Help launch the North American Pronghorn Foundation - GoFundMe

Thanks for the updates and all the work you guys are doing. Super exciting stuff for anybody and everybody that loves pronghorn.
My personal preference and suggestion , but for the T shirts, even if you have to price the merch a couple dollars higher, going with the super soft cotton/poly blend is worth it.
Keep up the good work!
Shirts are the next level apparel 6210 and the Bella+canvas 3001. Both are lightweight and soft.
Announcement: As stated previously, the NAPF is preparing for our opening launch, and we intend to give early and exclusive access to our early supporters.

Please PM me if you’re interested in merch or memberships for the pre-launch(GoFundMe supporters have also received instructions). I will give you a password to the website so you can sign up for the pre-launch. (The store will still be locked so you will not be able to purchase anything yet).

When we open the Pre-launch for founding supporters we will send out a message to the email you provide us on the early access sign up form with a second password that gets you into the NAPF store where you will be able to buy merch and memberships.

Sign up for pre-launch on the homepage on the form that looks like the image below.
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