PEAX Equipment

Help me spend my bonus

i hear there are some western states with good hunting that love donations to their preference point and app fee coffers.
Key phrase : " of your choice".
But I was thinking something charitable that could actually help a person in need.
Look at it as an investment that you get the added benefit of recreating on. Instead of stocks or bonds, own some real estate. Are your other investments just for you? You might not make quite the same return on recreational land as on equity investments but you might be able to come close.

I'm having to deal with this right now, the land I bought in 2007 that I told the wife was an investment just got an unsolicited offer of over 4 times what I paid for it. It is well over the current market price because of it's proximity to an electric substation that was built 4 years ago. To be true to my word calling it an investment, I'm going to sell it. BUT I'm going to reinvest that money (plus some more) into another piece of "investment" property.
I agree with Npaden, buy some land and hang on to it as an investment. I bought a chunk of ground 37 years ago and my only issue now is how to limit my capital gains when I decide to sell. An old farmer told me way back then to buy land, they don’t make it any more. lol
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Key phrase : " of your choice".
But I was thinking something charitable that could actually help a person in need.

hey man, i live in the highest GDP and personal income rocky mountain west state.

i am in need of cheap elk tags.
  • Haha
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having just gone through this ridiculous thread...

At 40, and as a lifelong hunter, I have bought, for myself, 2 guns in my life, and I funded one by selling a gun I was gifted as a teen.
I have a few guns (or do I ATF?) but in the end I use one rifle and one shotgun. I look at upgrading each one annually but haven’t found anything that will do the job better than what I have now. Both are worn and scratched but kill animals for me consistently.

A beautiful upgraded shotgun would be nice but I know I’m going to rub it against rocks chukar hunting. I’m too frugal to have a skeets only shotgun.
I have a few guns (or do I ATF?) but in the end I use one rifle and one shotgun. I look at upgrading each one annually but haven’t found anything that will do the job better than what I have now. Both are worn and scratched but kill animals for me consistently.

A beautiful upgraded shotgun would be nice but I know I’m going to rub it against rocks chukar hunting. I’m too frugal to have a skeets only shotgun.
that's where I'm at too most of the time. I abuse my two guns. it would pain me to get a pretty 16 double then have to use it to self arrest.
So what trips your trigger?
no idea anymore, it's odd, getting old has presented some unexpected surprises.
Look at it as an investment that you get the added benefit of recreating on. Instead of stocks or bonds, own some real estate. Are your other investments just for you? You might not make quite the same return on recreational land as on equity investments but you might be able to come close.

I'm having to deal with this right now, the land I bought in 2007 that I told the wife was an investment just got an unsolicited offer of over 4 times what I paid for it. It is well over the current market price because of it's proximity to an electric substation that was built 4 years ago. To be true to my word calling it an investment, I'm going to sell it. BUT I'm going to reinvest that money (plus some more) into another piece of "investment" property.
Ok, but in doing so I'm going to spend 100x more money, when I could reinvest that, have a larger return (potentially) and not have to struggle with the concept of selling something that you've become attached to.
... not have to struggle with the concept of selling something that you've become attached to...
THIS! Land is only an investment if you don't fall in love with it. If you fall in love with It and can't/won't ever sell it then it isn't really an investment.
Also, someone mentioned a softtopper, I have one and love it! Can take it off completely in 2 minutes and have full access to bed. That and a decked drawer system will change your life, ha ha.
Truck Cap: I debate this every year, it would be great most of the time, but I'll still need to take it off for firewood and xmas tree, and occasionally dirt/rock hauling.

I get the internal debate. There are positives and negatives to having one. i decided against is in the new truck, but on trips I wish I had one. I saw one of these softoppers and it didn't look half bad. The only issue is probably security.

1 - if you're on the fence with a truck cap, try a softopper. i love mine, it goes on and off in seconds.
I've done so much parking lot advertisement and sales with mine that I think they owe me a commission at this point. 10 years old, still great

EDIT: and re:security, if it isn't nailed down, you just don't leave it in the car in New Mexico
This thread is starting to turn into picking a restaurant with my wife...

What do you want? I don't know, you pick. How about pizza? Nah. How about burgers? Nah. Sushi? Nah. Well what do you want? I don't care, you decide. Italian? Nuh-uh.
They say that a couple slowly grow together as they age...
Ok, I'm coming out of the closet on this one. I don't get why people like #1s. They're ugly and deliberately less functional.
Judging from this statement I would highly suggest you spend the money on a therapist. Or save the therapist money and buy a #1
Another vote for a fiberglass topper. I thought I would need to take mine on and off. Haven't had it off in 4 years. I have a utility trailer that handles anything i cannot get in the topper. I would never be without a fiberglass topper. If you do need to take it off, you need a buddy and 5 minutes of time. Not a big deal. Unless the buddy arrives with refreshments. Then you need more time.

Shot in the dark here, but is there a lot near you that could provide both an investment and a place to store stuff? Build a shed? We bought the lot next door to us and sure glad we did.
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