PEAX Equipment

Help With Single Pin Adjustable Sight Tapes


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2015
Front Range of Colorado
Quick question for those of you shooting a single pin adjustable sight. I have an older CBE Tek Hybrid Pro that came on a used bow I bought a year or so ago. I didn't use it because the screws holding the sight tape on were rounded out so the allen key just spun in the heads. PITA. I finally got the screws out after liberal PB Blaster and a left handed drill bit. So, now I have it on my V3 and spent some time at the range yesterday. I marked off 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards on the blank tape and the strange thing is the gap between 30 and 40 is larger than 40 and 50. I shot and re-shot the yardages multiple times and came up with the same result. Any ideas what is going on? It was a bit breezy yesterday but I was trying to only shoot when the winds were calmed down. Needless to say I can't match my marks up with any of the factory tapes.


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Physics says this is impossible. It has to be shooter error. When I site in I put a single horizontal line across the target so I'm not worrying about left-right. I would site in again.
You would be better off ordering new sight tape. They come in different gaps based on arrow speed I believe. What I do is not go by the posted speed but on a blank or your old tape set the top of the sight wherever I am grouping 20 yds and place a mark. Then I go out to 60 (you can work your way out slowly) and move the slider to that setting and make a mark. Measure the distance between those marks and find the tape it aligns with, and all yardages should be pretty darn close.
Archer error was my first thought which is why I kept re-doing it. I kept thinking there's no way this is possible. I'll have to have someone come with me and see if they can see what I'm messing up because I seem to be able to repeat it awfully well. Go figure. Looks like I'll erase the test marks and start over. Just needed a sanity check from the crowd!
Have someone stand to the side and vid you. See if you’re peeking, changing anchors, etc. at diff distances esp if you wear glasses.
I can offer an idea for the sake of argument. Something could be mechanically off in the sight. I don't know much about that sight but it could happen
I went into my local archery shop and they used a chronograph to determine speed. Then they weighed the arrow and took some measurements while I was drawn. They put all this into their system and printed a strip. Then I shot my bow in at 30 yards and put the tape on with the pin on 30. Then you can dial it from there. I don't think I'd do it any other way. I always practice 5 to 40 yards without moving my pin. I wouldn't take a first shot on an Elk past that distance anyway.