Caribou Gear Tarp

Hey Tobey and Everyone Else

Welcome to Moosies forum MAineiac!!!!! Good to have ya here. bcat
welcome maineiac !! Glad to see you here. Hey Tobey, Isnt there a limit on hillbillys from Maine on Here?LOL I might be getting ahold of you soon Tobey. I might have to move that walker female to free up a couple bucks .I will talk to you soon.
Tobey, I should have added unless you want her yourself,sorry. i will talk to you or email soon.Let me know what you think.After Wed night I wont be able to check my email for 3 days.They are refinishing my wood floors here so my puter will be down.I will check this site from my stepsons computer but dont think I can get email from there.
Hey Maineiac,
Your sure welcome too !!!!!!!!!!!! Heck we would scare them lions clear to death if all you guys came out, but man would it be a good time.....come back in and visit once in a while ........ :D :D
Welcome Maineiac
Glad you found the place pull up a chair(not the lazy boy thats mine) :D George Don't move her yet I sould have some money coming your way by the end of the week.I would like to own her too.See if you can move my foxy dog.Dan called yesterday and he just bought out Bob P.He wanted to know about my old Horn dog that was part of the lot.O by the way I sold Baldy Sunday :eek:
Sounds good Tobey.I will give you a call tonight.I might be going through withdrawls here not haveing the computer for 3 days.I tell you one thing.When you cant be running ,like this time of year, being able to talk about it here is the next best thing.
The guy I bought Whiskey and Rock from called me last night.Remember I toild you about that dog he had that he said was the best dog he has ever owned?He put a price on him for me last night.Probably the last thing I need but that dog sounds too good to let go by.I have first refusal on him and am going to tewll him today i am taking him !!!!
Who bought Baldy? You certainly got your moneys worth out of him over the years didnt you?
Hey Tobey,Doug F. never stopped in tues morn after work,so dont guess he wants the Terror.If it'll help you sell Foxy,try to throw her in as a bonus.Just a thought.Maybe she dont want to chase them coons and would go better on a bear.Who knows.Like I said,just a thought,and it would free up that doghouse I got of yours.LOL I've gotta say tho,a multi-colored yard is prettier.LOL
Dang!! Don't you guys have e-mail????

Just kidding. All this talk about bear hunting is getting me pumped. I will be helping the G&F here on a lion tagging project all summer. I will be hunting 8-10 days a month June through September. Any of you guys are welcome to come out and "hunt" anytime while I'm doing that, or any other time for that matter.
The very first Bear hunt I ever went on was back in the mid 70's in NH .It was with some biologist studying bear.One of the men with hounds was Tuck Russel He ended up faling in love with a female biologist from Idaho that was here as part of the study.He maried her and moved to Idaho.I haven't herd from him in 20 yr's But I have herd he is doing good and still in the outfiting bissness out there.Do you or any of you guys know him?? or his wife I think she is still a biologist for Idaho.
Yup, I know Tuck not personally, but I know him, my buddy bought a dog of his last spring, nice dog considering he considered her part of his second string... Hes in the same area Dusty Youren use to guide around in. I know you know Dusty tobey cause I have mentioned his name before to you.

No, I don't know Tuck. You may have me confused with someone else, I am from NM. Sounds like you guys have lots of bears and a great area for it. Maybe someday we can trade a hunt?? lol I go bear hunting there, you come lion hunting here??

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