Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hey Tobey

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Hows Rock doing?? I am sure that would help you a ton getting him back in. I switched hunters around because we tagged out so early last week. I can come up on the 7th and hunt for at least 3 days that week.That is when you wanted me to be there ,right??? That must be when your moose season is on.
George hows those Idaho dogs holding up for you, still happy with your deal, only got about a week left here in Idaho of bear season till its shut down for deer and elk hunting.
Gatoman, I am very pleased with those dogs.I made out relly well on the whole deal.I kept 3 for myself.I ended up selling one of them a couple weeks ago.He had just turned 2 and was doing really well.He had one habit that drove me nuts.He whined all the time. If you left him home he woul;d whine all day.In the truck he would do the same thing.He was rigging pretty decent and was a hard running track driving dog.Hadnt really come into the treeing yet though.He would be there tight to the tree but not mouthing any yet.I think a couple kills would get him going.
The other 2 I kept are finished bear dogs.9 strikes from the truck and 8 bear trees from the cold nosed dog.Little mouthy on track but when shes right she looks really good.The other dog ,3 yr old,is one grittty dog.Both are decent tree dogs .Nothing real fancy but they are always there.
I sold a couple of the pack for real cheap money(500 a piece) to get some of my money back.I am down now to where I got a bunch of nice equipment,and those 2 dogs for next to nothing.I am very very happy with the deal.
Rock has a poped disck in his back and pinching his syatick nerve About 3 weeks to recover.Got him on steroids.Ray from FL has canseled do to some helth problemes.So I got my moose hunter and bear hunter coming on Wednesday the 3rd and hunting Bear thersday friday and saterday.Then moose hunting Monday and tuesday if needed then back to bear the rest of the week.If you could come on the 3rd it would be better.

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