Caribou Gear

Hey Tobey and Everyone Else

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
How are the dogs doing? The new ones I got act real real nice. Very level headed and quiet !!!! It sure looks like a mixed bunch out in the yard though.2 registered walkers,one grade bluetick/cross, one plott walker cross,one redtick/plott/walker I am dying to just take them out rigging and see how they do.
Anyone have any idea where the closest state is that we can run bears in right now or real soon?? N.H. training doesnt start till July 15,Maine Aug 1 I will go nuts if I have to wait that long.Am seriously thinking of a road trip to see these dogs go.Any Ideas anyone ??????
Hay George
Theas here are doing great,I been thinking the same as you.Coyote season never closes
So I think I will just make coyote Dogs out of them. :D :D And Hope they trash good on bear :D
I think Vermont has a spring training season
Sounds like a plan to me Tobey.Vermont opens June 1 but it is a real hassle to get a training permit there.Non res pay about 300 I think and you cant train till training is open in your own state so no advantage there. When will the roads be open up your way? I would ;like to come up for a day or two and travel that good rigging road you told me about.I remember you saying if you cant strike a bear on that road you dont have much for a rig dog. sounds like a perfect area to try them new dogs out.
That Rock dog is pretty easy around the house aint he?How does Roxie act? Have you heard her yet?
Roxy is a ladyes dog when the wife goes out back Roxy dances speeks and sings for her LOL

Its hard to say when the roads are going to be passable here George Theres still 18" of snow on them.Hopfully by May :D :D The holl town is predicting ice out May 5th I hope so got some Salmon fisherman coming may 4th for a week :D
Hey George,
when you guys try them new hounds out, let the rest of us know how their doin. If they cut the mustard then plan on a hunt this next winter and bring em out to catch a long tail :D :D :D
thanks for the invite Catman. I know for sure i am going somewhere to see a lion this winter,I just dont know where yet.Got a feeling Tobey will be along too.My red dog Whiskey(she is still mine Tobey LOL) has been on a lot of lions. I have seen her in a bunch of lion pictures.The guy I bought her from a couple years ago told me she was close to 100% on lions.
Any of you guys ever heard of someone in Indiana with a bear he uses for training hounds? I heard he takes the bear a couple miles away ,turns it loose,and the bear goes back to the house ,right into its pen.He turns dogs onto the track when the bear arrives home.I heard he charges a reasonable price to work your dogs on it.I would love to get ahold of the guy if you guys have any info.
You and Tobey are both invited to come out for a lion hunt anytime. Would be thrilled to be able to hunt with you two. Have a good one.
Hey Hey CM.....2 posts coming off the one line in the box, red and green.....hook blue to red and white to green, that right? I got a tone but wanna make sure :D :D
Running telephone line through my house George, just checkin with the expert on what goes where :D :D :D
No expertise here......"jack of all master of none" :D :D :D Hey Gato, you gonna be on tonite? George whats your e-mail addy?
I didnt mean to be nosey but I was thinking maybe I missed something in a post somewhere.LOL My email is [email protected]
Just booked my final bear hunter tonight.Now I have enough to make it work pretty well for taking off 2 months of work.I am not going to get rich but I figure if i come out better than working and get to hunt the whole bear season I am doing pretty good.I have room for a couple on call guys and maybe a 1 or 2 day hunt or so but that is it.This should still give me plenty of time for fun hunting with friends (ie. Tobey? LOL).
Ended up with paying hunters for 25 of the 45 days or so I will be off.Rest of the time fun hunting with friends and time with the family.You bet I am anxious !!!! Could book 100% of the time but that might be too much like work.
Hay all
You guys aren't wiring a bomb for show and tell are you?? :D George I got the last 2 weeks in Ouctober still to book and I usualy keep the last week free for myself and to get ready for deer season.You are all welkome to come anytime.You mite haffta sleep on a cot in my garadge or the sofa but we will find room somewhere.
Ranger the Pup in my signature has been going through some intense training this week.
I have terned loos a coon a day for the last 5 days and right now he can run and tree one up to 20 minuts old by himself :D And he realy love to tree :D :D
Catman great pictures you want me to post them here for ya??????

[ 13 April 2001: Message edited by: Tobey ]
Sounds like that Ranger is really cranking.How old is he?You havent messed with Sally on the coon at all have you?I would be so curious to see her go I probably might have,although I usually dont like my bear dogs messing with coons. I have treed one coon in the last 3 years and that was enough.It would be kind of neat to have one dog to run both with sometimes.With my luck I would have 5 mile bear chases at night and walk clients up mountains to coon trees during the day !!!LOL
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