Hey slacker!! I mean Moosie...

Clipped from "I've arrived in AK"...

posted 08-25-2003 06:28
"The elder Oscar shook his head upon realizing his son's boot was now full of Alaskan lake water. He thought back decades earlier when his young son had fallen in a neighbors goldfish pond when they lived in California. He had always thought his boy would grow out of the awkward stage, but something reminded him this was not the case. Oh sure, the boy could still stand on his hands,

Sure.. Just like on the Schoolyard.. Pick on the Chubby guy

Cameron Buddy.. You were correct, there was Another Moose In the Background.. I found this moose but didn't bring it out the Field.. I'm a Dumb ASS.. I know

Here is was As it lied in the Grass.... All Covered in Moss :

CameronHunt.. I'm Actually Doing a Shoulder mount, I don't think I ever Said I wasn't ?

I just Caped the Moose.... I'll Fill out all the Details LAter.. But I will have a Shoulder Mount
Hey moosie, One of tams friends just covered the tips on his caribou (the one in the shop from the haul road), paid a $100 and the airlines boxed it for him. They flew delta. Aint that a kicker.
Cameron... All ya Need it to Cape the Critter (Take off the Skin) from the Head. Then you can Cut the Skull off. It doesan't Require the Skull to be Mounted, Actually it can't have the Skull.. The "FORM" (Thats what the Foam Inside is) is the Shape of the Head. Then they "glue" the Cape on After putting in Fake Eyes.

I can Send you Diagrams if'n ya like, Or stop by the Local Taxidermy shop and Ask.. This time of year is the Best to get Info, Alot of Critters in the Shops.

LBG, YAH, I E-Poxied mine and Dropped it today.. It ain't all that Tight.. *OOPS*... Looks Like I'll bring it to Someone that Knows what they are doing
Sounds like somebody missed a step or 2

Next time your up Tam will show you for future skills. Oh well its not the end of the world
Well.. I did Say to MAke sure the Cape is "LONG" enough
But Aperently even cutting around a Big Moose when ya think You;re cutting right Between thge Front Legs but not Looking it isn't

And this Post is About AK pictures.. NOT how to cape one

Should I post one More Before I got to BED ?
I like the one of you with your azz in the antlers, should I say...very fitting.
Moosie, I was talking about putting the skull plate together. If it was done right an earthquake wouldnt break it. I wasnt talking about your cape, sorry man for the misunderstanding.
NO Worries Bro !!! I don't Understand much
I know I probably Messed something up, I thought I did It right ?!?! Ohh well.

Anyways, Here is a Picture of a Smaller Brown Bear Track... (BUT STILL HUGE).. Thats a 300 Win Mag shell jsut for an FYI :


Here is Me back at Camp....

I like to call this one :


I was going to take a hand stand picture with my shirt off like you did Moosie, but it would not be postable because my schlong would hang out onto my chest..
Nice moose though!!
Hey Ovis,

I was guessing you were holding out on the pictures, and just posting the "grab and grin" pictures. Let's get together, and so I can see the hardcopy pictures that are the money makers. My guess is they are awesome.

I suppose if we had to, we could also look at that other guys pictures of the BIG cow caribou...
Good one Schmalts.

Awesome pics Moose. I can't wait to hear more details from the hunt. I especially like the lunch breaksite and the sunrise. I am glad you titled that one Morning Sunrise (Evening Sunrise would have been too confusing

Gotta run to work, but may try to check out back later to hear and see more.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-24-2003 12:18: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
Excellant pics and story? I saw the pics but no real story to go with it, am I missing something?
Congrats again on the fine killing of your namesake.
See any live bears?

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