fish, especially one that is threatened with extinction.

Butz the Putz was trying to provide you with information and advice. Once again, you showed you don't have the capabilities to learn.

guner/sybil, he wasn't trying to do any thing but show that he's a jerk, and I see you are trying to jumping right into the mix to do the same thing, if he was trying to be informative, he wouldn't have started the conversation out as.... :rolleyes:

Hey cheese,

So don't be stupid as to kid yourself, your not fooling any one else with your lame crap, it sure wouldn't go any where in a court...

Butz the Putz is a big boy and can make himself look ignorant on his own...

immediately released alive.

Seemed to be pretty alive when they swam off...

I will challenge you again, since it is you who brought it up that you would call....

Call the game department, it's 1-800-TIP-MONT, or 1-800-847-6668 if you can't read the letters on the buttons...

Or just e-mail them the pics...

Heres the address so you can find them easier...

Simple enough, just copy and past them into an e-mail and they will pop up right there for them to pop right open immediatly for all the game department to see....

If they come to the house as you seem to think they will, I have more pictures I will more than gladly share with them...



Heres the address you can send them to...


Montana FWP Headquarters
Front Desk (406) 444-2535
Directors Office (406) 444-3186

General Questions (406) 444-2452
Report Poaching, Vandalism (800) 847-6668

Wildlife Division
General Questions (406) 444-2612
Freezeout (406) 467-2646
Watchable Wildlife (406) 444-2612

Heres all the wardens numbers for region 2 just incase one of your buddies are out of the office...

Althaus, Terry L. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Burns, Danny J. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Campbell, Jeffrey M. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Curtin, Daniel J. FWP Warden Sergeant 2 542-5509
Darrah, Jeffrey S. FWP Warden Captain 2 542-5512
Douglas, John D. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Fegely, Michael J. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Jaquith, Joseph A. FWP Warden Sergeant 2 542-5510
Johnson, Douglas E. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Koppen, William J. FWP Warden 2 677-3628
Schott, Derek B. FWP Warden 2 542-5522
Zarling, Rory J. Conservation Specialist 2 542-5537

Heres the ones for the fisheries...

Berg, Rodney K. Fisheries Biologist 2 251-5390
Clancy, Christopher G. Fisheries Biologist 2 363-7169
Clark, Robert Fisheries Technician 2 542-5546
Kirsch, George Fish Hatchery Manager 2 726-0029
Knotek, William Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5506
Lammerding, Jeff A. Fish Culturist 2 726-3344
Pierce, Ronald W. Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5532
Rashap, Raven A. Fisheries Technician 2 542-5548
Saffel, Patrick Regional Fisheries Mgr 2 542-5507
Schmetterling, David A. Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5514
Snyder, Ronald A. Fish Culturist 2 726-3344
Souther, Angela Fish Culturist 2 563-2531
Suek, Paul G. Fish Culturist 2 563-2531
Sweeney, Mark Fish Hatchery Manager 2 563-2531

Make sure you tell them it was the first lake at twin lakes at the inlet, that way they know the exact spot and that I was using worms on a number 10 hook.

I can't help you any more with out doing it myself, and that ain't going to happen..

I will state it again, since you didn't seem to understand the first time...

Shit or get off the pot Butz the Putz, I really doubt you will call, or even you guner/sybil.

I know for a fact guner/sybil won't follow thru, cowards and yellow bellies are like that, and I can just see Butz the Putz not wanting to look that foolish to the game department...

Must be fun being a chicken lawyer... Yellow Bellie, White Stripe, easy to identify....
Hmmm..... Not one mention of handling practices of why they are having problems...

History Bull Trout
The bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) is actually a member of the char genus, a relative of the true trout and salmon. Char can be differentiated from trout and salmon by their light spots on a dark background. Trout and salmon have dark spots on a light background. In Montana, bull trout are native to rivers, streams and lakes in the Columbia (Kootenai, Clark Fork, Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Flathead, and Swan drainages) and Saskatchewan River (St. Mary and Belly drainages) basins.

The bull trout is a long-lived species, generally reaching sexual maturity at five years of age. They spawn in small streams between late August and early November, building nests, or “redds”, in which they lay their eggs. The hatched fry do not emerge from the redds until the following spring. Bull trout may eventually grow greater than 3 feet in length and weigh more than 20 pounds.

Montana bull trout display various life history strategies. Some bull trout are residents, spending their entire lives in a single stream. Other bull trout have migratory life histories, either living in major rivers as sub-adults and adults and then migrating into smaller tributaries to spawn (fluvial) or living in lakes and reservoirs as sub-adult and adults and migrating into tributaries to spawn (adfluvial). Migratory bull trout can move great distances (>150 miles) in response to environmental changes and spawning cues.

Bull trout have very specific habitat needs for many of its stages, making it more vulnerable to environmental degradation than most other salmonids. Adult bull trout require cold water temperatures, clean cobble/boulder substrates, and overhead cover. Spawning redds are only constructed in stream reaches where upwelling ground water is available to aerate the buried eggs. Bull trout eggs are easily smothered by low levels of silt. Emerging fry and juveniles require clean rock stream substrates with sufficient open spaces for them to hide in as they develop into sub-adults.

The bull trout is a Montana Species of Concern and was listed as “threatened” by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1998. Declines in bull trout abundance and distribution have been caused by habitat loss and degradation from land and water management practices; population isolation and fragmentation from dams and other barriers; competition, predation and hybridization with introduced non-native fish species (lake trout, northern pike, brook trout and others); historical overharvest; and poaching. Although their numbers and distribution have declined from historical levels, bull trout populations exhibiting resident and migratory life histories can be found throughout their historic range in Montana.

You have no respect for wildlife, threatened species, or even yourself.

You're wrong, and you know it, but still defend your shitty attitude towards a native threatened species. You dont deserve the privilege of even owning a firearm or having a hunting/fishing license.
Just as I thought...

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

You can think what you want, you can say what you want, but those who know me, know different...

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

So, I guess it is you who have egg on the face yet again.. :rolleyes:

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

The only one here who shows no respect for much of any thing is you my dear fellow...

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

You may have respect for only those things you work around every day, but respect for any thing or any one else... I don't see it, this respect would even go to the point where you don't have respect for yourself and thats where it has to start buddy... :)

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

So, until you decide you want to actually step up to the plate of a real challenge, and any of the many you have been presented with would work...

This will have to do... :(

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

and with your last blable.... It would be you who would not deserve the privelage...

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

So, Butz the Putz... You gonna call???? all the info you need is sitting right there at your finger tips, or you going to puss out of some thing you said as usuall...

Buts the Putz has no Nutz...

I am not going to get into a big pissing match with you on this one, but...this is a little bigger than how one interprets the MT fishing regs. This is a fish species that has Federal protection under ESA, so you may want to use that for a reference as well.

I would recommend reading the Endangered Species Act, specifically section 9 and the glossary, specifically "take".

You may feel you are within the law, but in my opinion a picture of a "listed" species out and away from the water with obvious signs of being beached and not being handled in the most appropriate way borders on "take".

My two cents.
Heck, this will only take a minute, so I will save you some searching.

(B) take any such species within the United States or the territorial sea of the United States;

(18) The term "take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.
Thanks Craig...

They were out of the water long enough to turn around, snap the pic and back into the water... about 3 seconds or so...

Thats why I turn them all loose and most of every thing else I catch for that matter

Butz the Putz was just looking as usual for some thing to make a big deal out of, every one knows it and his dog guner/sybil had to put his small steaming pile of a contribution to the effort...

You hit it right on the head, it's only a pissing match and wasn't necessary in the first place...

I know youve noticed, no matter what I post when theres some thing like this, Butz the Putz has to see what he can do to put me on the defensive and hi-jack or ruin it any way he can and his other dogs seem to think they can jump in...

This is just proof...

!!!!Just for the record!!!!... By the way... I'm not calling you one of his dogs !!!!Just for the record!!!!...
Thanks Craig...

They were out of the water long enough to turn around, snap the pic and back into the water... about 3 seconds or so...

Cheese, you must be pretty dang fast if you can drag a fish up on the gravel, unhook it, pick it up for pictures and return it to the water in 3 seconds. I am sure the fish had motion sickness from being spun around like that, if, in fact, what you say is true.

Bottom line, you are ignorant to the laws you break, you refuse to accept education, and you make others view hunters and fishermen in a negative light. You are cancer on our sport.

Why not just thank people for the education, turn yourself into the proper authorities, and take your punishment like a man? My guess is if you were to be incarcerated, you would get Anaconda, so it is not like you would even have to change your address for mail.
LMAO... :D:D:D


I was wondering when you would slither back in and muck the place up a little more.

I can't believe you to be talking about others standing up needing to be a man, thats the biggest laugh I've had all day... Thanks... :D

You being a he/she/it and all wouldn't have the first incling of what it takes to be a man...

Your another one that I wouldn't hold my breath on to do any thing but give lip service and tout any garbage that can come from your mouth, but I suppose it goes with the territory of your job... :rolleyes:

I bet every time Butz the Putz stops, you end up with a bloody lip from his belt buckle

Same goes for you as for Butz the Putz...

All the info is up above for any one to take, I even made it simple enough some one such as you could do it, but I don't think you have the Nutz either...

I'm not going to do all the work, and if you weren't such a spineless Fugger, you would pick up the phone and make it happen, if you really believed the drivel that you say...

I have no reason to do any thing because I sit here with a clear conscience; unlike you who seem to have the need to continually talk about crap you have no obvious knowledge about...

But you and Butz the Putz know there is no case here, except for what you try and justify in your own little minds, which is obviously not much, or you would have already have done it.

So, instead of being a piece of Shiite and the actual cancer around here, find some thing useful that actually helps others instead of mucking the place up with your vile spew...

Do you really think the ESA is a joke???

Federal wardens sure dont, neither do the liberal judges. You may want to keep that in mind. They like making examples of idiots.
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