Yeti GOBOX Collection

Here we go again.

Curiously, the most discomfort I've had with killing any animals is when I cleaned out a rabbit infestation in our back yard. I could not use a .22 for safety reasons and I found a pellet rifle will kill them, but slowly sometimes.

Their cries and the fact I was dumping them into the dumpster were factors. I'd do it again if needed, but I'd like to find a better way of dispatching them.

Regarding the video, it doesn't bother me,, don't really understand the need to upload it to the world.
People are just uncomfortable with death.

Too far removed isn't ok, long range shooting, drones (military), but then people cringe when it's face to face.

It's true even in movies, if you think about it.

Seems like 10-15 yards is great, vary from that people have an issue.

I think you are spot on.
I have always felt everyone who eats meat should go through at least one experience where they kill/process their own animal. It's too easy to eat meat in our society without appreciating the life behind it, or how it got on your plate.
He speared that thing right behind the shoulder. If I was the musk ox I'd be lot more worried about that flat brimmed douche on "hushin" or whatever who takes another 80 yard shoulder shot with a bow or the like. Ymmv
I saw a dude on a video put together by a major outdoor apparel company that I support try to “thread the needle” through the trees on an elk at 70yds over the weekend...
ricocheted of a branch... clean miss
And then they went into a long Rocky 4 style montage about how hard they work year round to be the best archers they can be.
I’m no one to judge, I can’t “thread the needle” at 12yds half the time, but 70yds seems like a long way to be “threading the needle” through trees.
Personally, that video really bothered me. The second spear was all bent up.
Saw that as well. It made me think that it was the first spear, and what we saw was the finishing shot on an already wounded animal. But no blood in the snow.

I understand why someone would want to do this, but I personally don't. All that being said- I just hope he never tries this with a cape buffalo. Might not end so well for him.
I know a lot of people that hunt that feel very uncomfortable about the idea of hunting a pig with a dog and a knife.
I’m very uncomfortable with a pig knife hunt. Not for the sake of the gruesomeness of it but rather it seems like a crazy and dangerous idea when I have a safe filled with firearms. 😂
I saw a dude on a video put together by a major outdoor apparel company that I support try to “thread the needle” through the trees on an elk at 70yds over the weekend...
ricocheted of a branch... clean miss
And then they went into a long Rocky 4 style montage about how hard they work year round to be the best archers they can be.
I’m no one to judge, I can’t “thread the needle” at 12yds half the time, but 70yds seems like a long way to be “threading the needle” through trees.
I’m not much of an archer but it seems 70 yards is a lot in an open prairie much less through the trees. Don’t care if Cam Hanes does it on videos or not. A lot can go wrong.
I’m very uncomfortable with a pig knife hunt. Not for the sake of the gruesomeness of it but rather it seems like a crazy and dangerous idea when I have a safe filled with firearms. 😂

I had a (distant) cousin now deceased from Tenn that used to knife hunt hogs. I was ALL for it! Not so such, in all honesty, to give the hogs a sporting chance but more so to keep a firearm out of HIS hands😳
Montana proposed spear hunting legislation in 2011. I guess success rates for archers were too high? Thank goodness it failed. That is about the only legislation we haven’t seen resurrected in 2021.
It was Nunivak island here in AK, very recent.
Thank you
I think what turns people off is how it just stood there and took it. Muskox are pretty stupid. A rifle or bow hunt is as challenging. I have zero desire to hunt one.

I think the faux rage against this animal being killed is weird. Rifle, bow, spear, they all result in a dead animal.
As mentioned earlier, they are not a hard hunt. But the meat is very tasty and the hide provides income ( the fibre is desired by apparel producers ) so we enjoy bringing one home for these reasons ;)
Killing is killing, but some things just don’t need video documentaries.
It is all relative to where a person is in their protein procurement comfortability. My wife thinks Randy's shows are gruesome. I think they are great. Some people are uncomfortable with a video like this. Others think it is fine.
Killing is killing, but some things just don’t need video documentaries.
On the opposite note, would it offend as many people if it this wasnt kept in the shadows?
I really dont understand why this video offends anyone any different than it would if the guy shot it?
On the opposite note, would it offend as many people if it this wasnt kept in the shadows?
I really dont understand why this video offends anyone any different than it would if the guy shot it?
People have wildly different reactions to learning how the sausage is made, I don't know if I would have shared the video personally.

People on this forum are offended by baiting, hunting with dogs, shooting calves, crossbows, too far, etc. I even have a couple hunting stories that while totally legal I wont share because I'm sure they would offended people.

So I guess I agree, I don't think people should find it offensive, but I understand that they probably will.
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