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My conclusion is that I'd really like my .270 to shoot better and more comfortably (less recoil). But how to get there is not straightforward, and there seem to be more options than ways to slice a potato. With half of HT swearing by them and the other half swearing at them. As is my way, I'm going to mind-#$%^ this decision to death before I do anything.
My conclusion is that I'd really like my .270 to shoot better and more comfortably (less recoil). But how to get there is not straightforward, and there seem to be more options than ways to slice a potato. With half of HT swearing by them and the other half swearing at them. As is my way, I'm going to mind-#$%^ this decision to death before I do anything.

Take us out of the equation. We're mostly dumbasses anyway.

You know you want your current gun to be better. Call @p_ham and get to talking. It's always good to talk to a guy that does this for a living. Tell him how much you want to spend and let him help make those decisions. Then ship the gun to him and let him do the work.

But if you aren't using high quality glass, then that has to be a part of the equation as well. ;)
Take us out of the equation. We're mostly dumbasses anyway.

But if you aren't using high quality glass, then that has to be a part of the equation as well. ;)
Tried, but you immediately reinserted yourself into the debate... you must make a great wife. LOL

What is "high quality" glass? It has a Vx3i. Some have pressed me that I should make better glass a top priority over everything else I've mentioned here. Maybe... IDK. <--- and we've come full circle again.
Tried, but you immediately reinserted yourself into the debate... you must make a great wife. LOL

What is "high quality" glass? It has a Vx3i. Some have pressed me that I should make better glass a top priority over everything else I've mentioned here. Maybe... IDK. <--- and we've come full circle again.

I put the VX3i in the high quality glass arena.

I've been married for 15 years. I've been beaten into submission, so there.
My conclusion is that I'd really like my .270 to shoot better and more comfortably (less recoil). But how to get there is not straightforward, and there seem to be more options than ways to slice a potato. With half of HT swearing by them and the other half swearing at them. As is my way, I'm going to mind-#$%^ this decision to death before I do anything.
Find a barrel, have it cut for your Tikka and a suppressor, have a gunsmith install it. Buy a can. Go forth and shoot.
Tikkas have pretty awful recoil pads, but mine has been great otherwise. A limbsaver upgrade made my tikka 30-06 way better to shoot for around $40 bucks.

I have no idea of your marksmanship skills but a really easy way to see if your gun needs work or if you need work is to just swap rifles with someone who is getting good groups for a minute. Do you also shoot lights out with their rifle and they struggle with yours? If so, you might have an equipment problem. If not, maybe the rifles not the issue. I had a buddy stop messing with their rifle and start working on their own undiagnosed flinch issuer after I shot a fine group with the rifle that had been frustrating them.

That being said, buy the canoe!

My conclusion is that I'd really like my .270 to shoot better and more comfortably (less recoil). But how to get there is not straightforward, and there seem to be more options than ways to slice a potato. With half of HT swearing by them and the other half swearing at them. As is my way, I'm going to mind-#$%^ this decision to death before I do anything.
The only acceptable smith .357 w/ a 3 inch tube is a K-frame, gentlemen.

All others should be sent to me for destruction.

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