I know a fella from California that got 112 critters on four weekend club hunts, that's less then 8 days of hunting, and ( has the pics to prove it ) or another fella from Arizona that had 264 coyotes 8 bobcats and 5 grays in 24 days. Non of these guys had dogs with them, nor did they use WT callers. So what are the guys without WTs and no dogs doing wrong? I'm sure they'd love to know.
Sorry fellas, been at some out of town meetings the last couple of days.
I should make up a story, but the truth is these 'yotes were shot from a helipopter and dropped off to me and two other guys. We then collected blood and organ samples. The information was used to see what disease concerns there may be in a black-footed ferret reintroduction area.
The picture was taken just north of CMR NWR in central Montana.
Guess it doesn't count a hunting pic, but thought I would share it anyway.
BTW, I am the one with the gold hair (a California vacation that got a little bit out of hand)
I suppose before any of the "Airedalers" get their shorts in a wad over my comments, I should say it is only in fun. I think it was Tim that coined the phrase "Airdorks", and I about fell out of my chair the first time I heard it. Do I like "Airedales"? No I do not. Do I like any dog on the stand? No, I do not.
Do I like the .17? I guess I would if I had one, but I shoot a 22-250 and get along just fine with it, and I like it. What a man shoots is his "personal business".
There is a man by the name of Bob McCellan out in northern California, who hunts with Airedales. If there is anyone who hunts Airedales, and has the key to success, it is Bob. He does an outstanding job of using them to the fullest extent. His method is "Total Control" and there is a wealth of information in the phrase - "Total Control."
I will say this about the "Airedalers", although few in numbers, "They are a compassionate bunch."
Why not submit a picture in our contest of your neighbor and his dogs playing tug of war with a housecat. He'd probably forget about those airdale cracks if he was crowned Most Devastating Varminter in Cyberspace.
Aw; go easy on those poor damned hairdales Bruce....I read somewhere they rank 29th in intelligence, among some 50 odd breeds, even out ranked by a poodle! Maybe you ought to get you a poodle for toiling or tolling or whatever it is called