
Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I see ya want to Hunt Idaho. I don't hunt the Selway or that far up north but Would Love to Kyack (SP?) and hunt one

I hunt further south JUSt north of BOISE. I have had a litle success..... I am Getting bewtter though. I have yet to See a 300# bear though. I know their here but I haven't seen one....

Anyways, Welcome abourd and let's TALK BEARS!!!!!

PS: Check out my other website http://www.elkaholic.com then go to the PAST HUNTS on the Left side. I have a couple of bear pics there.....


<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


You guys and your unit numbers, I really need to get a map so I know what you're talking about.
The guys that were hunting out of our camp area, all work for Alpine archery, in Lewiston. They close the factory and move everyone and their familys to Johnson Bar, on the Selway, for Spring Bear Season, well at least for Memorial Day Weekend. I think it to be inspirational, kindof wish I could find work in the mountains.
Speaking of work, what do you do, Moosie? Maybe we should start an inquiry, so us guys that live in the Desert can see what you guys, that live in the woods, do for a living.
Devin, My bad
Here's the Idaho F&G link...


Here is the Unit Maps:


Check those out. Also In the regs there are MAps. Hope that helped!!

I hunt Unit 39 and 34 just an FYI !!!!

To read what I do Check out ME at my other website http://www.elkaholic.com Go to "ABOUT ME" on the Left side. Also Go to "PAST HUNTS" it has a pic or 3 of my bear!!!! Here is one I shot 2 years ago thats hanging on my wall.



It's not like a 300#er but It isn't too bad I guess

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


Nice mount moosie. My wife is a taxidermist and she likes the idea of that one.
What a small world, I too am a CAD Designer. I do HVAC for LUWA Intermech. I used to weld, then I started running sheetmetal jobs, and have since move into the office fulltime (last 3 years) doing just CAD, Submittals and support Engineering, for several jobs we have accross the country.

LUWA Bahnson

My job is not as flexable as yours. Last year I had bought tags for Muzzleloading and ended up in Arkansas for the entire season. Burned those tags. I did go Elk hunting, but in Washington, if you don't get drawn for the magic ticket, you ain't going to get nuthin.
My Uncle has property in NE Washington. Loads of Whitetail and Lots of Bears. Lots of BRUSH too. We see much sign of Bear, when we hunt up there, only problem is that there is just too much brush and it's difficult to stalk them. There are allot of Grizzlies up there now too. We've seen several, in fact I've seen more Griz than I have Blackies. Moose are in ubundance there too. Again, a Magic ticket is required.
I like your forum and will make it my regular stop. Thank you!

Devin, welcome to Moosies. I'm not far from you I'm up in Wenatchee. Glad to have another Eastern WA guy on here. Have a good one and welcome. :cool:
Devin, I've Met Terry "coydawg" from WA and He's TOP NOTCH!!! I'm just guessing Kirkl is too :D :D
WOW! those are some nice bulls you guys got there Kirkl! I got one of them in my sights, last year.

I was sick of not seeing anything so I hiked, about 2 miles, into the GoatRocks wilderness. I followed a stream up and when the bottom got too thick with downfall, I climbed up to the benches and continued following the stream. It was thick, so I kept going untill I found a good vantage point and sat down. I fell asleep for 20 min. or so and when I woke up I scanned the area below. I checked my watch and had some time, so I decided to hike up to the next bench and see what I could see. When I turned around, before standing, there was a 7x8 bull elk staring at me from 25 yards. His nose was on the ground and the wind was pretty hard, in my face. He saw me but didn't know what to think. I slowly rested back on my butt and put my 45-70 guide gun's sights on him (not ****ed, not ready), just to say that "had him in my sights". He just stayed like that for ever. I could hear more Elk in the area but couldn't see them. I decided to feel around in my bag, find a cow call and see if a spike would appear, like magic. I found the call and slowly got it to my mouth, I let out a very quiet cow call and that bulls head came up and he let out a gutteral huff that just sent shivers down my spine. He turned and headed up the hill at a walk. That's when I stood up and saw the other bull, a 5x5 that had been flanking me the whole time, I put my sights on him, at 50 yards, just to say "I had em in my sights". Unfortunately, they were the only Elk up there at that time and spikes were the only critter on the menu, for me.

On the way out, I found the biggest bear skull, I'e ever seen. I slipped it in my pack and still have it. That was the best hunt I've ever had.

I've kayaked the Wenachee river for years, from Levenworth to Cashmere. I just love that river. I have never been over Stephens Pass, but have looked at the maps and think that there must be bears up there?? Where do you guys get bears?


Devin, Now if you had a big bull permit you wouldnt have seen them, thats how it usually works out, did you score that skull you found. the one bear killed by an arrow was killed right here in yakima, the others were killed on the west side up by bellingham, theres lots of bears up there. I shot my bull up in the Nile and my cousin to, we got drawn for partners. theres getting to be lots of bulls around, the one 354 b&c bull on my page was killed in dayton. well i better get, talk later.


Im most likely the last Washington boy checking in with ya. :D :D I live in Enumclaw.
Theres plenty of bears in the high country.
A buddy at work wanted one. I took him up
high above Slippery Creek in the White River
drainage. He ended up shooting a nice boar.
My brother shot a 6'2" bad bad boy in the
Little Naches area. He sorta stumbled into
him. Oh well, some times ya get lucky. Let
me know if I can help you out. Welcome aboard! :cool:
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